
Meeting the Noble Alvis

Inside the kitchen, Gerard and Mel are busy cooking and preparing the food for the distinguished guest of the Town Chief.

Before even the sun rises on the horizon, Mel and Gerard already start preparing the ingredients and cooking tools in the kitchen.

After 3 hours, they were called by the Town Chief.

Upon entering, they were greeted by several people. Four maids are standing not far away on the long rectangular table.

The table is full of foods they cooked and beverages.

There are two people currently seated and eating.

The old man and the middle-aged man.

The old man is rather in a not so luxurious clothing but it exudes an aura of being a respectable old man.

He then use the system and in an instant, the information regarding the old man appeared.

[NPC: Town Chief Rook]

[Level: 10]

[Title: Town Chief of West Town]

He then darted away from Rook and his eye caught the silent yet almost stoic expression of the middle-aged man.

He already knew who this man was and he is the first noble he saw ever since his consciousness was trapped inside the game.

Instantly, the information of the said person displays in front of him.

[Elite NPC: Count Alvis Arman]

[Level: ???]

[Title: Count of Edo Kingdom]

Gerard was surprised that the level was not displayed the same as Kurosawa. He didn't expect Count Alvis to be another powerhouse.

Gerard cannot be blamed, after all the temperament of Count Alvis is different compared to the beast he had encountered.

He then examined the proud knight standing near them.

[Elite NPC: Captain Kallus]

[Level 40]

[Title: Knight Captain of the Arman Nobility]

If Mel fought this guy, Mel will surely be defeated in no time.

Then Gerard heard everything from when Mel and Count Alvis exchanged pleasantries, to offering a reward.

Hearing about the rewards, Gerard almost grinned.

And when he see the cloth bag on the hand of the Captain that was surely full of coins, Gerard contained himself. And when Count Alvis told Mel that there were gold coins inside the cloth bag, Gerard almost stop breathing, clutched his chest, and fell unconscious.

The cloth bag is not that big and not that small, it is the right size for 50 coins to fit inside.

As a peasant like himself in this stage of the game, that 50 gold coins are enough for him to be televised around the world. With the headline of richest player in the Kingdom.

He doubts that someone will replace him in the history of the kingdom that becomes a wealthy man after a day of the official launch.

He is on cloud nine because if Mel receives the rewards, he will surely get some of the gold coins.

But his being on cloud nine was disrupted when he heard that Mel will not accept the gold coins.

He almost shout when he heard him refuse.

As the persuasion of Count Alvis continues and so does the refusal of Mel continue.

Then Gerard heard that Count Alvis want to recruit Mel as a personal Chef in his estate in the Capital of the Edo Kingdom.

His eyes suddenly brim with excitement even though it is not him that was offered. But as an apprentice of Mel, if the latter agreed, then there's a high possibility that Mel will bring him along.

But again, Mel refused the offer.

Gerard racks his brain to find the reason why. But he cannot find any. Mel is not included on the NPC he was briefed before when he was still active as Senior Developer that created this game.

To his dismay, Mel didn't want to accept both the rewards and the job offered.

Since he cannot take it anymore, he went ahead and grab the cloth bag that contained 50 gold coins.

"My Lord, thank you so much. As the apprentice of my master, I will take it for him. My master is just shy because he is not used to receiving rewards from others."

Hearing him say that, Mel almost smacks the back of his head of Gerard. The latter also felt the ferocious beast that will pounce on him any moment. But he didn't mind it at all. After all, they are in front of a Count. And he doubts that Mel will do any stupid things as he did now.

On the other hand, Count Alvis's brow furrowed, and look at Mel and ask a question.

"Is he your apprentice?"

Mel didn't have a choice but to let go of Gerard's action and respectfully answer the Count.

"Yes, My Lord. I apologize for his blunder. He is still a brat and didn't know the ways of the world. I will surely discipline him later."

"No, it's okay. What is his name?" Then Count Alvis's gaze turns towards Gerard.

"His name is Payne, he helped me prepare the ingredients and made the dish."

Count Alvis scrutinizes Gerard greatly from head to toe.

Gerard felt that the gaze alone is overpowering him. No wonder the Level 2 Superior System is still not enough to display Count Alvis's level.

In an instant, a familiar womanly voice echoed in his head.

[Superior System can identify anything inside this game. No other Interface Menu or system can surpass me. It is just because you are a weak, and slowpoke which binds me to practice my full potential]

Uhm. The system, are you mad?

[It's just in your imagination]

Really? Why is it that I felt that your natural voice is somewhat full of fury?]

[Again. It is just in your imagination. If you didn't stop pestering me, the fury of electricity is the thing you will be felt a moment later]

Suddenly, Gerard stops teasing the system.

Well, apart from the joke, what the system told him is the truth.

