
First Rewards and Trouble

After deciding not to provoke the Supreme System anymore, Gerard wanders about in the West Town, trying to familiarize himself with the Town.

Since he had a total of 5 Silver Coins and 75 Copper Coins on him, he should find an Inn.

Earlier, when he gave the monetary rewards to Lite, a notification was sent to him.

[Congratulation to the Host]

[Here's the reward for the quest completion]

2 Eternal Coins

2 Silver Coins

10% Supreme System Experience

He quickly opens the Interface and looks at his inventory. He smiles upon seeing the monetary rewards and saw the Exp Bar of the Interface was filled.

As for 2 Eternal Coins, he quite gets the gist of why he received such a coin though he does not belong to any Player category. It is the same as monetary rewards for Gold, Silver, and Copper coins. If he issued a quest to Government Player, then he has a stock to give to the Government Player upon quest completion.

But to make sure, he clicks on the Eternal Coins and all the information instantly displays for him to read.

Gerard furrowed his brows deeply at every second that has passed while reading the information.

"Hmm. So that's it". He mumbles while nodding his head softly after confirming his guess is quite correct.

It seems that the System wants everything to be fair for everyone.

The reason being is the Government Player will be given the option to choose a reward that either contains Monetary Rewards or Eternal Coin Rewards.

The System or the Developer Team behind the creation of the System thinks thoroughly about every scenario.

If one looks closely, the Government Player has a big advantage. Why? Because even before they log in inside the game, they are already part of a larger community which is the government of their country. Imagine the leader of the country tasked all the military personnel under their wings to collect or hoard Eternal Coin at the beginning of the game, then even before the real war started, that country already had the advantage.

After pondering things for a moment, he found the loophole in the original plan.

If his memory served him right, the original plan for this kind of rewards system is as follows

Government players can earn Monetary Rewards and Eternal Coins after the completion of the quest. While Normal Players can only earn Monetary Rewards. Although Eternal Coins to a Normal Player has no value, a Government Player that is already part of a large community will earn Eternal Coins at a fast pace while their Players are getting stronger faster compared to a Normal Player that has no backing or any part of a large community.

To avoid this from happening, they amended the rewards system by letting Government Players choose, either Monetary Rewards or Eternal Coin Rewards. If the Government Player chooses Eternal Coin as a reward, then it is considered a win to the Government community, a step closer to establishing one's country and preparing for war if wage.

But the Player who earned the Eternal Coin will be left behind by other Players, usually Normal Players. Even if they coax their military personnel into the real world and will pay real currency just to grind for Eternal Coins, the gap between the Normal Players against them will only widen. Why? Because they needed coins too! Room accommodation and food!

How can they fight monsters if they lack food? Even in parties with the healer, the healer cannot heal simultaneously the 5 Players in Party Team. Even if the Government Community thinks of a way, it is unlikely to be successful at this stage of the game.

Amending this type of rewards system, give breathing room for Normal Player who wants to establish a kingdom of their own. Why not? This world is three times the size of the Earth. They cannot be threatened by counties as well because their personal information is well hidden and cannot be cracked or hacked. It was guaranteed because the Supreme System is the safest and most advanced System.

He was about to close the Interface when he received another notification and immediately reads it.


[Additional Rewards for successfully completing the first issued Quest]

25 Copper Coins

One System Perk (Hide and Unhide the NPCs and Player's name individually or generally)

1 Reputation Point

[The Host can now open the Reputation Tab in the Supreme System Menu Interface. The Reputation Point can be gained by leveling up the Supreme System Menu Interface. Reputation shows the statistics and respect earned from the Players. Also, Reputation can be spent on items and equipment from the Merchant Guild that is not open on the Market. Or the Host can exchange Reputation Points for land and property. Advising the Host to spend Reputation Points wisely]

Then the Interface Menu displays him the Reputation Tab.

[Reputation Tab]

Reputation Level: 0 (0/20)

Players Respect – 1%

Available Reputation Points: 1

He then clicks on the Reputation Level to know what it is all about.

[Reputation Level Description]

The Reputation Level is the Host's social standing. The Host can earn title any title depending on the type of Government the Host is currently registered at. The Host can increase the Level using the Reputation Points]

Oh! That's it. Gerard cannot help but be amazed. This is definitely a Kingdom Building or Nation Building type of game!

He grew excited every time he read new information regarding this world! And his curiosity skyrocketed. Who wouldn't? He has a chance to build and become one of those people who experience perks that a normal citizen cannot experience. If he gets lucky, he might be able to build his own Country or Kingdom!

Although it is not written in the Reputation Tab, his guts told him it is not impossible! As long as he strives to gain Reputations Points and level up his Reputation!

Gerard smirked and gazed at the remaining 4 Tabs that is currently frozen. He wonders what kind of perks he can get on those 4 remaining tabs!

He then takes a left turn after passing by the Central Plaza and saw the Inn fifty yards away. While walking towards the Inn, he made sure that all the stores, streets, and buildings are saved on his map.

While walking around he also saw a lot of players wandering about and doing their own business. Some are trying to haggle the prices of the goods of store and stall owners while others are trying their luck to trigger quests.

Gerard felt a pain in his heart. If he can only initiate the quest, then it won't be long before his System Menu Interface levels up, giving him lots of perks and Reputation Points.

Gerard tries to familiarize everything. He should be, after all, he cannot say for sure if the Supreme System will stay as his own system. There are lots of things he needs to understand first before he can totally relax.

So while walking towards the Inn, he scrutinizes everything that his eyes can see.

Although the game produces a carbon copy of every slope, terrain, mountain range, and even the river, Gerard is still on the stage of familiarizing the West Town. This is due to the fact that streets, houses, and park changes place compared to what he remembers.

