

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · ファンタジー
12 Chs

The Chase

He transformed fully into a majestic looking bird. A full Almandine. He flew into the red forest, his abode to begin his chase.

He flapped his majestic wings and flew with speed as fast as lightening. As he flew across the forest, activating his foresight to locate her.

He found Sybil, she sat resting by a tree trying to catch her breath.

From above the sky, he watched her with intent concentration and noticed how striking her features were. She wore a green silk night gown which rise above her knees as she sat down. He noticed how dark and smooth her skin was. It was almost as if she was part of the darkness.

Her hair was a disheveled mess and he noticed a few branch sticks and leaves stuck in her hair. How his hand itched to touch her curly full hair.

Resisting the urge, he made a cry into the night and began his hunt.

He looked down at her and saw how her eyes widened in fear. She was afraid. She sat there glued to the ground unable to make a move. He anticipated what she would do next.

She stood up and bolted, running as fast as she could. She ran with her might and no sense of direction.

Amused, Azriel continued his chase and followed her anywhere she drifted.

Thrilled, he increased his speed and set his claws out ready to grab her.

She ran without looking back. He followed her every move not wanting to lose sight of her.

Like a flash, she vanished from the red forest.

Shocked, he halted in his flight. No one has ever been able to exit his forest once entered except he permits them to.

At a far distance, he noticed a figure standing in his way and walked towards it. It was Dina. "How the hell did she get into my forest without me noticing her? This damned wench". He hissed angrily. He was filled with rage at the sudden disturbance of his chase.

He approached her and grabbed her by the neck but she materialised before he could touch her. "What is wrong with you Azriel?" Dina asked him in irritation. She was pissed. Frustrated at his childish behaviours.

Azriel looked at her coldly without answering her question immediately. He stood staring at her with a blank expression. He was fighting the rage within him to kill her this instant. But he couldn't. He had tried multiple times to get rid of this creature but all to no avail.

Instead he replied her with another question. "Where did you send her?"

Pissed Dina couldn't bring herself to understand him sometimes. He wasn't a tough nut to crack but sometimes he can be rather difficult. "Answer me!!" he roared at her. Dina flinched and opened a portal for him. He walked into the portal but not without sounding a warning at her. "The next time you intervene I'm my affairs without my consent, I'll kill you". "You know I can't die Azriel. You of all people should know that." she replied him solemnly.

With that said, Azriel vanished through the portal but not without hearing what Dina mumble to herself 'you two are not supposed to meet. At least not yet. it's not the way of your destines'.

'Damn the fucked up destiny. I do whatever I want with my life. My life my rules.' he hissed.

Teleporting into another realm, he searched for her. He used his powers to track her down. 'found you'. he smiled devilishly.

He walked towards her as quietly as he could. He stopped at a safe distance between them and monitored her. Her eyes were fixed at the war below. She seemed fascinated and frightened at the scene in from of her.

She was standing by the edge of a cliff. For fear that she might fall, Azriel decided to put a barrier between her and the cliff.

He walked towards her slowly and her ears perked up by the sound of a broken branch. Startled Sybil turned on hearing the sound and looked around frantically thinking the creature was somewhere in the dark woods watching her. And it was.

Their eyes met bit she didn't seem to see him. Azriel made himself invisible immediately he passed through the portal. Standing perfectly still, he watched her focus her attention back at the scene. She muttered something to herself and gasped.

His sense perked up at the murderous feeling wafting in the air. It was different from the bloodlust of the war. It was a feeling directed at someone.

Sybil suddenly stood at a stand still, unable to move. He looked closely and saw an object headed straight at her. It was moving at full force which could break the barrier he set between her and the cliff. His magic seemed to have become weaker in this realm that's why he couldn't make a more powerful and secure barrier.

With a waft of his hand, red dust spewed from it and flew past Sybil striking with the object. The collision made a forceful impact which left Sybil flying into the air.

He moved quickly and secured her in his arms. With her eye closed, he muttered to her "you're safe now".

She opened her eyes slowly not rushing her movements and was shocked on seeing the figure in front of her.

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