
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Ch 13- New Followers and Unexpected evolutions.

Everyone of them were now wearing a determined expression that told me that they were completely prepared to go through whatever I have planned for them.

I mass teleported all of them out of there. Soon enough we reached an abandoned construction site..it was the same site I practice daily.

When we reached there dozens of undead were on both side looking over everyone fiercely. The knights held their swords proudly and the mages robes were also fluttering as if to say they were also not to be underestimated.

The group of people behind me were a bit startled and somewhere even shaking but soon enough they got it all under control. From their expressions it could be seen that it's this or nothing.


I brought them towards a big opening in one the factories that was incomplete. I called the guy that introduced himself as their leader also known as Jake. He looked fearless even while facing the unknown he showed no fear. Truly a man worth my respect.

Before I could say anything he go to his knees and I knew that I should not disrespect his courtesy. I hovered my hands around his head and soon enough familiar dark reddish energy consumed him. It took a minute before the conversion was done.

What stood before me was a man with a pale white skin tone, smooth skin with no observable imperfection and 4 horns on top of his head all crooked menacingly. His eyes looked between a shade of dark red and black. His previous clothes were barely hiding his body as he got 7ft tall with a buff but lean build.

"I have been reborn and I will no longer let others trample me...for giving me this new life I wholeheartedly thank you Lord. I am forever yours to command." Jake said with an almost fervent tone.

I'm pretty sure that abyssal Conversion doesn't tamper with the mind so this is probably his own conviction.

The rest of the group seeing his glorious transformation all begun to make a line to seemingly start with their turns. They no longer looked like helpless refugees but people with burning conviction.

Jake stood up took my right position as if signifying that's his position.

The conversion eventually ended after 3 hours. Mostly the time took longer because the conversion takes a lot of energy. The more energy they take the stronger they'll turn into. Most of them got refined bodies and muscle with enough power to demolish a two story building. Other than that they can also control abyssal energy and magic to do their bidding. I was interested in abyssal magic but when I told them to show it to me it seems they can do pretty much what I can do with my elements but they can do it with abyssal power.

But doesn't make them weak no... Rather that's their main strength because abyssal energy is extremely deadly to all living beings other than abyssals themselves. Other than that we had five unexpected Evolutions.

The first one was Jake himself. He had an unique class called abyssal Lord which apparently gives him huge bonuses while dealing with abyssal such as increasing atk and defense values and even boosting the speed of their evolution. Other than that it gives him ridiculous amount of charisma among abyssals. It kinda fits in his character as being a leader type so I assigned him as their leader.

The next one was the kid his name is James and he's also at the same age as me. He m got unique class named as abyssal Naeileus Mage.

When I saw the description of the class I was blown away. Apparently this was one the very founding clans of the abyssal world. This was big news as this evolution had less than 0.002% chance of happening. The skills that come with this class are just as epic.

Abyssal Naeileus Mage


Touch of the Abyss

-Desc: On touch the target will either away and only a being that's at least 10 levels over the user cam get rid of the curse type attack but it will still cost them a lot.

Abyssal Nightmare Mirage

-Desc: Induces the target in a never ending nightmare that is almost impossible to get out of.

Abyssal Avatar

-Desc: Coates the user with insane amounts of abyssal energy and makes them almost in invincible for as long as the skill is activated. Only beings ten levels higher can match the user that to only evenly.

These sets of abilities made this guy almost impossible to take him down at least in his own league.

I was very much awed by the overpowered abilities. But the other two although not as crazy are just as unique.

The other two both are girls that achieved unique evolution.

One of them named Cath got the abyssal royal templar class. This class has some very powerful defensive and offensive powers with very fast growth to boot.

The other girl was Nera. She got the unique class Abyssal Berserk Mage.

The most cool thing about this class is the more angry and annoyed she gets the stronger her class powers are and also the more faster she grows.

So while both of them didn't get that much of an overpowers class they were still good. The rest either got abyssal zealot, mage or sorcerer class.

I out Jake personally in charge of all the other four unique class holders including himself. I also noticed the it was already past midnight and I need to be at home right now. So I gave quick instructions for Jake to stay in this place till I comeback. As abyssals they can live pretty much in any environment while also being able to sustain themselves without food for a long time. So I knew they would be alright plus I thought they should prolly get some personal time with themselves to completely understand their current situation.

I want them all level headed and completely on board for the ideas I have in the future so for that purpose they need sometime to rest and rethink about their situations. Other than that they can't betray me nor can they get away either plus they all kinda turned fanatic after the conversion so I think it'll be cool.


I have also been thinking about how I'll take justice for them. Honestly it wouldn't be that hard for me to do it but I kinda wanna take it slow and make these people suffer a bit.

So with these thoughts I returned home to my room through the window and fell asleep for the sake of it. In my head though a plethora of ideas were cooking of how I'm gonna expand my influence throughout this entire sector. Now that I have people that I can call my own I can finally do something other than just training everyday. Also this would be a good opportunity to learn how to handle a lot of people as there's no doubt I'm gonna have to do something like this similarly on the future.

Thinking stuff along this line I fell asleep for real this time.

"Haa.. so much work to do. I honestly just wanna take a break and just play some games for the whole day." I said with a pretty lazy tone.

I was currently at school after I got back from yesterday's escapade. Now that I think about it I haven't seen Iven's reaction to other abyssals. I should prolly see what happens it might be interesting to see. At this moment while Jake was talking to his group in the incomplete warehouse he almost fell a chill in his neck but just brushed it as some cold winds but little did he know what his Lord planned for him.

School was done for the day and eventually left school and slowly walked towards an alley. After walking for enough distance I called Iven..I noticed that Iven can actually coat himself with aura to appear invisible. So because of i left it to him to reach out destination. I also wanted to make kind of a grand entrance so that my new servants or maybe followers respect me. As a wise man once said people won't respect you for your honesty but rather your strength..lol I was kidding I just made that up I just wanted to showoff a bit.

As I got rid of stupid thoughts I began to focus on order to channel elemental energy while I was laying on Iven's back. I learned this process way back. Apparently it can hasten the Resonance process of element's of the person using the technique.

The next thing on my list is to achieve Resonance with an element and then eventually turn it into a spirit so that I can increase my power...I mean more power is always good. With these thoughts I mentally commanded Iven to hurry.