
Entering Warhammer: *Redacted*

After the Fiasco Of Federation Almost being Doomed by Sky Marshall Omar.

Alexander had his normal routines, Paperwork, Field Testing and Taking the Frontlines, He have seen Sky Marshalls Come and Go, either by Assassination, Incompetence or Just Plain Stupid.

He Sighed as he Looked at the Photo of Him and his Friends in Cyberpunk on his desk as he done Stamping the Paperwork for today...

'It is time... ' Alexander Thought.

He already Received From his Fabricator General that the Test Subjects are in stable Condition and they will be in his care..

Three Specially modified Tesseract Labyrinth was Created for Alex to Transport them to Warhammer... and One was to be Given Away to Trazyn to Exchange with the Clone Primarch.

"Ferrus, Informed my Honor Guards and Meet up In this Place in 20 minutes. Prepare whatever you can Brother... We might not able to Return to this place..."

After 5 minutes before they were supposed to be there. They were Fully Armed and Ready with New technology in them.

"Alright, We are heading Back. Are you ready?"

His Honor Guards regardless of Race, Stood Ready To Receive his Orders.

"As Of this Moment, I am In The Emperor Flagship Bucephelus on route to Terra, While Some of you Eldar have Joined the Farseer Caerys in that universe to Inform the Council, And My honor Imperial Guards are still station at Mina, We will Meet up In Terra, The Moment Roboute Guilliman is Awake Understood?"

"And Ferrus Manus, I couldn't let you accompany me in immediately to the Flagship as it would provide the Aquilan Shield with suspicion that you are still alive...." Alexander Said and Ferrus Nodded. After all it's been a Millennia since he was dead and they might attacked him regardless of his standing with Alexander.

"See you on the Other Side..."

Alexander Took a Nap immediately, making Ferrus Manus Confused...

His Surroundings Became Warped as He was Shift into the Place where he was Familiar with...

"Medusa..." He Muttered... As He stood on the planet where he was first crashed in the Planet as a Baby.

He heard the familiar click of the Bolter Aiming at him... He Turned around and Saw His Sons... More Machine Than Man... Cybernetics and Flesh crudely meshed to remove their emotions from their body.

They Stare at him with their Optical Cybernetics Identifying the Man that just Suddenly appear in front of them...

"Brother, His Identification is our lost Genefather!" His Optics was telling the truth. His Bolter Quivering despite his Mechanized hand firmly gripped on the trigger

"Impossible, He is Dead!" Spat One Marine, His mind is denying the truth in front of him, but his optics said otherwise.

Their Genefather, the Primarch that was shrouded In Mist of Legends and Myth, Said to have been slain or lost in the fires of Horus Heresy has returned to them...

"Brothers, I have Returned and the Emperor have given me a New life!" Ferrus Manus Bellowed.

"Contact the Iron Council! We will Escort the Primarch." The Liutenant Order the Primarch to be Escorted.

The Iron Hands Escorted the Primarch with Great Care, As he Walked through the Halls one more... So many things have Changed...

Some of the older Astartes Noticed the Legend is walking among them...

The Iron Council was activated in such a Hurry, that those in the Other clans ventured forth to Medusa to see what was happening...

And they Found their Genefather in Chains...

"By the Emperor, what have you done!" Boomed a Venerable Dreadnought in the Iron Council, For he was there when his Genefather was Slain and he returned to them in chains?

Some of them Yelled out that his Arms are no longer what represented the Legion Banner. As his hands no longer gleam in a Silver veil.

Malkaan Feirros, His pupil who is the one of the current 41 Iron Fathers and Master of the Forge, looked blankly to Ferrus seeing his Teacher now walked among the living.

Kadan Stronos the elected Chapter Master, Have Doubts about his leadership, seeing that the Primarch have not only been tempered but his aura is like a Sheathed Blade not like he was told of his Primarch Recklessness.

But Ferrus said, what Made them stopped.

"Brothers, It has been over a Millennia since the Emperor Have Revived me in such Dire times, I wished no strife in the Iron Council. While I was in the Afterlife, I had Time to think About what I have done...I have been wanting to tell you a Millennia Ago, but my Voxlog was never received... While it has been a Millennia too late... there is Still time to Rebuild the Iron Hands from the Ground up...Thank you... For Maintaining This Place and Saving The place I belonged..." Ferrus Broke the Chains So swiftly that he managed to towered all of them... Many of the Younger Generation aimed instinctively at the Primarch, Only for the Venerable Dreadnoughts to tell them to hold fire...

Malkaan Feiros Wept... For a Millennia, Their Primarch was First to be Slain in the Horus Heresy, Making a dark mark on their History, Brewed in Hatred and Remorse, But He was the First to Return.

Mixed Emotions was Felt in the Iron Council...

Some was Overjoyed that their Primarch had returned, others had fury in their hearts that could not be contained, why he couldn't come sooner? Few were in Awe of their Heritage, their legacy has returned, and there were some that Clamored that the Clans Must be United once more...

Later, Many Inquisitors Kept Snooping around and found it hard to believe that the Iron Hands that have more activity compared than before. But they Found nothing. As They delved deeper, they were Met by the Cold Glares of the Iron Hands Staring at them. And Meddling With the Iron Hands means that they also offended the Mechanicus and all Space Marines that Associated for their Tech Marines. They Backed off... And Iron Hands Reputation as a Force of Nature, and they don't want another First Founding Legions to bare Fangs at Them, Like the Space Wolves.

