
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Ch 22- Dungeon Part 1

"Charge" I called out to my Undeads. Their opponents are Gaint Bulls that look like mix between Rinosauros and a bull. They look pretty bulky and big almost at 4 meters.

The first clash was pretty much obvious.

Won by the 'Bulsauros' is what i named those creatures. The frontal Undead Knights and Minoels were easily breached like knife through butter. Even the earth shields and Golems were unable to stop their charge. Those that survived were brutally destroyed by their hooves.

But these monsters underestimated the power of my undead. While their charge was broken by the spell barrage from the death mages. My undeads Rised again and now they trapped them from both sides. From the front they are getting mercilessly shot by the mages and now from the back they are getting attacked by the Undead knights and Minoels that are killing these monsters with a vengance.

The Herd of Bulsauros looked surprised but they were quick to adapt. The big Bulsauros somewhere in the middle of the herd seems to be giving commands to the rest. Soon the bulsauros charged again but this time they used the bodies of their dead and charged through the mages. Of course many of them died. Chains Made from sturdy earth type materials held a majority of them and at that moment the golems took advantage of that to smash them silly.

It was quite a chaotic scene. After getting out from the caverns i reached a green clearing. It was serene place with the sun at it's zenith and big oak trees and other types of trees i don't recognize. There were also many magical stone portruding out of the ground with many colours adding a more majesty to the scene. But of course the peace was soon broken after a herd of these Bulsauros detected us. They were originally fighting a group of Minoels but after those escaped they found me.

I tried to hide behind a giant stone but sadly i underestimated the sense of smell of these beings they easily sniffed me out. Which prompted me running from them. Soon i reached another clearing with some small mountains and single path to go through so using my brain i set up my Undead Knights mages and newly acquired Minoels.

The battle seems to be tilting in my favor as the dead Bulsauros crossed the hundred mark. There were almost more than 300 Bulsauros in that group i believe. Now there's barely more than half that number on the battlefield. I was able to do this mostly because of the number superiority. In my undead legion there's currently two hundred death Knights, hundred and fifty death mages and more that a hundred Minoels. So a total of almost five hundred undead are at my command. This is the total number of undead i currently have in my legion without counting the one's i left to guard important people back home.

As i was thinking the head of the herd suddenly broke through the chains and bulldozed through the golems without much resistance. It continued doing the same for others in it's herd and soon more than half of them were freed. The head Bulsauros was letting out a very dark red aura from it's body as it kept growing bigger and finally stopping at 8 meters tall with bulging muscles the size of a three normal humans.

It seemed to spot me at top of the hill and then soon relayed something to the rest of the herd. Oh no this wasn't good they seem to found out that i am controlling these undead. They charged at my position. Now i was really afraid and was almost tempted to escape by using void teleportation. But i believe if i escaped from here today i would lose a very valuable lesson. Thus holding my ground i resummoned over fifty knights to my side alongside all the minoels. Then i told the Minoels to use their intimidate ability. At the same time all of the Bulsauros seems to suddenly stop their charge and for that the one's at front were crushed by those charging from the back.

Seeing that they were distraught and very intimidated i quickly casted my strongest magical attacks. I summoned a lightning storm and a fire tornadp. It worked as i imagined it to be. Complete Annihilation. There was a burnt meat smell in the surroundings and it wasn't the pleasant kind. My attack lasted for 15 minutes solid. After that when the storm and tornado dispersed i could see the battlefield again. There was charred and burnt meat flying everywhere. Only a single Bulsauros was alive albeit barely with it's body threatning to fall any moment.

As i imagined it was the herd leader who was barely alive. Honestly i could just throw a simple fireball and he'd propably die but i didn't wanna do that. Something was calling out to me..it was my abyssal power. Dark red blackish energy was gushing out of me with me even activating anything. I knew what my powers were telling me....they wanted me to turn that lone Bulsauros into an abyssal.

It wasn't really a bad idea but the incident with Jeager was still fresh in my mind but i still couldn't resist the pull of having another powerfull summon. Thus with my heart steady i went near it. It was breathing very hard with multiple third degree burns all over it's bodya and one of it's giant horns missing. It raised it's head and looked directly at me as i neared it. There were trraces of resignation but fighting intent in it's eyes at least on the only eye that was intact.

When i was finally near enough i rasied my hand and the Bulsauros closed it's eye as if it were completely ready to give up it's life. Abyssal energy went of my hands and seeped through every single part of the Bulsauros. Soon it was covered by balckish red mist. A minute later a completely new being emerged. Standing at five meters tall with toned and lean body and three horns. It's body looed different now as it lost the savageness and gained a certain charismatic type of aura. The muscles looked sculpted out of a painting and it's skin like hide was white and looked quite fluffy as well. The horns were now golden along it's leges that head crimson patches near the hooves.

Up above the chest which in the middle there were runix signs of a dragon with bull like features. Alongside two giant lump of meat on both sides of it's chest which kinda confused me as they seem to serve no purpose at least that's what it looked like to me. Another surprising thing was that this was my first time seeing ony my abyssals giving me kind of a holy vibe. But hey it looks cool and i deffinetly wouldn't mind seeing such a cool looking monster serving under me.

Soon it opened it's eyes which looked blue with golden irises.

"Saith Greets Master." it said with a slight feminine voice.

Wow i was very surprised it could talk but then again Jeager could also talk.

But what surrpsied me most was that it's voice deffinetly sounds like a girl. I nodded at the greeting and it looked pleased so i asked it the question that was bugging my mind.

"Hey are are you a girl?" i said. pnly after asking the question did think how much of an embarassing question it was. I almost blushed coz of it.

But the Bulsauros Named Saith didn't mind and answered in a crisp clear voice

"Yes. i am indeed a female master."

thankfully Saith didn't seem to mind my question so i began conversin with her normally.

"So how do you feel after the transformation?" i said

"I feel many times stronger than i previously was master. I also feel as if i am connected to a much greater power. Other than that i feel i can also use Arcane arts." She said

Welp i am guessing that arcane arts means magic. So it seems she got an overhaul.

So i called out her status.



-Name : Saith

-Class: Abyssal Battle Maiden

-Rank: Grandmaster

-Level: 35

-Exp: 5000/100000

-HP: 18000/18000

-EP: 30000/30000

{Host Attributes}

>>Strength: 100

>>Agility: 95

>>Dexterity: 90

>>Intelligence: 90

>>Perception: 80

>>Charm: 75

{Attribute Points: 0}


-Skills & Abilites-

-Super Dash: Lvl 5

-Desc: Inceases Speed by five times.

-Omega Charge: Lvl 5

-Desc: Whilst charging increases speed by two times and strength by three times. The same is applied to all aliies that are also charging within a hundred meters.

-Abyssal Supreme Arcane Arts: Lvl 1

-Desc: One of the ten most powerfull Arcane arts in the abyssal race.

-Dark Rebirth: Lvl max

-Desc: The skill allows the user to instantly resurrect after dying alongside giving aboost to all attributes. Can only be used once a month.

"Whoo those are some seriously overpowered skills damn. I think even Yeager would Propably have a difficult time beating her even though he might be stronger." i said out loud with amazement.

To be Continued