I want to level you up quickly too you know? It's just that the conditions of issuing a quest and obtaining a quest are just hard which leash me from exerting my full potential like yours. Gerard muttered in his heart.

Gerard was called back in reality when Count Alvis greeted him.

"The pleasure is all mine, My Lord. We hope that the food is to your liking."

Gerard greeted back with full of respect.

Count Alvis nodded his head in acknowledgment. The young man in front of him knows how to act in front of a noble.

"I will extend my invitation to yours, if your Master accepts the invitation, then you can come as well. Unless you do not want to. The decision is up to you."

"Your humble servant is very grateful, My Lord."

Then Count Alvis turn around and return to his seat.

Mel and Gerard were ushered outside the dining room and proceeded to the kitchen.

Gerard was exhilarated by the turn of events, not only did he receive wealth just now but the job offered was extended to him.

Talk about being lucky!

When they enter the kitchen, Mel smacks his head lightly. After all, if he smacks him with force. With his current strength, Gerard will need immediate medical attention or healing.

"You brat! How dare you get the cloth bag from him when I refused Count Alvis multiple times!"

"Master, I am sorry but these gold coins will help us with our daily expenses. It is a win don't you think?"

Mel only snorted and extend his hand to him.

Gerard play coy and tilted his head.

"If you didn't give me the cloth bag, start saying any prayer you know because you will be unconscious for a full week!"

Gerard gulped and quickly handed over the cloth bag.

Then Mel started counting the gold coins.

While he was counting, Gerard cannot help but salivate on the wealth in front of him.

"This is exactly 50 gold coins."

He then divided the coins into three.

20 gold coins for both of them and 10 gold coins for the Town Chief.

Gerard complains "Why did the Town Chief get a share?!"

Mel calmly answers him "Because if we don't give him a share, he will surely drive us out."

"What? Aren't you guys friends?"

Mel snorted "Friend? That old man is a cunning one, we only know each other by names but I sense that he is not to be trusted when I first step foot in the West Town."

Gerard was perplexed and inquired.

"What do you mean?"

"How long do you think I was staying here?"

"5 years?"

"Correct. When I and my daughter started living here, he is already the Town Chief. And how long do you think the Town Chief can retain his position?"

Gerard becomes confused. Is there a thing? The last time he knows is the Noble Family who had jurisdiction in the land have the only right to appoint a Town Chief or Mayor.

"Until he resigned?"

Mel clicked his tongue "Where did you come from?! Anyway, the Town Chief same as Mayor has three years to run the management of the land. And if the noble family was satisfied with the performance, they can retain them for another three years, and that's it. That's the limit they have, 6 years. Because if they extend it, the Royal Family will interfere and question the said noble and investigate what was happening during those six years."

Gerard was taken aback.

That's how democracy works. 3 years in the office of local government.

So the government system changes drastically as well, huh?

"So how long does the Town Chief hold his position?"

"A decade."

"What?! Then if you said is true, why the Royal Family hasn't done anything? Isn't it an abuse of power?"

Mel in response dryly laughs before giving him an answer.

"I don't know but based on the rumor I heard, the Count is the closes aide of the current king. And I'm pretty sure I do not need to explain further right?"

Gerard nodded his head in a daze.

He already knows that the Arman Nobility is a friend of the Royal Family because of the past and the connection between the missing amulet and the previous player who defended the land of the Edo Kingdom. But he didn't expect that they are the closes aide of the Royal Family.

Well, he didn't care much more or less. Actually, knowing this information gives him an advantage. Before he wants to openly partake in the mission, but right now due to the Arman Nobility being the closes aide to the royal family, he changes some of his plans.

He is now more determined to find the missing amulet, discretely.

And how he can do that? Simple, the 10 gold coins are the answer. He only needed to get close to the Town Chief and through him, he can obtain more information if there was progress in finding the amulet.

Although he knows where is the location, powerful beasts and monsters are lurking near it. So he needed to join the players disguised as their cook!

So while the party is looking around, he can also excuse finding some firewood for their cooking. And from that, he will proceed to the location of the missing amulet.

Once he did, he will safely keep it inside his inventory.

Players and the Count would not suspect him, after all, he is considered an NPC, not a player or hero. But again, unless he makes an error during the process of obtaining the amulet.

For him, it is a foolproof plan.

The only problem is the monsters near it. Although he inquires more than five times about the Superior System that he will not die of a monster attack. But it is still dreadful because even if he cannot die, he will still feel the painful process of being attacked by monsters.

He also inquires if his body will be shredded to pieces if gigantic monsters attack him or if the said monsters swallow him whole, would he melt inside the stomach of the monster? The superior system assured him not.

He sighed in relief. He has the thickest plot armor there is in the novel he read but still, experiencing the pain in the process may somehow break him down, and worse his mind will break. And that's the last thing he didn't want to happen.
