
Chapter 13: Guild Master?

[Author's Note: I am sorry guys for this delayed upload but I didn't miss the day. Thank You for your support.]

Seeing this building Taru was very nostalgic because during his childhood and teenage he spent a lot of time watching anime and reading novels and mangas, which is why he was an average student in his school and college. And this very building so many memories of his childhood and teenage time that he almost felt like crying but due to his new body and mind composition, it was very easy for him to push down any other unnecessary emotions to focus on the task at hand.

With a deep breath Taru closed his eyes for a second and relaxed his body and mind, then taking a step forward towards the guild. But from Raiku's point of view, Taru's behavior was very weird because he could see Taru behaving odd like heavy breathing, deep sighs and closing his eyes, however when Raiku realized that this would be Taru's first step forward in the world of adventurers and how this is his first time out of his hometown and most of all his age, he thought this was natural and didn't mind it much.

Inside the structure was similar but there were still some basic changes, for example, there was no Tavern inside the guild and the tables and chairs were on the side instead of being all in the center. But the mission board was in the same place and in a similar pattern, with the easiest mission in the bottom and the most difficult on the top. Taking a while to sync this scene in his mind, Taru took another deep breath and headed towards the reception where two beautiful and elegant ladies were setting. And like a lot of mangas and novels, they were twins and beautiful.

"I want to register myself as an adventurer is that possible?" asked Taru as politely as possible. "Of course sir, that's why we are setting here. Please fill this form, and then you would have to select a class that you specialize and give two tests to determine your rank. Here this is the form, it is not necessary for you to fill in your real name, you can also pick a nickname or a stage name", replied the lady with a ponytail on the right, while the lady on the left with open hair nodded to confirm her sister or partner's words.

But anyone could see the surprised glint in their eyes, in fact not only them even the adventurers around the reception were a little surprised because they didn't expect a young boy like Taru was here to register as an adventurer. When he entered they thought that he was here to submit a job request, or entered the wrong building, but when they heard him say that he wanted to register as an adventurer, people gave Taru another look. However, not everyone was surprised because few were ridiculing this young man who still smells of his mother's milk and underestimates the dangers of life, and some thought that Taru was just a young lad with hot blood looking for adventure unknown to the dangers outside.

Nevertheless, there are people who will always think differently, and thus there were people who could feel that aura from Taru's body, even though Taru has suppressed it to the limit. And of course, how can we forget about the jealous type, men who were jealous of Taru's looks, but the most amazing reactions were of the women because a lot of them almost took their eyes out while looking at Taru. Even without his aura, these girls were almost dying because of his looks, but for Taru, the calm behavior of these reception ladies was a surprise because they composed themselves very quickly. Although they were swayed by Taru's looks and deminer due to their strict training they regained their composer within seconds but for Taru that was easy to notice, but it was still a surprise because while he was coming to the guild he could feel the deep gazes filled with love, passion, fascination and lust towards him from the women around him. While he could also feel jealous filled gaze from men as well.

Without wasting any more time, Taru filled his form as a mage but while filling his form Taru had another brilliant idea. He could register with his earthly name Jin Cho as a warrior and wear a mask to disguise himself. This way he would have another identity to perform tasks that cannot be known by others, to prevent his family and friends to be implicated. While filling his form Taru didn't enter his hometown or any information that could connect him to Jiga House, because you never know who he offends as Taru.

After filling up all the required information Taru submitted the form and then was guided by the open hair lady towards his first test area. "Now cast your strongest elemental spell, in whatever element you are best at towards that target.", instructed he open hair lady to Taru while pointing at the target. Taru nodded in understanding and then first manipulated fire to create hundreds of fire arrows and shot them towards the target and then followed by hundreds of water bombs, wind slash, and earth spears. Although Taru could still use more elements, he decided to hide some more of his power, for example for this test Taru only used 40% of his total power which should be enough to become a B rank adventurer and that's what Taru wants for now.

But Susan, the open hair lady, was dumbstruck because not only can this power use powerful magic but he can use it in a huge quantity. To add to that he can use all 4 elements which are super rare and most of all he fired so many projectiles of different elements without break and from his looks he still seems fine. After, gulping and staring at Taru for a while Susan said, " Your firepower is easily equivalent to a rank B mage, and to add to that you have a larger mana pool and can also use all 4 basic elements. I can push you to an A rank mage but without much experience, under your belt, I can't guarantee that..", hearing till here Taru quickly said, "No... No, I am fine with Rank B I can start as B and then Climb my way up with experience under my belt.".

For a moment Susan was stunned again because no one would give up on a chance to become a Rank A adventurer, but this guy is actually asking for a lower ranking. But she understood his concerns in a way and nodded, however, this doesn't mean Susan isn't surprised because it's not every day that a B rank adventurer is registered, who happens to be very young and handsome to top it off. So, Susan nodded and looked at Taru for a while before continuing towards the second test called the mirror test. Where they can determine Taru's actual mana pool, purity, and density which makes it easier to determine your rank as a mage even better.

After a short walk, Taru found himself in quite a big room with a full-body mirror at the center, and a woman sitting right beside it on a simple chair reading a book, when she heard our footsteps, she looks up where Taru was coming from. When Taru saw this woman his heart skipped a beat like never before because this woman was so beautiful almost like a painting from the immortal world. Her bright eyes, red cherry-like lips, that small yet perfectly cute nose, beautiful ears, and that face that is made up if jade.

He felt that tug on his heart which made him feel like he should just go and grab that woman into his embrace and protect her for life. He can't compare her to Eve or Zika because all three of them have a different charm and good things which make them attractive in one way or the another but it is true ever since Taru entered this Tero city, all he has seen are beauties mentioned in fairy tales, which makes him wonder just how many beautiful women are there out in this world. But soon Taru realized that this woman is beautiful but terrifying because she might just be a rank A adventurer and from looks, she looked like a mage to Taru.

Soon Taru realized who this woman is, or he was 80% sure, which is the guild master of Fairy guild. The fact that the vice-master is a rank B warrior, Taru assumed that the master of this guild has to be at least an A rank adventurer. And from Raiku, Taru learned that this guild master is a beautiful woman which makes Taru's assumptions closer to the truth. But before Taru or Susan could say anything the beauty said, "Don't mind me, please continue with your test. I here just as an observer", to this Susan hesitated for a bit but soon nodded respectfully towards this beautiful lady and guided Taru towards the mirror.

Then Taru without wasting any more time puts his hands on the mirror and passed 40% of his mana again, to which the beautiful woman looks in surprise but didn't say anything and continued to watch. Soon. the mirror glowed very brightly. brighter than the sunlight which blinded all of the people present in the big room, Susan, Taru and that beautiful woman. But soon, it subsided down, but anyone can see the shock on Susan and that beautiful woman to which Taru could only ask, "What was that, did I do something wrong, or was this light normal?".