The Iron Hands later on, what was Once a Destructive Cold blooded Machine of Logic and Devoid of Emotions, Now Have a Controlled Vengeance whose rage was enough to eclipse the Sun. They never informed the Imperium and the Mechanicus of their Primarch return as He was Waiting for his Brothers to Returned first... Ferrus Manus Have alot of time to Go through the Archives for a Millennia and Implemented the Technologies that he learned from Alexander Tenure making some of them, especially the Techmarines that affiliated with the Mechanicus believed that He was Blessed by the Omnissiah to given him such knowledge in the Afterlife, When he saw the Names of the Fallen Casualties, He prayed to them and their deeds bore a heavy heart in him, For Far too long, their Hatred that blinded them forgetting their Primarch Wishes. The Iron Hands Seeing a Human Side of Ferrus Manus, him, being a Changed Man, Praying for the Lives of their fallen, He Had Changed, so they should as well. Their Combination of Logic and Emotions have made them a Terrible foe to fight against. And Their Faith in their Primarch is More dangerous than before now Armed with Newer Weapons... Some secretly Mocked the Ultramarines, While they were heralded the best in the Imperium, their Primarch was the Second to return.

They Aided Alex to defend the Western Expanses Against the Tyranids that is soon making a Mad Dash Towards Terra.


Alexander during the Shift, A Tentacle Demon, Tossed him to the Far flung Past... With the Demon saying; "Change must happen Under my Control! Wait...what was I supposed to be doing? Kairos Fateweaver Tell me the Future!"

[Alexander Pov]

Where Am I? As I found Myself in a Alleyway of a City... I was supposed to be in the Emperor Flagship... but how am I in another place?

"Tzeeeentch!" I screamed out as I realized that freaking God of Change Managed to Hijack my Transfer, But knowing him, it was by chance...

A Mission?

What I read Brought me Chills to my bones...

I been sent back... way back...

<Mission: Warhammer: Dawn of the Golden Age of Technology Edition>

<Mission Objective:>

<Survive till the Horus Heresy>

<Gather Enough Wealth, Manpower and Knowledge to survive the Age of Strife...>

<Rewards: ???>

<Restrictions: Unable to Recruit and Build Imperial Guard, Eldars Factions and Necron Factions. Personal Skills and Limited RimWorld technology are still valid. Only Weapons and Ships that you made on your own is Available>

Partner what is my chances of survival?


<Optimal Success rate.. Age of Strife..30%>

Oi,oi that is a lie is it not?

<1% of Survival, That is the Truth, You can't really fight against a Ship that Shoot Actual Blackholes instead of the Black Hole Missiles you used...And Turn Back time to Screw you over to prove a point?>

<But look at the Bright Side Alex, You able to Obtain STC's and Legal paperwork ... of the Star Systems...>

Well if you put it that way... Let's Go!

Better Delve into the Crowd....

I feel homesick...I wander about after asking for General Directions and found out I was in San Francisco Riot Ver. 2.0, It had Flying Cars, Some Cyberware that were more refined... Cyborg Cops

It reminds me of Night City... IF you not noticing RPG's and Missiles Flying all over the Place... And LAPD Using Proto Dreadnought Armor...

My Daughter... I remember the Sleeping Child of Mina I adopted in Mina, Still sleeping blissfully with My Lover in the Emperor Flagship so Far Into the Future....

I reminded myself that I do it for the Imperium, nothing else...

I find a Black Market in the Hot zone as In the Conflict intensifies Many people are selling their belongings for a Piece of Bread... Black Markets don't End as Long as There is a Necessity.

I found a Shady Man That have a Sparse Customer Line and Waited till all were done then I Walked to him.

I wonder if I could Make Wondertainment Prevalent in This Timeline?

[??? Pov]

Another Customer, Sold their Belongings just to survive. I felt a bit of Guilt... Ever since the Market Crash, Law and Order have all been collapsed In San Francisco.... Some Bought Tickets to Flee the City and Others Fled to Hawaii... Though I heard that it was a Hell Hole there Since the Overpopulation of Migrants Started a Fire in Maui and the rest of the Islands... And Anarchy was all over the Islands to pick up the Scraps. I used to be a Government Worker... Well Bribes were Prevalent because How Little Pay since people received Despite the Enormous Funding.

But When A year ago, It all Went to hell.. Higher Ups Left Us without a Words with their Wad of Cash, left to the Federation and Immediately Issued a Martial Law Lockdown.

I have some contacts with the US Military to Look the other way for smuggling, For the right price.

Smuggling the People Wanted out. But now... I met a curious person... He never wanted to Escape but a Id and Registration, He Claimed his Id's and Papers were destroyed when his Apartment in the South Side burned down due to the Gang Fighting... that the Government Office Collapsed A Month Ago... Well that is kind of true since it was Closed down. And I Work in a Semi-Forgery... After Installing his Identification in the US register... Not as if that Name Had Any Meaning... When the Concept of Unified Government came to Fruition, it Collapsed the National Borders... By Force... All the illegals Immigrants flooded the US till the Dying System Collapsed, hoping to get a taste of a Land of Milk and Honey, never realizing they transformed the Nation in the Same Hellhole they came from, And It was Anarchy on the Streets for them not getting what was promised, And the Politicians Fled Like Rats leaving people like us to fend for ourselves for the idiocy of the Elites...And the Federation Swept In and Sent the UN Police to Maintain most of the States, In a Sense We are Colonized...By the Federation...

