
Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age(Alternative)

Disclaimer: Most of the contents in this book doesn't belong to me but from the original author name NaranNarman, the author of the original Synthetic Survivor. The reason I made this book was create a better version of it, because some part of the story isn't good and doesn't make any sense, so I'll rewrite it then. While the original author seems retires and didn't complete the whole story, I might just gonna complete it for him. And also, in this book, the characters and the outcome of the story is similar, I added an extra twist to make the story very thrill. And I change the names from the orginal book cause I felt like it. References: Out of Space, Science/Magic, Doom Eternal, Overlord, Gate, Minecraft, Monster Hunter, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man woke with amnesia underneath the shattered remains of a once powerful human civilization. He remembered nothing, his past or the events that happened that caused the world to become as it was. He was no longer purely human, he woke to find himself as a nearly destroyed Android. But amid the radioactive dunes and lifeless expanse of the Earth, a lone machine network survived the disaster. After discovering that he controlled them, he set out on one goal: Rebuild. But how can he fully rebuild? For the Earth once had life but now was barren, not even bacteria survived. But he was not alone, when he awoke, a voice rang in his head, who was it? It was his long friend, a friend from the past with unknown relationship. Although he does not remember her name, he still felt how important she was before even if he has lost all his humanity and memories, her name was Caitlyn. Follow her as she guides him for centuries after he awakes, the both of them will form the most powerful machine leaders who will ever walk in the face of the world. Their story will start 1000 years into his rebuilding, he now controlled a vast network of machines around the planet Earth, all focused in the effort of rebuilding the world towards its former glory, there was only one thing missing, an essential attribute which differentiated Earth from all other known planets: Life. But everything changed when a wormhole opened, a breach within the fabric of space and time, opening a pathway between Earth and a world of fantasy! Follow him as he and his Empire explores this new mystical world full of elves, goblins, orcs, dwarves, ogres, humans, kingdoms, Empires and magic! His goal of restoring life may be within his grasps. But that does not mean there won’t be opposition. There will be battles, wars and calamities, millions will perish in the onslaught that will soon follow. Especially, when he discovers that the new world held the secrets of the past. He will face Deities and powerful foes, will he prevail? New weapons he will smith and countries he shall wipe out. Note: I'm fine with the Critism comments you will sent, because it helps me with my mistake on the story, and don't do it TOO much because I'm a bit emotional.

Artemis099 · アニメ·コミックス
185 Chs

The Storm

The storm that was brewing from the West was upon them, the winds it brought and havoc it wrought was drawing nearer day by day. The instruments hastily set up by the Machines have been working day and night, trying to measure, detect and calculate the storm as it came nearer the Machine territory.

The instruments were set up around various spots up north during the latest expedition ordered by Artemis. The expedition mapped the terrain, geography and other variables of the land to be an addition to the ever-expanding universal map being developed by the machines to further strengthen and improve the Machine's planning and coordination across vast distances.

Now, the instruments were writhing wildly. The bars were high and the measurements beyond anything they've ever seen. A normal storm system would have an eye on the centre and considerably large to cover a vast area, but the storm that the instruments were monitoring was different. There was an odd air to it. The storm was compact, winds spiralled so closely to its centre like a tornado but wide enough to be called a storm system.

The wind speed, however, although being confined and compacted, was astonishingly faster than what was predicted. A wind speed of 500kph, faster and stronger than most of the weather systems back on Earth, it was a monster, a little monster.

Further measurement by the instruments allowed the machines to map out its structure and width, it stretched for 20 kilometres, formed an eye but only an eye, the clouds around it looked more like a tornado. Due to the conflicting and staggering evidence that they were gaining and deciphering, it was safe to assume that the storm system was no ordinary system, rather, it was something made of magic.


Magic was detected, huge amounts of it.

The magic was being manipulated in a scale unlike anything they've learned or observed from, it was frightening to look at.

Probably casted by a Demigod.

The entire thing seemed to be maintained by the sheer amount of magical energy that surrounded it. It is due to this did Artemis sent out a school of hundreds of Recon Drones to confirm the findings.

The instruments, were still experimental since Caitlyn was still gripping the basics of prewar technology and these weather instruments were the least of her priorities till now. The fleet took off at exactly 0220 hours. The fleet sped through the smoke and ash clouds and into the upper atmosphere to take footage and photographs of the storm from above.

At 0250 hours, the Recon Drones relayed the first photograph of a storm from another world. Due to its extraordinarily small size compared to normal systems, it was easily photographed and the crisp image was sent directly to Artemis who was enthralled by the magnificence of the world from above.

