
Supreme Magus

Derek McCoy was a man who spent his entire life facing adversity and injustice. After being forced to settle with surviving rather than living, he had finally found his place in the world, until everything was taken from him one last time. After losing his life to avenge his murdered brother, he reincarnates until he finds a world worth living in, a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow him along his journey, from grieving brother to alien soldier. From infant to Supreme Magus. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Western Fantasy Schedule: 12 chapters/week (unless I'm ill or stuff happens) Chapter Lenght: 1200 - 1400 words Warning: The MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. He is a broken, cynic and misanthropic person looking only for his own gain. If you are looking for a forgiving, nice, MC that goes around saving people in distress, this is not your cup of tea. Same if you want an unchanging MC with no character development. ------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/suprememagus ---------------------------------------- Cover of Tiamat form Lith Verhen by josh groban aka manohar aka Animustw. My new Pfp was made by Josh (same as above). Visit the official discord for his official portraits of the characters.

Legion20 · ファンタジー
3279 Chs

Unexpected Answers

After the battle ended, everyone dropped down to the ground, finally able to relax. Despite the victory, there was no place for joy or celebration. The Trawn woods would bear a scar that might take months if not years to heal.

The three kings were already discussing how to rearrange the borders of their areas of influence, to prevent future food shortages from affecting them too harshly.

Lith, instead, was still dwelling on the young bear's memories, comparing the Abomination's life with his own. It was only because he had been reborn in a good family that Lith didn't end up endlessly obsessing over power, being able to afford to take care of his body.

In the bear's shoes, with the fierce competition of the wilderness, Lith might have been tempted to do the same thing. All his life up to this point had been one huge risk/rewards assessment, Lith had simply been luckier than the young bear.

It was the second time in a single day that his victory had been hollow. He started to feel depressed, making the adrenaline rush dissolve much faster. Soon exhaustion would take its toll, he needed some real sleep.

Before going home there were still some things he had to do. First, he gave the Shyf a whole boar to eat, then Lith proceeded to heal its atrophied leg.

He couldn't do it before, otherwise the fatigue from recovering from such a wound, coupled with Reaper's already debilitated state due to the prolonged battle, would have made the Shyf faint.

Being a healer was almost second nature to Lith at that point. He also wanted that, whatever happened next in the woods, the kings would be able to face it on their own. Lith already had enough on his plate, all he wanted was to sleep and eat for a week straight.

On top of that, he could finally share not with one, but with three powerful magical beasts, his doubts about tier four magic with a practical example.

With the energy he had left, Lith performed a scaled-down version of the tier four Lightning God's Finger spell with true magic, weaving together fire and air magic to conjure a small sphere of plasma.

"The real deal would be bigger, hence doing more damage but also requiring much more energy." Because of its nature, plasma was highly volatile and would disperse at the slightest mistake.

It could indeed generate temperatures on the order of thousands of degrees and even strike with surgical precision, but it was incredibly slow to move. Lith couldn't find a single practical use to justify spending so much mana on just one spell.

Both the Ry and the Shyf were natural air magic masters, so they could immediately understand the nature of the spell and its underlying effects.

"That's just useless!" Reaper blurted.

"It's the prettiest waste of mana I have ever seen." Protector laughed.

"With much less energy and effort, you could wipe away an entire acre of the woods. I think the problem is not you, but the spell itself.

"According to what you told me in the past, humans deemed each other so stupid and untrustworthy that they divided magic into steps, or tiers, as you call them.

"In my opinion, either the human that invented that cr*p had more free time than brains, or the spell is incomplete on purpose."

"Are humans really so idiotic? To teach their cubs how to kill prey but not where the best parts are?" The Shyf was flabbergasted at the idea.

"Another dead end." Lith sighed, his depression getting worse. The Ry was his last hope to make heads or tails of the magical conundrum.

"I'm sorry, Scourge." The Ry said. "But us magical beasts have a much more practical view about magic. Most of your human issues are either senseless or idiotic to me. Another problem is that we are incapable of controlling all the elements that comprise the world energy.

"Only king level beasts can manipulate two elements, while the most complex spells you showed me sometimes use three or more.

"I would love to help you further, but between my duties and this tragedy, I need to focus on avoiding the impending famine. Sorry."

The Ry and the Shyf left him, starting to discuss how to make the whole forest, especially the zone most damaged by the Wither, survive the upcoming winter.

Lith could feel his headache getting worse by the second, so after bidding them goodbye, he started to move as fast as he could towards home.

'So much for a second and third opinion. If the Ry is right, then we are f*cked big time. No academy means no tier five spells, which in turn implies that we will be stuck with tier three as our main source of inspiration.

'Not to mention that I really do not envy all those students that waste a whole year of their life practicing incomplete spells.' Lith thought.

'Actually, I have been pondering about what Nana told us, and I think there is yet another possibility. Maybe tier four and fire are so rare to find because they are strictly related to a mage specialization.' Solus suggested.

