
Tadano's 100 girlfriends

An Amazing story of an Komi-san can't communicate anime. Just imagine what will happen if Tadano will have a harem.

Jumbo_Ignir · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 3

Tadano didn't knew what to do at situation like this.

"S-So umm....why exactly can't you talk with people?"

Komi was hesitant....she didn't knew what to say actually.

Silence grew more awkward.

Since Komi can't talk than Tadano came up with an idea.

"Hey Komi-san...how about you write your thoughts on the desk?"

That's right.

She thought going towards the desk and writing something.

'Actually I want to eat.' she wrote casually.

Tadano hesitantly blurred out an answer;"So you are hungry? Shall I bring you something to eat?"

She however shook her head.

'I'm hungry but.... actually I wanna talk.'

'Wanna talk?' Hesitant as ever he was trying to put all dots together.

'Since my middle school I was avoided many times....I wanna talk but whenever I try to speak I'm getting all red.'

Even in writing she was feeling nervous....her heart still throbbing near Tadano,she was slowly getting closer towards him.

'I am scared to talk with people because I think they hate me... whenever I talk with them they start to lose consciousness or kneel down and bow to me.'

Tadano sweatdroped....She has got it completely wrong.

'In Junior high I felt so different from other kids....I can't even say hello...or talk about weather.' writing on the blackboard with chalk the *tak*-ing sounds made it more relaxing. Komi was right she was bad at communicating.

Hiccuping sounds were getting out from her.

Tadano felt uneasy.

'She might be beautiful and really pretty but.... that's right. She is a girl afterall.' He got out his handkerchief and extended it towards Komi-san.

She simply turned back with no traces of tears.

'I was just hiccuping.'

Feeling embarrassed Tadano let go of a handkerchief in his hand.

'I'm sorry Tadano....'

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?"

Remembering all the beatings Tadano passed through she decided to not make it worse.


'She just shrugged off my question....' Tadano thought in background.

'I'm actually sorry for talking too much...I know I am bothering you so.....'

Proceedings to go out she yet again tried to exit.

This time Tadano didn't stopped her... instead he got her attention getting the chalk into his hand.

'The weather is surely nice today isn't it?' He wrote on desk.

Komi looked at it surprised. Nonetheless she got the chalk as well.

'Yes,it is good.' She wrote.

"Let's try some more." Finally coming up with a plan Tadano got chalk and started to write again.'Cherry blossoms are surely beautiful this year.'

Komi finding all confidence in herself started to write... strangely her heart was throbbing even faster than ever. Looking towards Tadano...his face...his eyes...his hairstyle.... everything seemed so....so....so handsome (?) to her.

It was as Cupid old man said. Whenever the soulmate will look right into your eyes they will fall in love.

You can call it love at first sight if you want.

Starting the conversation they started to talk about different topics.

'When we talked about lunchtime I thought you were crying.'

'Sorry. I can't stop my hiccups.'

'Oh that's not a problem. Here: -Drink.water. -Breath Deeply.'

'Thanks. From where do you know that?'

'I searched it up.'

'I'm hungry.'

'Me too.'

'I'm glad that our class have so many interesting people.'


'During my introduction I was so embarrassed that thought that everyone were laughing at me.'

'Eh? i loved it. I laughed at it.'

'What!? Really....'

'Yes, Really.'

'Really, Really, Really???'


'Thanks for picking up my eraser.'

'Nah,I did what was needed.Tho why did you stay behind in the classroom?'

'I thought you didn't knew about going to gym.'

And so on the dialogue was continued untill.....

'What's your dream,Komi-san?' Tadano asked kiddingly.

Komi stopped for a moment.

'Promise to not laugh.'

'I won't laugh.'

Shaking she finally wrote what was in her mind.

"I wish to have 100th of friends....but it is a hard dream...."

Tadano was embarrassed at first but found courage to reply.

"That is actually an easy task...with me you have 99 people left to be friends with you."

He blushed writing that.

Komi blushed as well....but in whole another way.

"A-Ah sorry I am not good to be your friend...."

Komi started to shake her head.

'That sounds good.'

She was red. Not wanting to say anything more she finally got out of the classroom.

Her heart was still pounding fast...she accelerated towards unknown way leaving Tadano behind.

Tadano was also all red like a tomato.

Little did our Tadano knew that the thing he wrote on the desk seemed like a confession.

Feeling embarrassed Komi sat on nearby bench shaking....but she wasn't sad nor embarrassed strangely....she was....smiling happily...?

This was the start of the story of making 100 friends and finding your 100 soulmates.