

"Lady Song don't!"

"Lady Song stop!"

Seeing that the woman named Lady Song unexpectedly attack, the three who came with her was immediately startled as they shout trying to stop her. But sadly, Lady Song didn't listen to them and continues to attack.

Esdeath has a cold smile in her lips as she lightly snorted. An ice sword materialize in her hand and slash it towards the approaching Lady Song.


Lady Song who pounced forward didn't have enough time to dodge the swift attack from the sword and was injured. A long deep wound run across her chest with huge amount of bloods coming out. Lady Song's expression turned pale as she glare at Esdeath in disbelief.

The reason she was glaring at Esdeath in disbelief was because she felt that Esdeath had the ability to kill her at that attack but she didn't. Lady Song jumps back while gritting her teeth. Trace of blood was slowly coming out from the corner of her mouth as she coughs blood.

Behind Lady Song, the other three immediately went towards her and gives her a medicine pill to swallow. After consuming the pill, the long and deep wound in her chest stops releasing blood and her face gained a little bit of color. She then turn her eyes to Tang Ming who was currently getting stepped on by Esdeath with his tongue hanging out like a dog.

After giving Lady Song a medicine, the middle-aged man who was releasing a more powerful aura than the other three steps forward and said in an ice-cold tone, "You kill and shamed my people, created trouble here, and even injured an important person of our Crystal Pavilion. You must give me a proper explanation for this. If not, don't blame me for being ruthless"

After the man speaks, Lady Song and the other two went beside him releasing their own Qi trying to suppress Esdeath.

Feeling their insignificant Qi pressing down to her. Esdeath had no other reaction other than to sneer at towards their ignorant attitudes.

All of them were at the Martial General Realm with Lady Song being the weakest.

"You underestimated me too much, while you overestimated yourselves" suddenly Esdeath's Qi burst forth making the temperature drops significantly. Her Martial King Qi was full on display as the surrounding area started to get frozen.

Seeing the shocked and surprised expression in the faces of the people from the Crystal Pavilion, Esdeath snorted, "Those who doesn't have enough strength doesn't have the right to threaten others. I will show you how easily I can slaughter a lowly animal like you"

Tall walls of ice started to come out from the ground encircling the whole area. The middle-aged man and the others knew that they couldn't retreat and can only fight. So, the four of them take out their weapons which were all swords.

Knowing that the people in front of her wanted to fight, Esdeath let go of the five chains she was holding and draws her rapier, "Since you wanted to fight, then I will first kill this dogs"

When the middle-aged man and the others heard her words. Their faces turned unsightly as they rushed forward to stop Esdeath from executing the five.

Unfortunately, they are a step too late as Esdeath already waves her rapier and slashed through the necks of five naked people cutting their heads off. Five heads flew into the air and drops to the ground before rolling. Fountain of red blood sprouted from their headless body dyeing the ground red, while thick stench of blood permeated into the air.

Failing to save the five, the middle-aged man shuddered not knowing if it is from anger or fear.

"Noooo!" Lady Song seeing her lover's head rolling in the ground cried in grief. Tears started to pour out of her eyes as she hugs the severed head and body of Tang Ming. Her eyes lost its focus and light as she continues to cry.

"Devil spawn, I will kill you!"

"Vile b*tch, die for me!"

The two man who was silently watching from behind not uttering a single word from the beginning now shouted in unison. The swords in their hands were glimmering in cold light as they both slash towards Esdeath's neck intending to cut her head off just like what she does.

Facing the two man shrouded in anger, Esdeath just jumps back and easily evaded their attacks. The two kicked the ground and both followed after her brimming with full killing intent.

A sadistic grin appeared in Esdeath's lips as she opened her arms as if she was welcoming the attacks of the two man.

The two man looking at Esdeath with her arms opened felt angry as it was clear that she was looking down at them. Feeling displeased, their eyes burned in hatred and rushes forwards like a raging beast.

Esdeath let out a soft snicker and from behind her, multiple icicles appeared beside her pointing towards the two. After that, the icicles moves and started flying towards the approaching two.




Caught unprepared of the sudden appearance of the icicles in the thin air. The two were quickly pierced by the icicles in their bodies and limbs. Unable to endure it any longer, the two immediately coughed out mouthful of bloods and their faces were pale in fright. Blood was slowly pouring out from their wounds as they suddenly felt their bodies become heavy.

After several struggling to survive by just their wills alone, the two slowly slumped in the ground and their breathing stopped.

"You!" the middle-aged man who just witnessed the deaths of his two colleagues was so angry that he can only utter one word while pointing at Esdeath. His heart is full of grief and sadness as the people who came here with him is getting slaughtered easily like pigs.

Without paying any attention to the middle-aged man who was shaking in anger, Esdeath said, "The weak are destined to lie beneath the boots of the strong. If that angers you, overcome your deficits"

The 5 chapters that I've posted today was the chapters I created before I took a break. I already created up until chapter 68, but i will not post it as I still need to do some changes to it. Maybe I will post it after I finished the second volume.

But for now I will write something just for fun.

Cpt_LickMecreators' thoughts