**Currently On Hold** "System: Becoming More Than Human" is a compelling saga that follows Alex Walker, a ten-year-old orphan burdened with a fragile physique and a life shrouded in solitude. His world, devoid of family warmth, clings to a glimmer of hope embodied by a box left by his parents before they disappeared. Alex grabbed the ring from the box, but when he did, something strange occurred. The ring violently shook! The ring fell from Alex’s hand, and he stared at it, but it was no longer moving. “Must have been my imagination… man, I’m tired, and thinking of my past really puts me in a shitty state of mind.” "System: Becoming More Than Human" is not just a tale of transformation; it's a journey of self-discovery. Alex's journey to decipher the enigmas of the ring and his heritage plunges readers into a maelstrom of gripping adventures and profound emotions, gradually unveiling a destiny that transcends his wildest dreams. Come join me in this exciting tale!!