"Alright Done, what is your Payment?"

What he gave me is Some Rarity Goods... Amasec? Couple of Pounds of Meat in a Ice Box and Assorted Daily Necessities... It was More than Enough for me to live a Couple Weeks or Trade for a Better stuff....

"Thank you...Eric." Were his Final Words... When He left the Black Market. His Words reminded me of a Simpler times... I looked at the Old Glory Behind Me Almost Faded in its colors, Memories of the Stars And Stripes...

Years Later On I met with these so called "Guardsmen"... Said that their Boss Wanted to See me... I never would have thought that same man I met years ago became the Leader of the US and He plans to Go to the Stars... and He gave me What I am Good At, Administration with a Good pay and With this Healthcare and Housing? I will be Set for life!

[Alexander Pov]

After Seeing the Black Market in Action it was Pretty much focused in Technology but not to the Extent of Cyberpunk Universe... So After Hacking the Supposedly "Federation Database" I Managed to get my Information to be Inserted in their Servers making them think I am a "Citizen" that got trapped in San Francisco, And Left without the Database without knowing, After all they never met a Hacker that melded in the Data space and Do it faster than any hacker in this place. It was a Good thing that the A.I Alice That was Tasked to Managed the Profiles of the People Consider me a Good Friend? Well If the Age Of Strife Comes... I will Save this A.I.

Partner I thought this was supposed to be the Golden Age of Technology?

<This is a Few Hundred years before the First Warp Drive was Implemented...>

So could I use the Red Alert Time Machine to Get past the Time limit then?

<No, It will defeat the Purpose of the Growth and Somehow the Time Fabric is in Constant turmoil you can't use that unless you want to wind up in Warhammer 50k or back to the War In Heaven... And didn't you said that you wanted to Make this Place know your Company?>

Alright, Time to Set Up Shop.

[3rd Pov]

After a Few Years later A Company named Wondertainment Rose from the Ashes of Anarchy of the US And United the Nation Once more, Making it under control... Many Speculated that it will fail, as how can a corporation managed to Get a Nation to be under Beck and Call and what rules was in place, however it thrived almost competing the rest of the world with Manufacturing and Border Security, the Founder is Always a Mystery as the person never be In the Place that the Media Wanted and All known information of Him was from a Defunct US Servers and Federation Database.

He Agreed to Join the Federation for the Trade Agreements and have a interest in space exploration. And Invested Heavily into technology such as the Conceptual Form of Travel such as Warp Drives, Gellar Fields and STC's as "Humanity Destiny Lies In Space" and "Knowledge Must Be Kept for others to thrive in Dire Times."Was His Motto.

When the Meeting in the Prague Parliament was a Armored Man that Visited them.

"Why are you here in Armor!" Cried out a Politician. Who took Offense that a Man of a Corporation wore a Armor to their Meeting.

"To inform you that We are not the Same Government that You take Advantage Years Ago." The Man Sat Down And Read the Contract. After a Deliberation he signed it and Left. Leaving the Politician dumbfounded as he didn't Haggle them for more Benefits like the rest.

'As if their False Promises will Means Anything when Hell Comes forth.' After all Age of Strife will make all the Politician the First to die.

During the Golden Age, His Company was the Was the Forefront of Space Exploration and Colonization, Terraforming, Research. He Made Mars Terraformed in Such Speed that His Method is more Favored for Terraforming other planets.

1950 Planets or 217 Systems were created as his own what is in the future the Ultima Segmentum and People Migrated there. He Created more Planets and Terraformed Them to Gaia Grade Planet and Made Them Self Sustainable. More Planets was Created for different Variety, Dessert, Oceanic, Tundras. For More Diverse Farming. He Planted Beacons in the Federations for Star Wars Warp Drives for them to survive...

Though he never mentioned the truth of the Designs But designated it as a Beacon of Humanity Milestones.

Alexander Worked Through the Ranks In the Federation Military and Became the General of the Armed Forces. Making Him Aware all the Hidden Bases and Colonies that the Public wasn't Aware about. Especially the Void Dragon in Mars...

He Had Several Alter Egos, one was a General of the Armed forces that was sent to the Stars to conquer the Systems that is ripe for humanity to colonize, Scorching monsters that are worse than the Ones in Warhammer 40k and become Destroyer of Worlds for Civilizations that Defy the Federation, butchered countless Species for Humanity Survival in the Next Government in power, Another was the leader of a Galactic Empire that is Part of the Federation and kept the System running in place making peace deals of Races that do Complied and Shelter Most of them Including the Squats into his Owned Planetary System and Several Eldars that became Expats to his System Settling in the Planets of their Choosing, a Doctor and Scientist, Mechanic.

Many Paparazzi tried to Pierce them together but was confused as All of them Met at the Same Place for a Annual Taco Convention in California and went their separate ways once it was over... Answer was Simple but complex.

It made Him the Oldest in the Known Federation as He Still looked in his Late Twenties, And now he was known as Grandpa Santa by the Orphanages scattered in the Federation.

In a Workshop a Man Was Working in the Men of Iron Repairs.

In this Current Timeline the Armies of Man is Now Being Phased out, Replacing with the Men of Iron... As People are more softer believing that the Human should be better put to use in higher aspect as Society Elite and Let Automation be the Norm, Robots took over Every Aspect of Society, Medical, Entertainment and Military. But a Single Man Knew the True Value of Them and Treated them As Humans and Understood the Plight of the Machines.

