
Tainted Destiny

In a realm teeming with fantastical creatures, a determined young man sets out on a perilous journey to fulfill his destiny. Armed with only his wits and the unwavering strength of his spirit, he battles his way through a treacherous landscape filled with dangerous beasts, powerful demons, and awe-inspiring angels. With every challenge he faces, he grows stronger and more resolute, determined to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. But as he rises through the ranks and gains the attention of powerful allies and enemies alike, he begins to question whether he can truly change his fate or whether he is destined for a darker, more tragic end. Will he triumph against all odds, or will he succumb to the forces that seek to bring him down? Only time will tell in this epic tale of courage, perseverance, and the power of destiny.

CANON_Player · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Visiting a Friend

Neo's grandparents were welcomed back to their mansion, situated in the heart of the city. The luxurious estate was a testament to their wealth and status, and served as a reminder of their esteemed position in society. In a city where owning even a small room came at an exorbitant cost, the mansion was a symbol of the family's power and influence. As they entered the grand entrance, they were greeted by a retinue of maids and a butler, who promptly showed them to their lavish accommodations.

Before retiring to their respective rooms, Neo's grandparents informed him that they had plans to dine with their friend. With that settled, they parted ways. Neo, on the other hand, was eager to explore the vastness of the capital.

Neo stepped out of his grandparents' mansion and took a deep breath. The air was filled with the smell of various foods, perfumes, and spices. The streets were bustling with people of different races and backgrounds, all going about their daily lives.

As he walked down the street, Neo saw a group of children playing a game with marbles. He stopped and watched for a moment, intrigued by their enthusiasm. One of the children noticed him and asked if he wanted to play. Neo hesitated for a moment but decided to join in. It was a simple game, but he found himself having fun, something he had not felt in a long time.

After bidding farewell to the children, Neo continued his exploration of the city. He passed by shops selling all sorts of items, from weapons to clothes, to magical potions. The colors, sounds, and smells of the city were overwhelming. Neo wondered how anyone could ever get bored in this place.

He saw people of all kinds, some were rich and others were poor. But everyone seemed to have a purpose and a place in this city. Neo walked down the bustling streets of the Capital, his eyes scanning the various shops and vendors lining the sidewalks. He was particularly drawn to a shop with a sign that read "Magical Items and Devices."

As he stepped inside, he was immediately hit with a wave of magical energy. The shop was filled with all kinds of items, from potions and enchanted weapons to rare crystals and books on magical theory.

But what caught Neo's eye were the rows of intricate devices lining the shelves. He walked up to a display case, admiring a small, ornate box with glowing runes etched into its surface.

"What's this?" he asked the shopkeeper, a tall, thin man with a long white beard.

The shopkeeper grinned. "Ah, that's a Memory Box. It records and stores your memories, allowing you to relive them at any time. Perfect for those who want to preserve their happiest moments."

Neo was intrigued, and the shopkeeper noticed. He continued, "And this here is a Spectral Lens. It allows you to see spirits and other supernatural beings that are normally invisible to the naked eye."

Neo couldn't believe his eyes as he watched the shopkeeper pull out more and more magical devices. There was a ring that allowed the wearer to phase through solid objects, a cloak that made the wearer invisible, and even a potion that granted the ability to breathe underwater.

As he perused the various items, Neo couldn't help but wonder about the people who created them. He asked the shopkeeper, "Who makes these devices?"

The shopkeeper smiled. "Most of them are made by skilled craftsmen who have studied the art of enchanting for many years. Some are even created by mages who specialize in creating magical items."

As Neo browsed through the magical items, his eyes fell upon a ring displayed in a glass case. It was a storage ring, a rare and valuable item made from the parts of beasts with space affinity. The ring allowed the wearer to store a certain amount of items inside, making it a valuable tool for adventurers and mages alike.

Curious, Neo approached the shopkeeper and inquired about the ring's price. When the shopkeeper quoted the price at 3000 gold coins, Neo was taken aback. The amount was exorbitant, even for a valuable item such as this.

Despite the high price, Neo couldn't resist the lure of the storage ring. He considered the benefits it could bring him in his future endeavors, and the potential advantages it could offer in a fight and with the amount of money he inherited from his parents he buyed it.

As he left the shop, Neo couldn't help but think about the value of money in the human realm. The monetary system worked on a hierarchical basis, with 100 bronze coins equating to 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins equating to 1 gold coin. Furthermore, 100 gold coins equated to 1 imperial coin, and 100 imperial coins equated to a magic coin. It was a complex system, but one that was necessary to maintain order and stability in the realm.

As the sun began to set, Neo realized that he had been walking for hours. He decided to head back to his grandparents' mansion. After meeting up with his grandparents they left together.

Neo and his grandparents arrived at the home of their friends, Viscount and Viscountess Asbury. The couple had been close friends of Neo's grandparents for years.

As they entered the grand dining hall, they were greeted warmly by the Asburys. The Viscount and Viscountess were a noble-looking couple, dressed in their finest clothing. They introduced their daughter, Elena, who was Neo's age and had just become a mage.

The dinner was a grand affair, with multiple courses of delicious food and drinks. The Asburys had prepared a feast fit for a king, and the conversation was lively and entertaining.

Neo and Elena quickly struck up a conversation, and she shared her excitement about joining the Emerald Academy in a month's time. They talked about their magical affinities and shared stories about their training experiences.

As the night went on, the conversation turned to more serious matters. The Viscount and Viscountess spoke about the recent troubles in the realm, including rumors of dark magic and evil sorcerers.

Neo's grandfather, who was a skilled knight, shared his insights on the matter and spoke about how they should be prepared for any eventuality. The conversation became more somber, and they discussed the importance of staying vigilant and keeping the realm safe.

Despite the serious tone, the dinner was enjoyable, and they all had a wonderful time. As the night drew to a close, the Asburys thanked Neo's grandparents for their visit and invited them to return soon.

On the way back to their mansion, Neo's grandparents expressed their admiration for the Asburys and how well they had raised their daughter. Neo, lost in his thoughts, realized that he had made a new friend in Elena.