The storm looked menacing, dark and dead. Unlike other storms that exhibited the very forces of nature that they were powerless to stop, this storm system projected an aura of death and despair. Combined with the magic that flowed within it, Artemis was considering launching a powerful enough bomb in an attempt to disperse it but before he could, he must confirm everything he needs to confirm and learn everything he needs to know before he acts.

0320 hours, a school of recon drones descended from the upper atmosphere and maintained their distance from the storm that was about to cross into the eastern part of the Great Isthmus. Using built-in instruments, they relayed more accurate data to the machines back at the hub. The data they relayed was more terrifying than what the instruments back on the ground relayed a few minutes ago.

The projected wind speed topped 700kph and gravitational abnormalities were detected around the eyewall. The storm maintained its width and shape but grew more in power and speed, the winds were now enough to wipe out entire cities.

It was at this moment Artemis began to think. If the Atiran Villages to the west were evacuated and the tribal union having disappeared suddenly, was this of common occurrence in the region? If so, how common does an event like this happen? What are the effects? How long will it last? Or maybe, the event was an event that only happens after centuries or even millennium!

The mission continued.

The fleet maintained a safe distance and divided itself into individual groups to triangulate the storms path and possible quirks. The more they delved deeper into the abyss of information, the more Artemis started to consider the option of launching a powerful missile at the heart of the magnificent bastard.


Caitlyn pouted and stared at Artemis with glaring eyes through the holographic projection. Artemis was near the middle line at this time and was accompanied by his two Androids.


Artemis asked since he was ready to declare the shipment of a nuclear missile from Earth to this world if it was deemed necessary.


The Machine Empire only had the capabilities to house and launch one nuclear Warhead due to current logistical challenges and there was no guarantee that the missile, if launched from the ground, would precisely hit the intended target, the precision was too off and the risks to great but if the threat of the storm was greater, they'd need to take the risk of loading the payload into one of the hovercrafts and have it dive into the eye of the storm to ensure effectiveness and accuracy.

These options were on the table, again, they need to gather as much information as possible before deciding upon a counter-measure. They have been squeezed into such a tight spot, the crusade to the east, the Atiran threat to the north and the mysterious storm to the west. These threats both threatened the Machine Empire's hold in the world.

And those are just the external threats, the Machine Empire was also having troubles with logistics, the wormhole was still far from being controllable and almost all research efforts back home have been focused on stabilizing it to allow the bulk of the Machines to enter but so far, little progress has been made.

They anxiously wait for further information, if push comes to shove, Artemis will definitely launch a nuclear strike against it.

And maybe take out the Theocracy while he's at it.


=Eastern Region, Northern parts of the Sendate Theocracy, 2,046km Northwest from the Machine Base=

In a burned down village to the North of the Theocracy, near the borders of the Snowy regions, a lone girl was scavenging through the burnt rubble for a valuable item. She was neither a villager nor a local of the Theocracy, it was Veltras. Her body was badly burnt but she still had the energy to keep going.

Her old appearance was no more, she's been reduced to an aching and disabled lady with black patches all over her skies. Her eyes sore from crying and from the continuous rain of ash, she was lucky that she survived.

She woke up inside a village, the locals claimed to have found her near the border of the frost mountain and the forest and decided to take her in, she was received happily and taken care of by a newlywed couple. They were all unaware that she was part of the criminal sect that kidnapped the village children years ago and experiment them as live specimens or indoctrinated them into their cult.

Not long after the declaration of the crusade, the village was one of the many other villages that were caught in the crossfire of the crusade. The entire village was burned down by knights and Warships of the Theocracy in what they claim to be an act required and endorsed by the Fax Church and that they were to be drafted into the war effort.

The villagers had no choice, most of them surrendered while a few dared to make a run for it, only to be chased and then killed. The same was all over, entire villages were slaughtered and forcefully drafted to fight for a nation they don't even belong to.

When the village was being forcefully drafted, Veltras used her magic to conceal herself from the knights and thankfully there were no mages present or else she would've been found. The newlywed couple, however, along with the old village chief was executed for refusing to join as an example to the rest of the surviving villagers that refused is punishable by death and death shall reign in their judgement.

A crusade she knows was strange, she felt as if something more sinister was lurking behind the Council and that it wasn't as normal as the people were brought to believe in. As a B-rank herself, she sensed the ominous danger that lingered, the rumours that have been spreading across the Eastern Region like wildfire.

'A Race of Metal Demons'

The rumours said.

'They wield powerful and advance weapons that have never seen before'

The rumours continued.

'The monsters are the Dark Lord's offspring!'

'They were responsible for the attack on the Papal Estate and the assassination of the Pope!'