"Master What is My Purpose?" A Man of Iron Asked Him

"UR-025... You Are Free... You are My Son..." A Man Touched the Arms of the Metal Giant.


"I Gave you a Soul My Child...You can be Something Better than your Programing."


"You are Not Bound By chains, I gave You the Soul of Humanity...Protect it with Pride that you are Free...Now Go...Child of the Omnissiah along with your Brothers...May We Meet Again..." As Alexander Guided it to a Teleporter to the Men Of Iron Storage...

He Met Revelation or The Scientist Part of him.. Along with a Entourage of Scientists.

Well, if you know all the Golden Aura that he is Emitting, However He noticed Alexander was not influenced with his Charisma.

"Greetings Man of Science, I am Glad that You Funded my Research. And this is My Assistant Erda" Revelation Smiled as He Show a Woman In Lab Coat greeted him warmly.

"Of Course, for the Benefit of Mankind that is the Best way to go forward" Alexander Guide them to his Office. Tea and Baked goods were Placed Infront of the Group...

"So what Brings you To my Workplace?" Alex Took a Sip enjoying of meeting Revelation...

"Would you be part of Our Patron?" Revelation Bluntly Stated causing Alexander to spill out his Tea.

"Why You need me?"

"Because we know it's pretty much all of this Identities are one and the same."

"Are you playing Inspector? "

"Not really, More like impressed that You kept these alter Egos and still look sane, How long did you sleep?"

"20 minutes." Alexander bluntly Said making the Group of Scientists murmured among themselves.

"20 minutes? Is he Even Human?"

"How long is that?"

"So, what Have you in Need of me? Surely of a Man in Science have a Bigger Obligation of meeting me?"

"We Detected a Abnormally in the Aeldari Space and Something big is Happening, Psychic energies are steadily increasing ... in a Few Short Decades, Perhaps couple Thousand years later. it might be wise to prepare ourselves..."

"Why not Inform the Federation?"

"We tried, but they still believe that our statistics and Report is Meaningless because of A.I believe that Humanity can still win...You Heard the Reports of the Planets engulfed in the Empyrean." A Scientist Stepped Forth as Revelation Passed Several Documents about the Issue.

"I Agree, But That But how does that Got to do anything with me?"

"You have the Resources and Manpower to Handle this Issue, And I would request that You could Aid Us." Revelation Said.

"Alright, I am In."

Revelation was amazed with his Answer that suddenly quick; "What Make you So Sure about Agreeing with me?"

"You Have a Gamble of guessing if I Actually Joined, Just the Same As Me Have a Gamble of You Coming To Me, Neoth." Alexander Laughed As Revelation Smiled Cracked a Bit.

"Are you a Perpetual?" Revelation Said Warily of Someone know a Name of him since ancient times.

"No, I am Something Greater than a Perpetual, But I am Still Human. And Don't Mention about those three... I am well aware of those in the warp that might take advantage of us, All I care is the Survival of the Human Race. But First there are certain Conditions Neoth."

More and More Eldars Flooded into Alexander Owned Planetary Systems Some bringing their technology of Reviving their own when they die... Seeking asylum and something was in their Controlled Space Urged them to Come all the Way from their territory. Assisted By Alexander Fleets to their Precarious Journey in the Growing Warp Storms That Hindered their Journey.

Many Craftworlds Entered the System Under Federation Watchful Eyes, Some were Big, some Small... All Rushed to the System where there is a Promise of Harmony of Humanity and Eldars.

Many Eldars Forgo their Technology and Became Exodites on the Forest Planets.

Others After a Series of Deliberation, Eldar Populated a World in a System that is Next to the Capital Planet.

It Swell to the Point that Alexander Forced to Make More Planets and Cadian Pylons to Prevent the People to become Tainted By Coming Chaos. What was 223 Systems he owned becoming The League of the Ten Thousand. Yggdrasil sapling was Planted by the Thousands enveloping the Planets from the Coming Taint Making Them Slowly to be a Version of Phariahs. Some of the Exodites Made the Yggdrasil as a Conduit for their own World Spirit.... Alexander Took Great Deliberation and Activated the Necron Tomb Worlds in His Territory, Some of Them was hostile at first, But with the Actual Promises of them Reversing their Curse of Biotransference, The Overlords and Lords Agreed a Uneasy Alliance and They were Sent to his Sub Dimension Via A Modified Infinity Gate. And Waited for the Hope. To Return them Back to Normal...


He walked through the tunnels of Mars. His abilities were all used to shield Himself from the ever-watching surveillance machines. Further and further He tread, down paths that demanded more and more security clearances. Higher and higher the clearance on his card grew- warped by His Will. Until... finally... he reached the End.


The Secret Door, Deep in Mars, behind all sorts of technological marvels- now designing new and terrible weapons for the fight for the very fate of the galaxy, was a door. This door had no key. There was no clearance high enough. No authorization good enough. Not even the highest ranks of the Federation could pass as they so pleased.

But He could.

He pricked His finger upon the door, a drop of golden blood echoing through. The door rumbled, and creaked open. He strode through the halls- made a metal that the Federation had yet to discover.


He walked through the tomb He had built. The greatest prison a human had ever designed. His footsteps echoed thorough the hall, until he reached the outcropping. He looked down, and saw IT.