Gerard stops on his track upon arriving at the front of the Inn. The Inn has its own backyard filled with grasses and some kind of flowers he is not familiar with. Overall, the exterior design and ambiance are nice.

The name of the Inn is written in big fonts on the door, Midnight Inn. Before he grips the knob and pushes it, he heard a merry commotion inside the Inn.

He was then greeted by gathering people eating, drinking, and talking with each other. As expected, the ground floor is like a Reso Bar on Earth. There are 10 rectangular wooden tables with four chairs each. The servery counter or short for the counter is on the right corner of the ground floor. The counter has also five high chairs that are currently vacant.

A large Candle Chandelier is hanging in the center of the ground floor while smaller ones are stuck on the walls that provide illumination.

Four windows that are currently closed are placed in the walls.

For him, this establishment passed on his taste, but what didn't pass his taste are the NPCs and some groups of players that are too loud. Some are bullying the other players while others watch and mocked them.

Well, what can you expect from a bar in the fantasy world? There is always bound to be trouble inside.

And that is what is happening right now.

There are groups of players, and four of them are probably friends who are teasing, probably harassing. Maybe he is just paranoid, they are simply teasing the single woman with her whole right arm covered in bandages while silently standing, face down, and having her ears receive the annoying sounds mumbling about those groups.

Since all of them are Players, Gerard ignores them after gazing at them for a couple of seconds. He walks and heads over to the counter to ask for an available room for the night.

Although Gerard wants to ignore them there is no way he will not hear them because they are close to the counter.

After reaching the counter, he asked the middle-aged man NPC swiping the counter table.

He then activated one of the perks and saw the name of the Middle-Aged man.

[NPC: Mel (Owner of Midnight Inn)]

Level 25 NPC

Gerard was quite shocked when he saw the Level of the store owner. Is that level too high? Isn't supposed the level of normal NPC should be in a range from 5 to 10? Even the level of some Noble NPCs only ranges from 10 to 15 and the weakest Guard is Level 20. If this NPC was recruited by authority, he will easily be tagged as a skilled guard.

"Hello. May I know if there's available room for 1 person for the night?"

Mel shifted his attention from swiping the counter table and responded in a deep voice "Yes. 60 Coppers a night. You can add 40 Coppers for dinner later and tomorrow's breakfast."

Gerard cannot help but click his tongue inwardly. It's too expensive, no wonder Players are adamant to trigger quests and kill monsters as soon as they log in.

Gerard hesitantly hands over the 1 Silver Coin.

That's 1 minus Silver Coin on my wallet! Why don't you just directly rob me?!

Mel slaps the counter table with the key "Here's the key and the room number is already written on it. Just go to the 2nd floor and take a left turn."

Gerard nodded and took the key. That's scary, your usual proud Inn owner in any fantasy game.

He was about to turn around and head to his room to organize his plan to help him trigger a quest to Players when he heard a womanly surprised scream which gathers the attention of everyone present in the resto-bar.

Gerard shift his gaze to the source and found the lone woman was pushed into the wall.

"Oi! Just hand it over, don't make the situation turns ugly." The swordsman with a Mohawk haircut said so.

His three friends just laugh and mock again the woman.

The woman didn't respond and only face the ground and return to her original posture earlier.

Gerard activated the System Perks and saw the information of five Players.

[Tier 0 Level 1 Swordsman: Call Me Handsome]

[Tier 0 Level 1 Guardian: Insufferable]

[Tier 0 Level 1 Assassin: Eagle's eye]

[Tier 0 Level 1 Mage: Staff of Light]

His gaze passed on to the four bullies after reading their basic information and turn to the woman who was being bullied.

[Tier 0 Level 1 Healer: Angel]

Gerard almost roll his eyes and groaned due to the cringe he felt after comparing the names of the four bullies to the woman.

Tasteless kind of names. Learn from Healer! Her name is decent and beautiful!

"Sir Mel, don't you think it is time for you to step in and help the Healer?" Gerard said to the Store Owner while keeping his gaze on the Players.

To his surprise, Mel the Store Owner only snorted and resume his swiping cleaning.

Uhm. Mr. NPC, your table counter is sparkling clean, won't you stop cleaning it and help the poor Healer over there?! Oi! Old man!

But in reality, Gerard cannot say this to the store owner afraid to feel the wrath of a mighty Level 25 NPC!

Gerard groaned due to frustration started building up.

And then he heard the other players start gossiping.

"Oh. I heard the Healer ask for help to kill the three Level 1 Goblin earlier and give them 1 Silver coin as compensation, but the loot will go to the Healer. Those four players agreed and made the Healer a Party Leader to show their sincerity in not stealing the loot. But after they return here, when the Healer disband the Party and was about to leave, these four players start harassing her."

"It is a common occurrence, it is just a pity 4 against 1. No wonder the healers just accept their mockery."

"Don't you guys wanna help her?"

"Help? It's just a waste of time, as long as they don't beat the Healer to death, then they will not be apprehended. And as long as they don't break things, the store owner will not intervene."

Hmm. So that's how it is, huh?

I really do not want to be involved but--- Gerard stop himself to find a reason not to be involved.

Oh, for pity's sake.

Well then, let's do this.

Gerard moves towards them.

His pace is slow, walking upright and his eyes exude confidence.

Mel, the Store Owner arches his left brow seeing Payne Blanc move and walk towards the Players that causing a scene inside his bar. Although it irritates him, he must abide by the Town Rules. They should not interfere with the business of these blessed people unless their property is destroyed or these people start attacking the Town Citizens without reason, and vice versa.

The Supreme System made the NPCs call these people Heroes instead of Players.
