
Supreme Saiyan God

Yang Chen, an anime lover, was reincarnated into a cultivation world as a saiyan and later on he finds an amazing secret about himself and the world he lived in...

David_555 · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Making friends (2)

" We're here?? Where is that? Does someone live here? Who even lives in a place like this? Not classy at all" Upon seeing his cave, Cao Yun , Shen Xi and Meng Yan began discussing among themselves while expressing discontentment towards his place.

" I've fucking lived here for 6 years if any of you think you can go and live elsewhere in this forest be my guest!!!!!!" Suddenly Yang Chen's aura flared up with each word he spoke and by the time he was done, all three were lying helplessly on the ground.

Ling Feng looked at his friends apologetically cos he knew there was nothing he could do. " Senior brother Yang Chen, how about I help you guy this ape. Ling Feng looked at Yang Chen with a small smile. Even Yang Chen couldn't believe how shameless this guy was. Like he just bullied his friends and yet he wants to help him out. Sighing, Yang Chen led him to the waterfall where they began to gut the ape.

" Senior sister Meng, amongst all of us, only you have the most accurate senses. Is that guy even human?" Shen Xi sat by Meng Yan and began to ask . " Well he's not human" She said, causing them to gasp at this revelation. " However he's not a beast too, he's something different altogether . " she added. " But he doesn't have any profound energy, so how is he so strong. I mean we're all energy condensation realm experts, however just his aura is able to beat us. How is it possible" A curious Cao Yun asked. " Well profound energy isn't the only means for cultivation. It's a means to an end . Other forms of energy exist and I think he's using a form of energy which is unknown to us" She smiled and said. " Wow senior sister is so smart. As expected of the goddess of the Meng clan". Shen Xi teased.

" Sharp intuition girl, I guess you aren't as useless as the rest of them " Suddenly Meng Yan heard a voice in her head which made her frown slightly. " Is this telepathy?" She asked, a bit confused. " Correct" . The voice answered. "You're Yang Chen right" she asked once more. "Correct once more" Yang Chen confirmed. " You're very interesting girl, I can sense countless abnormalities within your body. Care to tell me some? " Yang Chen asked once more. "Your body also fascinates me. Can you let me study you for a bit?" She replied while a smile blossomed on her face.

At the waterfall, Ling Feng could tell Yang Chen was spacing out again and immediately distanced himself from him . " Tsk what an interesting girl " Yang Chen slowly muttered with a smile, before turning to glance at Ling Feng who was standing a few meters from him. " Hey what are you doing there?" He asked. " Well I decided to distance myself a little so as to not disturb you in your daydreaming." He said respectfully. " Just come over here and help me with this " He spoke with slight annoyance as Ling Feng immediately rushed over and continued helping out.