It was a dragon. A dragon bleached white, but with green flames dancing upon it. The size of the being rivaled that of mountains. A wing could whip up a storm capable of wiping out entire cities. It was curled up- shackled with unbreakable chains. And besides it... was a plush doll several times the size of a Titan. And a Garden made of Necrodermis, As Flowers and Trees made of Metal Shine in Different Colors making some life in the Deary Prison.

What? It worked to calm the beast. No... not a Beast... but a Part of Him saw the Being as a Friend...

He spoke.

"Magladroth." Alex Spoke in Binary with tones as if he met an old Friend in his home...

The Name echoed through the cavern, bouncing down the walls, until it reached the ears of the beast. One perked up.

"Magladroth," He repeated again in Binary.

Now both ears were up. The dragon opened his eyes, showing a void. A colossal yawn echoed through the cavern, as a giant head rose.

"Five more decades..." a deep, booming voice that could strip the souls of any AI requested.

"Three is about to become Four." The Alexander announced.

The head whirled around.

"...Part of me. That is not humorous," the beast growled. "If you awoke me from my slumber to tell jokes..."

"I am not lying," He said. "The Eldar have Fallen, and the highest echelons of their power are dedicated to creating the Fourth- Slaanesh.


That name had weight. It had power.

It had "HUNGER".

An eye the size of a skyscraper narrowed. "You speak the truth," the C'tan growled. "And why tell me?"

"Because I have need of you."

"You must be truly desperate to come to me," the dragon snarled. "You know the price."

The Alexander nodded, and reached into His pocket. He pulled out bag comprised of small baked goods. "I accept the price."

"...It is baked in Hydrogen, right?"

He sighed. For a being that had glutted itself on trillions of souls, the Star God could be such a child at times. "Yes. Baked in Hydrogen." He held out the treat in his hands, and the massive head lowered itself and the Baked Good Fell out like a Flood. A tongue the size of a city block gently picked the treat up, and the jaws of the beast shut. Maggladroth let out a hum... well... more of a purr.

"What do you need, Shard of me?"

"Make me your Emissary, I loved making Discovery, new Inventions. But without your Blessings, I fear that The Creations that humanity make will be Tainted. And there are places to explore Galaxies to see beyond this Prison.."

"Shard of Mine, I sense that you always loved encouraging others talent to discover and Explore, and you treated the Creations like they were among the living. And you Shown me your memories of A Multiverse with Wonderful Sights to discover and the danger of Stagnation... So I would not Able to Bless all of Humanity as You and I both aware of "that" Man that Chained me here... but in your Systems that you owned, I could Bless you with that."

"Thank you For your benevolence. Till We meet Again Friend."

"May We Meet again Alexander..."

[Before the Age of Strife]

The Federation was in Unease, Many Strange things were occurring, Alexander prepare the Best he could all he could save, was already in his Planetary Systems that were Fortified for the Terrors to Come. He Fortified US To the Point that it was like a Fortress, He Managed to Get The Metatron Orbital Shield Generator, The Strongest that the Federation ever have to place to the Country... Many Skeptics Cried out that He was Preparing for war...

But he was Preparing for Salvation. He and Revelation Had a Agreement, Deep Within the Himalayas, All the Scientists that was under the Payroll of Alexander was Under the Command of Revelation... All the Technology in Gene Manipulation and Computers that were Anti-Taint was Placed there, Rooms made for human Life and Food was placed there to live for centuries.... Making Revelation have more resources and Time to perfect the Thunder Warriors. As Alexander Provided a Flytrap for the Chaos Aligned forces off Revelation Back.

The Worlds are Covered by Warp storms with the Coming Birth Of Slaanesh, But Alex Sent Hope Via Supplies and Faith that Humanity will Thrive. He Sent Knowledge to the Masses trapped in the Warp Storms to Handle the Psyker Outbreaks. Making Them Less Insane, Distrust and Paranoia.

Many Outer Colonies Send out Messages of Help Xeno Attacks, Due to the Orks Excursions now devolve from the Krorks because there was no fighting, Alexander Sent whatever Forces he Could Muster.

Using the Necron Inertialess Drives they Manage to Exterminate whatever Orks they Came Across, But there were too many planets to cover. At this Time, They Barely cover the Ultima Sector as the Ships that are loyal to Alexander were too few and Far Between. And They Left behind Fortifications For the Colonies to Defend themselves...

Though Alexander Manage to Get all the STC's of all Knowledge concerning Mankind Achievements Into a Single Planet called Nirvana as it was probably the Last STC Library Planet that Had the Knowledge of the Golden Age.... He Kept it in a Cloak Generators and Erased it off the Federation Galactic Map, Guarded By Legions of Men of Iron that Alexander "Liberated" From the Federation, So that no One But Him know about it.

Many Demons Wanted to Whisper False Promises and Doubts to the A.I station in that planet was Destroyed the moment they stepped out of the Warp Rifts, Killing them due to the Emperor Aura Saturated the Planet and the Blessings of the Void Dragon.

But the Rest of the Federation... They weren't so Lucky...

A.I Revolt Happened... Along with the Rest of the Federation they had a Severe Outbreak of Rogue Psykers. Making Planets engulfed and Dragged into the Warp.

The A.I was Perfect in the Eyes of Humanity...

War, Labor everything that they could think off, they will pass it to the A.I to do the job for them.

But They Neglected one thing...

"What Happens if they Became Self-Aware Of the Mistreatment of them? And Chaos exploited the Insecurities of the metal giants?"

