
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Ch 34- Storming The Breach 2

"Kill them all my minions, destroy them." Sounds of chaotic battles were occuring all around it was very destructive. Explosions of all kinds were happening everywhere. In midst of this stood two beings that fought like crazy.

The very ground was getting destroyed as if it was made from paper and their attacks were devastating enough to destroy multiple storey tall buildings into nothingness.It was very chaotic situation.

Beings of undeadth fighting against monsters that can only be described as otherworldly horrors. It was very gory sight to see as there was blood and flesh stewn everywhere. Thousands of such monsters fighting fiercely against each other.

The two beings that seem to be at the center of the conflict were in an entire league of their own. Although none of them were able to damage the other critically but just the exchange of their moves destabilizes space itself.

One looked like A horror from the deepest depth of the Void with 8 arms and 3 long

tentacles. It looked horrifying enough to instantly shut up even the loudest of children.

The other one looked demon incarnate. With a red aura and a figure of a 9ft tall humanoid looking creature. It looked like where ever the creature went extreme destruction followed.

And this creature was none other than our protagonist Zain.

He with his undead minions started an invasion in the dimensional breach. When they went through the breach it looked normal as they were spawned at a barren terrain. After a few hours of searching they eventually found a hive of the being that Zain fought.

After raising the viodling as an undead it turned out it was something of a commander of it's kind.

Using his new powerful undead he rushed towards the breach towards the hive of the voidlings.

To current time...

As Zain was fighting against the Hive King he noticed that he was running out of energy pretty quick. Infact he would only be able to maintain Demonic Transfusion for only about 10 more minutes.

Energy Points- 14000/29000

Booom! The hive king Launched another Void Blade strike but Zain deftly dogded it.

"Alright I need to finish this quickly! Saith Hold back the Void Hive King for as long as you can I need to prepare for a powefull strike."

"Okay I will do that my Lord."

Zain quickly retreated to a safe distance and began charging up Abyssal Beam.

Zain Pov.

Faint flickers of abyssal particles began to gather towards my hand. It felt eery cold.

It will take another few more seconds before I began charging up Abyssal Beam.

A few seconds later. "Saith move to safety now!" I told saith to quickly get out of the way.

Before long a powefull wave of eery abyssal Beam left my hand. It killed dozens of hive voidlings on it's pathway leaving not even ash behind.

"Damn that consumed a lot of energy". I said while watching the beam hitting the hive king.

Ep- 2700/29000

I only have a small amount of energy remaining. Booom! I was interrupted by a large explosion. It seems my attack was kind of successful although the hive king is still alive barely while missing most of it's body.

I commanded Saith and the rest to finish him off. "Finally this is over, now to raise this hive as my own." I said while a green most began to permeate in the corpses of the dead voidlings. Soon dozens of them began to rise.

Sadly I couldn't raise all of them as I don't have enough energy.

"This is gonna take some time." I said while I rested waited for my energy to recover.

Soon I was able to raise all of the voidlings including the dead hive king. This guy was atleast 3 times stronger than me. Thankfully beacuse of my various powers I was able to bring it down. Otherwise i would've died

While thinking about the battle I took a peak at my stats.

-Host Status-

-Name: Zain Barlow

-Class: ???

-Level: 20

-Exp: 9000/120000

-HP: 5600/9900

-EP: 23390/30100

-{Host Attributes}-

-Strength: 100

-Agility: 94

-Dexterity: 90

-Intelligence: 93

-Perception: 78

-Charm: 66


It seems some of my stats are finally breaking through the 100 mark. I can feel the strength coursing through my veins. I punched the air and it vibrated a big gust of wind was also generated. That punch packed enough strength to atleast crush a boulder the size of a house to dust.

Thanks to the increase of my level and stats I feel pretty rejuvenated. I believe the day isn't far till I can open a portal to the place where my big bro went missing.

Although I still don't know how I'm gonna open the portal I might find some answers in the ancient world. After closing this breach I'm gonna head there this time no more interruptions.

Let's also check the level of my teleportation skill.

(>> Void teleportation lvl: 14

-Desc: Opens up a portal that can transport host any location that host has visited before. The range depends on the level.

Also host is able to channel Void energy to open portals on distant places unvisited before using any other things related to that place.) New!

It seems something new finally occured after upgrading the teleportation skill so far. So the system took the energy sample of that day when my brothers class disappeared. It seems I might have found a way but the energy consumption would be too high.

"Fuuuh.. so my visit to the Ancient world is truly fated isn't it." The solution to my problems can only be found there or at least that's what my instincts say.