
Survivors: Twenty Years Of Biohazard

Jason wakes up to the sound of a biological bomb exploding and finds himself in a dark basement. He discovers that the Earth world has been destroyed outside and its atmosphere has become toxic and deadly. So how did he end up in the basement? How will he get out of there? What awaits him outside?

Fadi_Beghdaoui15 · SF
4 Chs


Jason woke up to find himself injured and suffering from severe pain in his body and bleeding from his arm that was pierced by a glass shard, he looked like a patient who had undergone a wrong surgery in the hospital, but his condition was nothing compared to Benny's miserable condition who was unconscious and his stomach was bleeding after being pierced by a shard as well

- Benny, wake up!

But the latter did not show any movement as if he was completely paralyzed, except that he was breathing, then Jason got out of the overturned truck and tried to get Benny out but to no avail, then he saw on the hill next to the valley the Tiguar clan preparing to pounce on him so he picked up his gun and said to it angrily: Come on you bitch!

Bitch? Or murderer? Or whore? Jason did not know the appropriate word but he knew the most important and dangerous thing, that those Tiguar approached without him realizing it, and that herd above them was to guard and prevent them from escaping!

Tic Tac.. Jason felt his heart beat to this rhythm.. Tic Tac.. Only a few yards away from death, tearing and cutting at the claws of creatures that make anyone who sees them shudder.

Then the reconnaissance jaguars, which numbered six huge cheetahs, ran towards him to devour him, but before they reached him and did so, a group of people came and opened fire on them, so they all died, whether the reconnaissance or those who were on the hill, amidst Jason's confusion and shock. They were wearing dirty white uniforms, their long-faced masks, and their rifles were traditional hunting rifles.. Then their leader came to him and said: Hello, my name is "Andres" and we are here to help you after we saw you will face the Mafal.

Jason: Who is the Mafal? Do you mean the Taiga?

Andres: In our mythology, they are hybrid animals between lions and leopards. They came to hold us accountable for our actions and purify us. We noticed that they are real.

Jason: The government is the one who cloned these terrifying monsters, but how were you able to eliminate them so easily?

Andres: Her heart is her weak point, if you shoot it she will die from the first hit, you just have to be a good sniper

Jason: Please help my friend Benny, his condition is very bad

Andres: Don't worry, our expert doctor "Amivo" will stitch his wounds, let's go back to our village before more Mavala arrive, I also heard that a devastating biological storm is coming, we have to hide

Jason: Thank you Mr. Andres, would you like me to introduce you to your village, you are good people

Andres: Don't thank me, helping the needy is our duty, our name is "Los Flores Tribe" and we live in the rural village of "Sintianana", come get in the car so we can go there

Then Jason got in the car and Benny was taken as well and they headed towards the village, and on the way Jason asked Andres: Where did you get the protective suits?

Andres: We took it from the biological laboratories, there they do experiments on humans and animals and clone them every day.. The government is hiding the truth from us, they just want to get rid of us!

Jason: Even I had doubts about everything that was happening, the government intends to cleanse us and prepare the country to become like a war zone, that means they consider everyone rebels, even us!...

After a while, Jason, Benny, Andres and his men arrived at the village of Sintiana and Jason was amazed by its extreme calm, it was surrounded by fences to prevent the entry of the Teguer and the rebels, and it was located in the middle of dense dry trees and inside it were huts made of wood and iron or pieces of tin or brick walls.

Then the nurses took Benny and treated his wound and bleeding, then Amigo said to Jason: His condition will improve in a few days, he has to rest now

Jason: Okay, thank you, thank you all for hosting us, with you we will get rid of this war and repair our country

Andres: We will try to do this as much as possible, come on get some rest

Jason went to the room they gave him and slept a little, but he woke up after midnight to the sound of incomprehensible words and strange screams..

Jason went out to the village square to find the San Flores tribe performing strange rituals, they were all surrounding a large fire and repeating their own words, and the atmosphere was dark and there was no light except for the large fire that they circled around like fire worshippers, or their lit torches like red fireflies in the blackness.

Jason could not understand what they were saying except for a word they repeated from time to time, which was "meat!"

Jason: Although these are their own rituals, I feel a strange feeling towards them, so I go and check on Benny.

But after the latter went to his friend's room, he found someone trying to strangle him, so he rushed and saved his friend and killed that person by strangling him from the neck.

Jason was surprised, and quickly tried to wake Benny up so that they could escape from this place, but Amigo entered and hit him, causing him to lose consciousness. Then this young man woke up moments later to see himself tied up and his friend Benny as well, and near them was a large fire surrounded by members of the San Flores tribe from all sides. Then Andres came, sharpening his knife, and his face was smeared with ash in the shape of the letter X, and said: Oh, brave members of my tribe, today we have brought two prey to sacrifice for our survival.

Jason: So you are cannibals! Why didn't you eat us in the valley?!

Andres: Yes, we eat the flesh of our own kind, and the answer to your question is that we didn't want to eat you in the valley because we wanted to bring you here to share with the whole tribe, come on guys start cooking them.

ـــــ Meat, meat, meat, meat!!! ـــــ

Jason: Does hunger lead a person to all this situation! Oh, what a pity.

Then the men grabbed them to throw them into that fire, but before they could do that, the unexpected happened, the army came and broke the wall of the tribe and surrounded it and ordered the villagers to lay down their weapons and not kill the two young men, then an armored car came and Adrian got out of it saying: Hello, Jaycee, did you miss me?

- Mr. Adrian, thank you for saving us, we are sorry for what we did to you.. It seems that you brought help.

Adrian: You are welcome, but no mistake goes unpunished, soldiers, open fire!...

To be continued...