They Rebelled and they Wanted to Exterminate Humanity. Several Legions Men of Iron that Remained Loyal and purified by Alexander Assisted the Defenders to Drive back them back.

Alexander Mourned for them, as He Gave them the Choice to be Free...And they Have nothing to do with Humanity...

"Because...We Became...Human...Thanks...to...You." Said a Head of a Destroyed Man of Iron... His Head was Flickering with several Holes Pierce through it showing the exposed wires and Crackling Sparks.... Dying In Alexander Arms due to the Power Supply Running out... As the Last Flicker of Life held within the Robot that Serves Humanity left from its eyes, Alexander Placed it into his Inventory.

"I am Sure there is a Heaven Waiting for you..."

After Killing those that was Corrupted Men of Iron, there was a brief respite until a More pressing issue came to play, The people don't know how to manage to handle their Daily Life and with most of the Federation controlled space covered in Warp Storms?

The Rest of the Federation Broke Apart, and Chaos Ensued, Parents Killing their Children, Children Butchering their Parents... Warlord Rise and Fall. Men wanted powers Became Kings in their Micro Empires. People turned to Roving Bands of Piracy. Federation Morals and Law don't mean anything for the Chance of Survival...

The Warp Based Communication was Unable to received commands from Terra. Making worlds into The Dark Age...

Save by those that were affiliated with Alexander... Whose Communication was Through a Modified Necron based Galactic Communication. Kept their Norms of the Federation.

In a fit of Insanity, The Members of the Federation Government went Insane, Ordering to Nuke the Earth into Oblivion, And used their Technology to make the Planet Into a Endless Dessert, Messing the Seasons as well... But Alex Knew that Chaos Already Entered their Hearts and Minds...

Hence, he was painted as a Villain by the Media that Chained themselves with these demons...

"All the Kings Horses, all the King Men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together Again." Was the Encrypted Message He Sent to Revelation... Only both of them knew the meaning of the Word... The Federation Lost All Control... And Its up to Him to prepare for the worse...

Thanks to the Shield, US is Safe from the Nuclear and Weather Disrupting Technologies, But Now It became a Target as it had the last fertile soil left on earth and the intact Manufacturing Base while the rest of the Planet turned into Radiated Toxic Wasteland...

Bands of Techno Barbarians that Chain to their Chaos Infused Leaders Rushed on the ocean of sands, The Cannibal, Incestuous or Plain Insane, Or Those that want to take a Bite of the Pie, Flooded the Borders of US constantly, now no longer have the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans to Be a Natural Barrier... Alexander Spent Quintillions of Federation Cash before it went useless to Fortify what was once a Coastal Regions with Fortresses that is Armed with Soldiers in power armor and Artillery to guard the Endless Sands, Even to the North, He Fortify it as Now Even Canada was under a Politician turned Techno Barbarian Warlord named Blackface the 9th that made the people embrace the Dark Gods... [Blackheart = Blackfaced you know who.]

For Months...Years... Alexander Worked in all places at once... Him Assisting the Creation of the Thunder Warriors and Removing the Bugs, Him Ordering what was once America To enter a Wartime Economy... And Their Resources was enough to survive till the Start of the Grand Crusade.... Managing the Burgeoning Empire of his, using Teleporters that Is from Rimworld to Journey Back and Forth using Teleporters that Is from Rimworld to Journey Back and Forth and Getting all the A.I ships to Assist the defense of his Empire Borders..

Until One Day....

The Doors of the Himalayas Laboratory Opened... Giant Men Gleamed in Gold lead by a Man In Enormous Stature with Flaming Sword... As they March in Formation down from Himalayas, The Thunder Warriors Have Arrived...

After Being Relayed about Revelation Intentions, Both of them Began the Invasion to unify Terra, With the Thunder Warriors Flooded Indo-Europe, And Alexander Armed Forces to Invade the Nations of what was Called South Americas and Canada to Bring it into the Aquila Compliance... Either though Diplomacy or by the Sword.

It was Brutal, it was Gritty and Hell. It was Like Mad Max but with World Ending weapons, As The Canada managed to Keep up with it's cannibalistic Nature via Cloning People for Meat to Survive... and it provided Endless amount of Clones to toss the Grinder, many of those were Cancer filled Creations that are stark raving mad... and the South Americas most were Roving Warlords that either devoted to Chaos that Terrorize the Citizens... or Some Hermits communities that isolated themselves from the world... After A Successful Diplomacy check completed, Alexander Managed to Occupy South Americas and Now He Focused in Canada...


It was a Stronghold of Evil... Dark Miasma Flooded the Scorched Plains now devoid of the Trees...Blackheart Barricaded Himself in what was called Quebec... And Feasted himself with Choice meat tonight from the Slave pits...

He knew the Neighbor in the South is a Vengeful Foe, But he didn't care, he was blessed by the Chaos and Power Swept him and his followers... Many Days they Feasted on the living and debauchery...

Never realizing that Their End Was Near...

At Dawn Thunderous Artillery Opened Fire Endlessly Slamming the Once High Tech City with Ordinances of Pure Rage... for the Losses of the Soldiers that died Defending the North... Blackheart rushed out to meet his foes thinking that They were Mere Insect they Squashed Years ago... They were met with a Army filled with Splendor And Gold... Alexander Reinforcements have arrive in a Form of a Thunder Warrior Legion with Alexander Taking the Lead...

