
Supreme Alpha And The Last Pure Blood Witch

He's the Supreme Alpha of both lycanthropes and werewolves. He's powerful, dauntless and most of all brutal and ruthless. The serene night which was supposed to be peaceful was distorted by the menacing growl of the livid lycan, causing every creature present to shudder in fear. These weak creatures that he can shred into pieces, dares to threaten the life of his mate! .... She's the last pure blood witch with incredible powers. She's blessed with a great power to become the most powerful creature in the immortal world. Though she has a pure blood, she's cursed. Once she discovers her powers, she will turn evil. She will destroy the world and no immortal nor mortal can be able to stop her.  So to say, it is better that the little fragile girl doesn't discover her powers because once she does… she and everyone around her will be destroyed, especially those she loves. But that's her fate, her fate is to discover her powers and become the power evil cursed witch. Can her fate be changed? Why was she cursed? Find your answers in this thrilling story. …

BerniceG · ファンタジー
26 Chs

9. Who's the intruder!

"Last pure blood what?"

Alexander is now more than curious. What does she mean by witch? His mate smell as a human and not a fucking witch.

"The cursed witch. It was in the prophecy. A witch who is evil and cursed."

"Cursed witch? Evil witch?" Alexander scoffs. "You must be sick in the head. I spared you because you are someone important to me, if not… you know you won't be alive right now after spitting out those outrageous words."

"I didn't say this out of my own knowledge. It is a fact and a truth."

Madeleine is certain with her words.

"Hold your damn knowledge Madeleine, my mate is not a witch. She's a human." Alexander retorted.

"If you are right, then, how could what happened right now be explained?" Madeleine asks, staring at him as if to make him reason the situation.

There were a few seconds silent and it looks like Alexander is going through Madeleine's words. The more he thinks of it, the more it makes no sense or maybe it does but he doesn't want to believe it.

"I think this is why those three filthy creatures killed her parents. They want her alive for a purpose."

"And what purpose?" Alexander quickly throws the question at her, his eyes boring into hers as if he's waiting for her to give an absurd reply.

Madeleine's words may make some sense but he can't believe it. He can't fucking believe that his mate is an evil and cursed witch. Madeleine is definitely out of her mind for uttering such words.

"I… I don't know. I don't know much about the prophecy but I know that your mate can be a dangerous tool to some people out there. Your mate's life will always be in danger, that I assure you," Madeleine said in a matter of fact but Alexander scoffed.

"No one dares hurt my mate while I am still alive," Alexander's voice was frigid and he meant his words.

"But you…" Madeleine couldn't finish before Alexander's voice stopped her.

"Enough Madeleine!"

"I don't care about the fucking prophecy you are talking about but don't get my mate involve," his tone laced authority.

Madeleine didn't speak further but she never changed her utterance. Alexander will not believe her but she knows her words are true.

After what happened right now, she's totally convinced that what she saw on Muriel's wrist wasn't an imagination but a reality. 

But if she's the last pure blood witch, why then did a spell she uses on humans worked for her. Perhaps, she's half witch, half human.

That's ludicrous. A hybrid can never be a pure blood witch. It's incredulous.

Madeleine feels like her head will burst from too much thinking. She just can't grasp the true nature of Muriel. Who exactly is she?

She can't theorize her hypothesis. She's not so sure of Muriel's real identity. She's going to find out who Muriel is. 

Is she the last pure blood witch or not? 

But she hopes Muriel won't be the last pure blood witch because she will only become a disaster in the future and will meet the most disheartening end.

Alexander stares at his sleeping mate. What Madeleine said is still wagging in his mind but he totally shut it down and shove it away. He can't believe that nonsense. Yes, what happened now seems strange but something else can explain it and not his mate being a cursed witch.

Though he has wondered why the moon goddess gave him a human mate instead of a werewolf, he still knows that the moon goddess can't give him a witch either. 

There is a great entity between the witches and the lycans and werewolves and they can never be paired as mates. 

The possibility of humans to be paired as their mate is measly but it's not impossible. 

Lycans and werewolves hate it when they are mated to humans as they see them as weak creatures. The supreme alpha had thought the same too but after meeting his mate, the only thing he could think of is to love and protect her. 

His mate is a human and not an evil and cursed witch, he will never believe that crap!

As his hands slowly caress Muriel's hair, she slowly opens her eyes and blink thrice to get a clear view of her surroundings. She loves the way Alexander's fingers brush through her hair… she just can't explain the feeling she got from it.

Alexander felt relieved when she opened her eyes. Seeing how she reacted a few minutes ago, he was afraid that something bad could have happened to her but seeing  her bright sky-blue eyes, he was relieved.

"You are awake, how do you feel?" He asked with the most calm voice.

Muriel could only stare at him. After a second, she nodded her head as an indication that she was alright. 

She doesn't know why he asked that question but she can remember that a few minutes ago, she suddenly felt pains in her whole system and then her mind went blank and she felt like something took over her body at that moment, she just can't explain. 

Waking up, she's still on the bed and feels herself once again… it looks strange.

"I'm hungry," she said with a gesture.

Alexander couldn't understand her, he stared at Madeleine who's in her world of thinking. 

"Madeleine?" he called. 

She startled a bit and blinked her eyes. She just came out from her daze of thinking.

Muriel made another gesture. She's so hungry and they are not paying her attention. She was scared a while ago and not sure if she should trust them and eat but right now, she's so ravenous to think straight and needs some chunks of food inside her stomach.

She feels that they are not bad people, if they had wanted to hurt her, they would have done so a long time ago.

"What did she say?" Alexander asked.

"She said that she's hungry."

"oh." Alexander mumble. he really needed to learn her mate's language in order to understand her without Madeleine's help.

He picks the plate of food and wants to feed Muriel but she shakes her head.

"It looks like she wants to feed herself," Madeleine said.

Alexander smiles, is she shy or what? 

"Okay, you can feed yourself." he passed the plate to her. 

She quickly collected it and mashed the food, eating as fast as she could… She's damn hungry. 

Alexander could see that his mate was so hungry. He watched her as she ate, loving the way she chewed the food. He doesn't know why he crazily finds it cute but he realized that he could stare at his eating mate all day without getting tired.

When Muriel raised her head from the plate of food to take a breath before continuing eating,her eyes subconsciously met two pairs of dark green eyes staring at her. 

She doesn't know why her cheeks turned pink, she bit her lower lips and quickly took her eyes away and couldn't eat further. 

He has been watching the way she eats, it made her shy.

"What's wrong, why aren't you eating?" Alexander asks not knowing that he's the reason why she stopped eating. 

Just then the door aggressively flaps open and this startled Muriel as she screamed at what she saw and hid away.

Alexander growls viciously as he charges into a protective stance with his body half shift.

Who the hell is the intruder!