Point Blade Impact: Slashes into a compact spot with a loop of thousands of Blades superimposed into one attack at once.
Point Blade Impact:
-Chronace—Dissolution Flow.
-Death Attribute buff of her 1st realm Death affinity.
-Blood Attribute buff of her 1st realm Blood affinity.
-Bloodline's boost, giving further boosts to Death and Blood powers in the skill.
-Blade concept's boost, including the Severam effect.
-Chaos Concept's application and boost.
-Crimson Onyxbolt attribute concept's lighting buff.
-Stormshock Chart talent, increasing damage of Lightning and Wind by 30%.
The moment Erix and Rin finished executing their skills, Erix sent his thought message to Hallar, 'Our attacks are coming. Get ready for yours!'