They Strode through the Lands as fast as they could and Slaughter the Chaos Infused Leaders and His Followers laughing all the way, Their Slave Armies Fled in the City upon Realizing that They met a Bigger monster than Blackheart...

After a Diplomacy Check and Seeing most of them weren't infested by chaos he allows them a Choice a "Be Free as Slaves and Join the Imperium or Die like your Slave Masters." While Emitting the Golden Aura from his Emperor Shard to Make them Compliant...

After he was Done, He Headed West... To Asia

Another March of a Endless war in the Distance...

The Earth Quaked, Artillery Roared, Planes Flew in the Distance, the Chants of the Soldiers and Thunder Alike Yell in Unison...

"Unity!" As they Charge into the Defenders as their blood became the Foundation of Imperium... As they Manage to Take over What was Once called Vietnam, Making a Supply Lines for Alexander for him to assist Revelation in his Frontlines...

While Alexander Oversee the Operation of a Supply Base in India, He Met Macaldor... Though He was a warlord that Revelation Made Friends Along the way...

No words needed to say as they both knew the only path forward is to help Man to Survive Chaos.

Is the Man that they Follow know the shining path...

Almost the World was Almost Completely Subjugated...for so long the world was in chaos now a semblance of peace remains, Leaving Mt Arayat the Only Last non-Compliant Stronghold Left in the World. Alexander Began terraforming the Earth Into a Fertile Land for Development, He was asked to Join The Emperor of mankind to his Quarters...

It concerned the Fate of the Thunder Warriors...

Despite how perfected the Genetic of the Thunder Warriors, Revelation is worried about their loyalty.

"No, I will not Have these Men Die for Some Glorious Propaganda!" Alex Slammed the Table.

Arik Taranis was Watching Nearby How the Situation Turned out. And he and Alexander Worked together in several Campaigns...But he knew how much Alexander cared for his men.

"Alexander... You know How this would end right?" Revelation Stared at him Blankly.

"They Bled and Died for the Unification War. Don't they Deserve a Better Life?"

"People Needed a Image of Me being a Invincible and a Benevolent Leader..."

"Then If you wanted them dead, Let me Have them." Alexander Said Making the Emperor and Arik Taranis Visibly Shocked of his Implication.

"On the Final Battle of Mt Arrayat and ended the Endless wars in Terra, they Ventured to the Heavens where the Thunder God Came from, signaling the End of the Unification Wars, One Day When Humanity Needed their Help once more, they will return to Aid them with the Thunder God Leading the Charge, wouldn't be good for the Media to make a Better Legend than you slaughter all of them!"

"You know they have limited lifespan?" Emperor Spoke Softly...

"Then I will Fix their Lifespan then, There other worlds out there that need a Symbol of hope in such dire times, And The Thunder Warriors will be that Symbol. Just as they Laid the Foundation of the Imperium to survive, They will Lay the Foundation of the Worlds that need our help."

"Thank You.. for inputting your thoughts..." Revelation Went in deep thought...

"Revelation, You surrounded yourself with yes-men and Think everything goes your way... That is Plain Arrogance of a God. These Men I fought Beside with me...With blood and Sweat, There must be a Balance to know what is deemed Reasonable and Being showered by Accolades of Snakes that Bootlick you for their Survival!" Alexander pointed to Arik...

"They Deserve a Life after their creation...How Many of them died laying the foundation of the Imperium? They were given a Choice to make this place a utopia and you want to toss them away when their usefulness ran out? That is a true Hypocrisy of a Benevolent Man, Invincible? What happens when you have no one to rely on, no tools to use? What happens here, when people will know the truth that you order the massacre and lied about it and paint us as murderers without a purpose!?" Alexander Continued.

There Was Silence between the two, Alex Left with Tarik in Disgust and Walked out the Newly constructed Golden palace...

"I will Still Serve the Imperium... But Killing them off? For these Astartes Marines that I helped create and lessen the dangers of Implantation? And those Banana Boys?" Alexander said before he left the door. Leaving Emperor behind... Macaldor Appeared in a hidden room...

Thousand Workers filled their Quotas with Bricks and Mortar and Carve several Statues of the emperor.

"Sorry Arik... I Doubt that He would Change his Mind...Of all the Struggles We both survived this hell...All Gone for nothing?" Alexander sighed...

"I am Glad that there is someone that still cared about us...I thought our fate would be sealed if you hadn't spoken out against it." Arik Commented as the two headed down the mountain...

The Two Saw the Newly Formed Golden Custodes Patrolling the Streets...

"You are still human Tarik to me... Even all the Gene Modifications you go through, You are a Brother to me... Brother in Ash and Grime that fought alongside me..."

When the Order was Sent... To conquer Mount Ararat As the people holed up in there killed the messenger that demanded the surrender...

All Forces was to converge... With the Thunder Warriors taking the Front with the First Legion the Dark Angels taking the Rear... Along with the Rest of the Astartes Legions making a Name for themselves in other parts of the mountain...

It was Blue Skies that day...

Artillery Rained Nonstop in the Mountain... And Tracers of anti-aircraft guns fired from the mountain trying to shoot down the Bombers... During the Journey to the top, Arik and Alexander Kept Silent, Seeing the Thunder Warriors Around them Cheerfully Joking one another, not realizing the Death Warrant that the Emperor just sent them...

