
I don’t want to use it anymore

"I am too naive."

"I thought this apocalypse was too simple."

Gu Feng's mind was shocked, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness, like a huge stone pressure on his shoulders, which made him breathless.

After several battles of life and death, after several episodes of life and big things, Gu Feng has become very mature, far from being able to compare to the "hanging wire" of the past.

But even then, compared with this last world, it seems too small.


Crawling monsters.

These monsters are nothing, and he will encounter more powerful aliens in the future, and will only get stronger and stronger.

Because... monsters are constantly evolving!


"The energy value is not enough!"

"I want to evolve, I want to be stronger, I want to kill more zombies and aliens."

"Otherwise... even if I have a system that swallows everything and helps me, I will be eliminated by this world!"

Gu Feng whispered to himself. He now wants to hunt monsters for 24 hours a day. It seems that's the only way that can make this sense of crisis in his heart disappear.

But unfortunately... the current Gu Feng can't hunt right away.

The side effects of the ultimate form are still on the body!

Although he has evolved and his body has returned to its original state, the side effects and the terrible load of the "ultimate form" still makes his body weaker and weaker. The muscles underneath his body are like the lead, and the brain is also in the air. He doesn't understand his confused state.

Now, he can only use up to 2 to 3 times the ability of normal people. It is still too dangerous to go out and hunt alone. If he encounters any other high-level heterogeneous, he is basically finished!

"The ultimate form."

"It seems that this ability will be used less and less in the future. It is absolutely not easy to use it in times of life and death. Otherwise, even if I have not been killed by a strange monster, I will be killed by its side effect!"

Gu Feng could not help but sigh, he pulled the curtains and climbed up the soft and luxurious wide sofa, and closed his eyes again.

I should have a good rest!

I'll have to calm and relax, and let the blood of the regenerative ability be re-cultivated.

I hope to recover more power after waking up...



At night.

After wasting some precious 12 hours, Gu Feng slowly opened his eyes.

The side effects caused by the super-loading force have been alleviated a lot, and Gu Feng's ability has also been restored to near-full. He is almost ready to go out for hunting.

"No wonder..."

"The system says that the ultimate form can only be used once a day, which is simply nonsense."

"In the case of completely healing the body, it takes more than one day to eliminate side effects, and the conditions of use are too harsh."

"I can't imagine how it would be to use the ultimate state twice in a row on the same day. I am afraid that I will definitely die directly."

Gu Feng sighed in his heart.

"You're awake?"

"Come on, have something to eat."

"There is a separate freezer in this luxurious hotel room with lots of quick-frozen food to eat and some convenient barrels..."

A female little gentle voice sounded near the ear of Gu Feng, Tian Mengmeng woke up before him, and also heated the frozen food in the freezer.

Looking at the steaming table, Gu Feng was suddenly alert.

How could this be?

I am so familiar with my sleep, and even Tian Tianmeng wakes up without me feeling it?

She has already cooked a few dishes in the microwave oven, but Gu Feng still has no vigilance to wake up. If Tian Mengmeng has the heart to kill him... she can completely kill Gu Feng at least 10 times.

Too dangerous!

It seems that this is also one of the side effects of the "ultimate form".

The body will completely enter deep sleep to repair itself, and the sensitivity to external dangers will be reduced to the lowest level!

He doesn't like this super big move more and more, and even put it on the disabled list...

"I am coming."

Gu Feng calmed down his heart, put a "strong posture" and swayed to the table. Although it was frozen food, it was quite rich, and there were meat and vegetables.

It is a luxurious hotel room, and there are plenty of things in the freezer.

Before changing to the end of the world, he had to pay extra fees to the hotel, but now even if Gu Feng wants to pay the bill ... there is no one to receive it.


Gu Feng also noticed a problem.

After the end of the world has passed for so long, he has no feeling of hunger. After he became a "swallowing species", he seems to need nothing to eat.


"Can I still eat ordinary food, why do I have no feeling of hunger?" Gu Feng asked the system in his mind.

[responding to host.]

[You can still eat human food, no different from ordinary humans.]

[Hunger and eating are to supplement the energy lost by the body. Because you have become a swallowing being, you can hunt pure energy more efficiently. It is much more efficient than eating alone, so there is no hunger.]

The system explained reasonably to Gu Feng.

That's it!

We eat to replenish our body's energy, but the "zombie bug" has replaced Gu Feng to complete this process, so Gu Feng will not be hungry if the cells are full of energy.

However, despite this... seeing the food Gu Feng still wants to taste a few mouthfuls, it is better than eating the meat of the zombies monsters.

In front of Tian Mengmeng's strange eyes, Gu Feng pulled a bucket of hot instant noodles to his side.

Although this stuff is cheap, it tastes good, and he has already eaten it before, maybe this is his natural "poor life" showing up again.

"Thank you for saving me..."

Tian Mengmeng cleared her throat and said while her face was slightly rosy. She suffered such a serious injury. She also knew that Gu Feng saved her.

"No thanks."

"You have shared a lot of pressure for me, and finally helped me a lot." Gu Feng glanced at her and said.

This is the truth, Tian Mengmeng really helped a lot, first of all, not to mention that the first to push Gu Feng to make a big blow for him, is the last dragging his miserable body to "feed" Gu Feng to save some energy, It is also a really big help.

In the battle process, Tian Mengmeng's performance is even more touching.

Sacrifice herself to trap the crawling beast, and saved his life when he was about to give up. In any case, she and Gu Feng both did well in performance.

However, although Gu Feng is warm and warm in his heart, he still has to bear the important role of the "strong" master. One of the specific performances is... face!

Looking at the appearance of Gu Feng, Tian Mengmeng does not care, she knows the "weakness of Gu Feng."


"When do you say it, when will it be cashed?"

Tian Mengmeng put down the chopsticks, and the pink tongue licked the soup at the corner of her mouth. He stood up and walked to the front of Gu Feng.

The fragrance is alluring.

Tian Mengmeng hooked at the neck of Gu Feng, and the whole person fell into his arms. The tight and flexible Tian Mengmeng sexy body was posted on Gu Feng, and she gently whispered in the ear of Gu Feng: "Now there is no monster. Excuse us, it is better to enter the bedroom..."



ok,that wraps it all and here is the chapter of today(1/1)

ESKaicreators' thoughts