
The Fall of the World's Greatest Genius

In the year XXXX, Earth has already undergone a lot of technological advancements. A lot of it is attributed to one man. His name is Rhett Zephyr. Born under an auspicious star, he said to be someone who would really change the world as we know it.

Rhett was born in a poor family. Aware of his family's condition, he really worked his ass off just to make sure he can help them in the future. As a child, Rhett was someone who showed skill not only in memorization but also spatial awareness. He was hailed as a prodigy in the field of science when he was only 12 years old. He was diagnosed to have savant syndrome which is a condition in which someone with significant disabilities demonstrates certain abilities far in excess of average. Unbeknownst to everybody even his parents, he was an autistic child. However, having seen the state of living they were currently in, he hid his autistic tendencies from everybody.

When he started his schooling at the age of 6, he was accelerated to 6th grade. According to the principal, although he possessed an intellect far better the his peers he needed to wait at least a year to be accelerated to a higher level. A year later, he was accelerated to 12 grade. He passed the SAT with a perfect score and was admitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he took up Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Medical Science and Engineering, Computer Software Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.

After graduating from various field in undergraduate and obtaining graduate degrees regarding the same, He started working on devices that would shift the current technological paradigm they wherein. And to his satisfaction, He shocked the world with his invention of a device that can ignore the mass of whatever is being carried. This became the catalyst that gave rise to a new tech giant.

At the age of 30 years old, he has already built a tech-company that focused on producing bio-mechanics. Rhett, the most influential and successful businessman of Earth, he established the world renowned Zephyr Tech Incorporated(ZTI), the biggest multinational corporation of the year XXYY. He has branch companies in more than 80 countries around the world. He was said to be a very charismatic person and can easily communicate with people and seal any deal or contract with ease. He is also known to be "The Greatest Businessman on Earth" because of his accomplishment of being able to establish Zephyr Tech.

One day, an idea struck his mind that would cause a ripple effect in the world on the days to come. He and his research teams started on working on a chip that would revolutionize technology as we know it. They called it KNOWN. KNOWN is a bio-chip the have invented capable of analyzing 100 yettabytes of data in just 20 secs. With this technology, a new era has began. A world where supercomputers are within peoples grasp.

Being a person who has reached the peak of the Business World, he also has many enemies. Threatened that they might not be able to bring him down, they bribed various share-holders of ZTI to eliminate him because his potential in business can only be described as terrifying. Unshaken by the number of threats against his life that he has received, he still continued producing the chip and improving it. KNOWN has already been integrated into many devices and Rhett knew what the next step he should take should. It is to fully integrate the chip into the human body.

After a few years, the impact of his project died downed. He, of course, did not care as he was focusing on his project. Upon reaching 40 years old, a flash of inspiration drifted its way into his mind. This gave rise to new ideas which lead to the success of the human integration project. As he was putting finishing touches on his new devices, a problem sprouted. It is whether who will be the first person to integrate into such a chip. Few months later, he made up his mind and wanted that the device be integrated to him. Knowing that the devices can only be used in its most efficient form if the one wielding it is capable enough and with proper knowledge and training about the same. The operation was set during end of the year. Aware of the possible repercussions that might take place he has settled everything that is needed for the company to function in case something bad happens to him.

The day of the operation finally came. The procedure was done skillfully and swiftly. Thankfully, no damage was made that was not repairable and he was given few months for rest and rehabilitation. Few months after the operation, he started working in the company again. Suddenly, people took notice of the rise in capabilities of the giant that is Zephyr Tech. Finally, a rumour has spread about a successful human integration trial that took place in secret. For a few months, Rival companies started to pressure ZTI to give information about the trial. Majority of the stockholders succumbed to the pressure and asked Rhett about the information. Rhett unable to take it any longer scheduled a press conference on the day after next.


On the day of the press conference, Rhett stood in front of millions of people and report.

Rhett asked: "What questions do you have about the rumour spreading???"

Reporter A went in front and confidently asked: "Are the rumours true about the human integration project your company was said to have conducted? "

Rhett retorted: " Is there a need to answer such a question? When we all know these things are just things rival companies are doing to damage our repute."

Reporter B interjected: "Sir, I think you really need to see the internet. A picture and a video has been spreading about the rumour procedure which would really prove our claims!"

Rhett: "Wait, let me see this video… Hahaha… It seems I cannot really deny it know."

Suddenly, a woman stood up and approached them the suddenly shouted: "Now, that you have seen it spill the beans."

Rhett snorted then replied: "Hahaha… If it isn't Zalina, how are you doing so far?? Seeing that you are here, how am I to say that this is not one of your ploys to destroy our reputation??"

Zalina was the CEO and Founder of another tech giant, Sane Drac Ltd. It has been the biggest firm before the inception of ZTI into the market. "Ahahah… Did you really think I would come here without proof?"

A few moments later, she called for someone. "Dr. Crawford, may I ask you to step forward and tell us about the operation?" Dr. Crawford was one of the best, if not the best neurosurgeon in the world, and of course, he was affiliated to ZTI.

Dr. Crawford: "Of course, Miss Zalina. It will be my pleasure. The operation was indeed performed by me. The video is from a camera I hid during the operation. I would now divulge the identity of the person the operation was conducted on…"

People started to draw closer in order to hear the announcement. "Ok. I think that was enough suspense. Heheheh. He is none other than the one standing in front of you, Rhett Zephyr."

Rhett said to himself: "Hahaha… I have never thought the claws of Sane Drac would reach even unto my secret circle of people" "I guess we can say that the press conference has ended now…"

Reporters screamed chasing after him: "Sir! Sir! Sir! You have to let us know the details."

Zalina suddenly commanded: "Hahaha.. Finally that chip will be mine…Men, go get that chip and don't let him get away."

He suddenly snuck back into the building and locked it down to prevent anyone from catching onto him. "Lock the building down!!!"

Sudddenly, Rhett's voice was heard all around the building: "Hahaha… Zalina, did you really think you can take this chip away from me??? If I can't enjoy and have this chip then no one can, hahaha!!!"

A blinding light flashed and an explosion was heard from outside. The fire alarms suddenly broke the silence.A huge shroud of smoke covered the place. The building started to burn and then caved in and crumbled down. People started rushing towards safety. This moment marked the fall of the greatest genius known to man.

In the midst of panic, a voice was heard. It was Zalina. "Search this whole place down I don't believe we can't find the chip under this rubble." She then cursed: "You fucking piss of shit, Rhett. Even in your death, you make it hard for me to triumph." She turned to her subordinates and then said "It is no use. I know he won't even leave a trace of it here. Let's all return. We still succeeded in bringing this giant down. Hahaha…" As they where leaving, a tear suddenly fell and swept her face. "Old friend, I hope you can finally rest in peace. There is no one now left to challenge me. Don't you know its lonely at the top???" She relented…

I hope this chapter give you enough background about our MC.

OverzealousFreakcreators' thoughts