
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Ch 38- Arena Duel Part 2

"Damn he's truly worthy of the title of sword master." I said as I retreated from Osiris constant sword barrage.

This guy was like an immovable mountain no matter what I throw at him he doesn't get fazed at all. It has only been a single minute but we've already engaged a few hundred times. It really goes to show how insanely fast paced the battle really is. From a normal persons perspective it would look like absolute blurs, they would only see sounds and explosions and some colours every now and then.

I think I'm gonna need increase to my power output I can't take this easy anymore. As I Said that I released an energy pressure from my body that sent a shockwave that threw back Osiris a few meters back there was large amounts dust and winds with me at the center.

After powering up released i over 50 large fireballs the size of a car towards Osiris. Anyone would be scared facing such a powefull attack but Osiris for the first time finally had a reaction he had a faint smile up his lips.

Booom! All the fireballs reached their target. A large explosion sound occurred it was as if someone dropped a mini nuke. Soon the smoke cleared. Osiris was donning a pure energy armor that looked like an ancient battle armor filled with runes. It was all made of energy even the runes.

I was godsmacked. In the next second he was right in front of me I hastily put up a steel wall from the ground. It was for naught because I got smashed towards the arena walls. I made a huge dent in the arena walls and felt like all my chest bones cracked but thankfully my healing effect is pretty powerful. I used bone eldritch necromancy to quickly heal.

I then used Elemental resonance. My entire body shone blue. I almost looked like a water elemental. Large waves of water like tsunami rose and moved towards Osiris. He looked surprised but quickly gathered himself. A large sword the size of a Building rose in the sky above the arena it looked ethereal and it easily parted the tsunami. It completely neutralized my attack.

However I wasn't done I created over ten thousand pressurized water balls the size of marbles. The were ten times stronger than regular water jets. Soon like bullets they all went towards Osiris and at the same time I released lighting currents from all around creating an inescapable electrical water field trap.

For the first time Osiris armor had few holes and it looks like he took shock damage as well but it seems he wasn't too bothered by it much. Well I wasn't fully done either I'm gonna finish this with this final strike. A large sword made out of water rose it was as big as a ten story tall building. Osiris seems to also preparing a final attack. Ridiculous amounts of energy was accumulating in his sword.

The moment I released my attack Osiris also swung his sword at supersonic speed. A big explosion was released. It was so powefull some of the other testers moved to create a defensive dome to protect the audience and others. Everyone in the arena was greatly austonished.

In the end we both were still standing badly damaged. Osiris sword was chipped and most of my clothes were torn and we were both wet. In the end the refree declared our match as a draw. However I knew what actually happened I held back even Osiris held back. If we both went full on with out attack than the audience would've been badly injured other than that we ourselves would've been badly injured this it wasn't worth it.

But damn that was a blood pumping battle I was having a blast all the way. I believe Osiris was the same. After we both were healed I was cleared and given the go to enter the Ancient World.

Osiris came near me and said in a excited tone.

"You turned out to be much better than I expected young one. Although the ending to our battle wasn't the best I hope to clash my sword against you again. Osiris said

"Yes, it was amazing I would also love to fight against you again. Before I go I would love to know your name." I said with a smirk

"Well then remember my name well I am known as Osiris the Disciple of the Supreme Sword King." Osiris said with pride.

"Well than till we meet again." Osiris said as he finally left.

It seems his identity wasn't as simple as it thought. Well the way he uses the natural enemy it was as if he was directly commanding them.

Anyways this fight taught me a lot of things my vision has be broadened. I also met some pretty powerfull people.


[Your Elemental Resonance skill has leveled up! Congratulations]

"Ooh it seems I gained more than I thought from this duel it seems fighting powefull beings is the way to quickly level up my abilities."

With these thoughts I headed towards the portal. This is it my brand new adventure a completely new world filled with mystery, danger and magic all the way.

Will I make it in here only time will tell.

However little did Zain know that in the future People of the Ancient World would refer to him as The Ultimate Magi God. As he would completely revolutionize the ancient field of magic with his new powerful ways.