
Tadano's 100 girlfriends

An Amazing story of an Komi-san can't communicate anime. Just imagine what will happen if Tadano will have a harem.

Jumbo_Ignir · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 4


It was end of lessons,Tadano was nervous all day because of things he said.

No one was in class....well no one beside Komi.

Tadano was too tired to even notice her being in class so he hopelessly fell into a deep slumber.

"!" Komi noticed him sleeping hopelessly and started to look at him.

His pale skin,Black hair with a tip looking like white flower....Komi was stroking his hair.

Surprisingly it was soft and fluffy.

Feeling a bit happy about having a friend she started to stroke his hair...more and more.

She had never been this close to a boy.

Feeling interested as if mad scientist making a discovery she touched his cheeks.

A fluffy cheeks of Tadano made her excited. Frankly speaking Tadano seemed really cute when he was sleeping....as if little racoon trying to hide itself from a wind,Tadano,was snoring.

"C....Cute....." She said touching his cheeks.

Suddenly she noticed that Tadano's cheeks got red from her hands.

She lost herself...she didn't knew what to do....but than again,wait....she remembers that whenever she got hurt her mother kissed the place where she was hurt.

Feeling nervous she kissed Tadano's cheek.

"Chu" the smooching sound got out from her.

Her heart racing like a car she was nervous and sweaty.

Since ever she met him she was always feeling happy. It was just one day since they became friends but Tadano already made a huge impression on her....it can't be said that Cupid's love charms didn't played a role here.

Feeling all red she finally decided to say a word while he was sleeping.



A bell rang waking up Tadano while Komi as if panthera sat back down on her place.

"Ah! I fell asleep....and my cheeks feel itchy....ouch." He was stroking his cheeks in order for a pain to calm down. "Hmm....Oh! Komi-san I didn't noticed you." He finally noticed Komi sitting beside him.

For some reason she was all red with a reddish cheeks and a rather worried expression.

"I-Is something wrong,Komi-san???"

She shook her head.

"N.... Nothing....." She said reddish.

Tadano froze. It was the first time he heard her voice.

"B-Beautiful...." He whispered surprised to hear such a pure voice.

"!?" Komi blushed again.

Tadano realising what he said started to violently shake his hands.

"I-I didn't meant this in this way! I...I... Don't mean you are not beautiful or something like I mean you are beautiful and pretty I just mean that your voice is beautiful as well and...and...and..."

Komi was blushing....yet she was happy.

Tadano thought of her as beautiful girl and that's why she was happy.

Feeling all courageous she decided to say something.

She wasn't really the type of girl who was that brave to say this but nonetheless with Cupid's magic acting on,she decided to say it.

"T... Tadano-kun...."

"Hmm?" He said looking towards her.

"I...." She was trembling. "....I....I...L...Love you....."

A silence.... Tadano raised both of his eyes.


"I....Love You.... Tadano-kun...."


What was going on? Why did Komi suddenly said that?

Tadano didn't knew what to do nor what to say at this.

He was twitching....but the one who was more twitchy was....Komi.