And continued.

She thought about it for a while and her conclusions were all the same. The metal demons were her organization's doing. She and her other fellow sect leaders were convinced by that General and the Sorcerer that if they tampered with the forbidden magic of dark space manipulation, they could harness enough magic to become the prophetic magic heroes that would come and unite the world and its people once more. They were foolish, they did not know, they had high hopes.

When they opened the portal, they encountered the metal demons. They used their magic, cast their spells and even tried to cast sealing magic to seal them off and prevent them from trespassing into their world, they failed. They lost all of their leadership except herself and most of their followers were massacred mercilessly. Some of their members were at peak A-rank and they are still not get a chance against them.

They thought they struck gold, a cavern of diamonds even. But no, they stepped on the tail of a slumbering beast.

These thoughts have begun to plague her mind and everyday she has tried to make herself forget that everything that was happening was her fault.

She painstakingly lifted a piece of burnt woodwork and finally found the valuable item she sought. A magic wand. Magic wands were rare magical items that only the highest and most powerful of archmages possessed and to have one under the possession of a village couple that did not even know its importance and significance was both a blessing and a mystery.

She noticed the wand when she was cleaning the house while the couple was away farming in the fields, it was hidden inside an iron chest that she accidentally opened by chance. Such an item would boost her magic greatly, unlike staffs, wands were easier to hold and made casting spells a breeze. Wands were also a great magical conduct that allows the user to effectively utilize and manipulate her magic with almost a hundred percent efficiency and require little to no mastering, unlike staffs that were very common and now become completely obsolete 600 years ago.

But wands only required early A-rank mages. Being lower than it and using a wand would kill the user in a matter of seconds, the wand heavily depends on the user's magic and due to the wand's immense capacity to manipulate magic effectively, it actively sucks magic from the user and if the user can't keep up with it, magical deprivation would occur and the user dies in a cascade of organ failures.

Demigods however have no use on the wands as they could even cast a super tier spell just a single thought, very efficient and mastered it with so much little effort, they only seeing wands as bunch of mere sticks similar to staffs.

While her physical abilities was at mid-stages of B-rank, her magic aptitude was low but she had no plans of using it yet, keeping it under her care until she trains enough to break through early stages of A-rank(Lv.76) is already a good investment worth risking her life on.

She dusted the wand with her hands and blew around it. The wand, as expected, shined and brimmed with power before calming down into a white hue. Veltras smirked at the sight and carefully placed it inside her coat. In the distance, the sounds of Land Dragons could be heard, it was time for her to move out.

She picked up whatever was left of her belongings and scavenged supplies. Casting her magic, she conceals herself within the environment and disappears into the burnt treeline.

A group of knights arrive riding on land dragons that is over two meters and looks like a Raptor or a dinosaur that was known back on earth. Land Dragons were like dragons but with no wings and only stood in two legs and are found on another island called Isle Sorma, south of the Eastern Region which it is the territory of Reptilian Monsters, the Theocracy or other states won't conquered nor entered that island unless they are at mid stages of B-rank because of high-level reptilian monsters on the island, or else you will not long last for less than an hour in there, the infamous Titan Ravager and the Tyrant Dragon were the most dangerous and deadly monsters in Isle Sorma which they are known as SS-rank monsters.

Land Dragons were for the Theocracy's ground troops to ride onto battle or ground traveling instead of riding Airships that could be easy to get spotted. Unlike horses, they run faster and extremely agile, most of them are in late stages of C-rank thanks to their very durable skin that even a .50 cal won't peirce deep into its skin, and its speed goes 450km/h, fastest than the world's fastest car, and best of all its extraordinary maneuvering capabilities that even a early stage B-rank has a hard time catching their sight on it.


The Knights search in and around the village but find no trace of Veltras or any survivor.

"Does the others found any survivors?" The leader asks.

"None, commander Grant,"

"I see," Their leader stares into the distance, then he spotted a fast moving dot in the horizon.

"What is that? A Griffin rider?" One of his men asks.

"I dont think so, there are no any airfighters around here, and second Griffins don't move fast like that," The other replied.

General Grant uses his enhanced eyesight to see the fast moving object, but then he realize that thing in front of them is danger.

"Men, fall bac-...!"

Before he immediately order his men, a Jet Fighter Drone zooms overhead and drops bombs on their position, completely eradicate both the knights, Land Dragons , and the whole village.


References: ARK: Survival Evolved & Jurassic Park

ARK: Survival Evolved: -Land Dragon Riders = Raptor Mounts

Jurassic Park: -Isle Sorma = Isle Sorna -Tyrant Dragon = Tyrannosaurus Rex

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