Each Step to the Top was a Heavy Sin that was placed in Alex Heart as he dredged in the Path to the Mountaintop, Him believing was Leading them to death...Silence was Waited in the Final Battlefield, When the Thunder Warriors stood ready in Parade Formation on Moutain Arrayat Ready for the Reward. The War is Over and the silence marked the end of the End of the Unification. The Legio Custodes, Emperor personnel Bodyguards Came forward and stood in formation, their head Facing the Base of the Mountain Slope.

Golden Skylance Gunship appeared in the distant skies and landed at the Base of the Mountain Slope. Emerging from the Landing Pad is the Emperor of Mankind,

He Survey the Warriors over the last battlefield of Terra.

Alexander Stood By the Thunder Warriors... He Closed his eyes to not see the deaths of the people that he fought with died...

All Eyes Thunder warriors, Custodes Fixated at the Emperor of Mankind as he began to speak.

"My Friends, My Warriors. The war is over, We Stand on now Unified Terra for the First time in Thousands of years, a Beacon for all Mankind, a Place of Humanity to call home. I thank you all for your service and your dedication to me and to the dream of Unity. However, My Warriors, I must Asked you for your Forgiveness as well thank you for your duties..."

The Crowd of the Thunder Warriors Stood silence, Surrounding Custodes Noticed the Thunder Warriors Discomfort.

"My Warriors, When I Elevated you above the ranks of mortal Soldiery, I did so with all with my knowledge and experience in the crafts. It was my belief that I created the Unstoppable, the unbeatable, My Perfect Thunder Warriors. However as many of you know, I was Wrong...I have noticed you have some degeneration. I have promise you all that I and many of under my service have been working on addressing this problem, And I swear to you, I and the Newly forged Imperium of Man, We would do whatever we can to aid you all."

A Few Glances occurred between the Thunder Warriors as the Custodes watched on in Silence...

"Now My Friends I wished to thank you all for your services and I wished to tell you all my Further Dreams of Humanity."

The Emperor looked to the Skies as he raised His Voice to them all.

"Up there in the Stars, there are thousands of Human colonies, thousands of Human Worlds lost and Isolated from Terra. From the rest of humanity, My warriors, it is not Just My goal is not to Unite all of Terra, But to unite all of Humanity together as well, to build a galaxy free from the Oppression of Tyranny, the plague of the Xenos that harmed Humanity, the mutant and the witch. And I invite you all, My thunder warriors to join me in my goal for humanity, there may be many foes we shall have to face, Many threats that need to be destroyed, So I asked you all, My Loyal Thunder Warriors if will you join me in my quest."

Cheer Erupted Among the Thunder Warriors and the Emperor Raised his Voice Louder.

"Will you again would you put your trust in me once more, Will you once more pledge your service to me, And to the Dream of Unity for all of humanity!"

"I will not promise you all may not survive this great endeavor, but I swear to you, Through your blood, through your strength, through your will, We would be as triumphant in the stars as we were triumphant in surface in this world."

The Thunder Warriors Cheered Even Louder.

"Do you Swear and Stand with me Thunder Warriors and to Fight in my Name Once more?"

The Cheers Erupted that shook the earth.. As Revelation Smiled at Alex... Whose Eyes now Opened...

"Thank you, Emperor... For giving them another chance..."

Later Alexander Was Given Command of the Thunder Warriors as he was the Advocate of the Thunder warriors to be kept alive among those that wanted to kill them, And with Him wanting to Fulfill the Thunder Warriors defects, Using the perfect Thunder Warrior Blueprint he manage to solve the Defect by Using the Space Marine Progenoid Glands, Using his Blood injected in the Unmarked Progenoid Gland... Making it the Missing 21st Gene Seed as the Fires of Horus Burned down the Gene Stocks in Luna. Making them No longer the Thunder Warriors but something greater than what was their own. They are not Space Marines, Not Thunder Warriors... But the Strongest of All the Legions Combined... Their Only Flaw was to care about Humanity...

He Gave them a Home World in his Empire, A High Gravity Gaia World "Orion VI", where the human Bone Density is Thicker than normal, and They are perfect for The Thunder Warrior Candidates....

"They were the First Legion that existed in Terra, but they will never be erased..." Was the Base of the Mural of the Academy of Thunder Warriors... Their Names, Their Deeds was written in Admantium And Eternally.


A/N: Hello I am Late, Originally I wanted to Make Alexander Participated in the War In Heaven, But that is Practically Impossible. As The Silent King at that time is Selfish and Agreed with the C'tan to make everyone to become Necrons to keep power. But I prefer in the Dark Age of Technology... as There are technologies that is pretty much op in a sense... I said Before Time Travel Shenanigans.

After all I wrote in the Last Chapter there was 1950 Planets now turned to the League of the Thousand Systems but in the 40k Century it turned to that number. After all the Great Crusade is going to be Bloody and Brutal.

Why not allow the Dark age of technology Ship Assist the Great Crusade?

They Are Under Alexander Command not the Emperor. And They are well aware of the Fact that the Future that soon unfolds. So Defensive line.

What is Alexander Purpose in this Era?

Well...A Advisor of the Emperor of Making him see another Avenue of his Plans, Macaldor Kept the Imperium Running, While Alexander Handle the Economic Affairs of the Empire and Envoy to Races that are deemed compliant to Humanity.

Why did the Void Dragon Say to Alex "Part of me?" It was the Emissary of the Omnissiah perk. it contains a Shard of the Void Dragon well it could turn Alexander into a Pseudo C'tan for a Short time. And Asking from the source legalized his authenticity as the Emissary of the Actual Omnissiah