'What if the Lightning God's Finger isn't an offensive spell, but rather an energy source for constructs? Or maybe it's the only way to carve magic runes in the hardest materials used for weapons or armors.

'We know nothing about forgemastering, potion brewing, or anything related to indirect magic.'

'Damn! You are probably right. And that adds insult to our injury. Seems we are destined to live four very uninteresting years.'

As soon as he came home, Lith refused to move a finger, going to bed right after dinner, hoping that the next day would bring him good news.

Yet months passed, his birthday was getting closer and so was the deadline for applying to any academy.

Meanwhile, Count Lark hadn't been sitting on his hands. He had used every single opportunity, every pretext, no matter how flimsy, to seek an audience with the King, and when that failed, he worked his way down the Court's hierarchy.

He had pestered everyone so much that many would hide whenever he showed his face, or pretend that they did not notice him so he would not get any opportunity to pursue his fool's errand.

But the Count was a stubborn man, he knew the rules and regulations inside out, and by using real problems related to Lustria County as a cover, there was only so much they could do to avoid him without setting a dangerous precedent.

He was able to endure long hours of waiting as if they were nothing, and then still have the energy to plead for his case until his hosts were so exhausted that to get rid of him, they had to at least promise to consider his claims.

When Headmistress Linnea talked about wanting to send a political message, this wasn't the result she was hoping for. Soon her name would get associated with ingenious curses and swearing, and so was her bloodline until the seventh generation.

Count Lark soon became a hot topic, receiving the same degree of attention an impending flood or plague would get.

One way or another he achieved part of his objective, making the whole Court discuss the possible implications that Headmistress Linnea's new rule could cause in the future.

Was it really worth it to bar the road to a promising magician because of how or where they had learned her spells? Why punish the victim of a crime just because they had asked for the laws to be upheld?

Should a Headmistress of such an important institution be allowed to change the rules of admission on a whim, without any form of control?

An important discussion like that needed time, but most importantly peace and quiet. The Court unanimously resolved to grant Marchioness Distar, the true ruler of Lustria County, extraordinary powers to face Count Lark as she thought best.

In other words, she was left with the short end of the stick.

Now Count Lark would relentlessly pester her, while everyone else would live happily ever after.

Marchioness Distar already had her fair share of trouble, Trequill Lark was just the icing on the cake. She considered more than once to simply use her new found powers to behead the Count, but her good sense and all her personal advisors stopped her.

Lark was one of her best retainers. He was sincere, didn't skim on the taxes, and he never had sordid affairs that she was forced to cover up.

On top of that, under his guiding hand, Lustria County had been flourishing for over twenty years. Because of that, the Marchioness and her mother before her never had to move a finger.

It was a well-oiled machine, and honest to boot! Replacing him would cause her much more trouble than executing him would prevent.

Having her back against a wall, she decided that honesty was the best policy. Lark was a loving father, after all. Maybe he would understand her position and leave her alone if he knew the truth.

After granting him the thirty-seventh audience in less than three months, she explained her family's plight to Count Lark.

"As you know, the higher you get the more trouble you incur. A few weeks ago, my family experienced an attempted murder. Thanks to the safety measures we have surrounded ourselves with, it failed. But it didn't pass without consequences.

"One of the assailants managed to reach my daughter. Her magical protections took the brunt of the hit, reducing what would have been a deathblow to slightly more than a pinprick."

"All is well that ends well." The Count commented.

The Marchioness had to stop herself from slapping him to death. She rubbed her forehead instead, trying to calm down.

"I wish! Because of that pinprick, my daughter has been cursed"

"Cursed?" Count Lark's monocle jumped out of his orbit from the surprise.

Usually he would scoff at such a preposterous concept. In all his years of exploring magic curiosities from all over the world, he had encountered curses only in the bedtime stories he read to his children.

Yet the Marchioness' glare silenced the Count. He put his monocle back in place and let her continue.

"Yes, cursed. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't seen it first-hand. When the healer tried to help her prevent a scarring, instead of disappearing the wound became bigger.

"I tried everything, calling renowned master Alchemists, healers, medicine women, shamans. Nothing worked.

"Now the only thing that keeps my ever-bleeding daughter alive is the constant consumption of potions and the help of my personal magician, Ainz.

"As you know, he is considered a genius, maybe the best ever graduated from the Black Griffon academy.

"To make matters worse, when the assailants understood they had no chance of escaping, they chose to blow themselves up, destroying all the evidence. There was no one to interrogate, nothing left to examine to understand what they had done!"

'This is fantastic!' The Count thought.

"This is terrible!" The Count actually said, keeping his best grieving face.

This chapter (and the next one) is dedicated to saltberg. I hope you'll like the cameo.

It's odd to think back at the first drafts of the story, when Lark, Nana and the Ry were just 2 lines bystanders. They litterally grew out of my control on their own. I love them even more for that, though.

Sorry for the late update, work, stress and stuff messed up my schedule.

Legion20creators' thoughts