
Supreme Alpha And The Last Pure Blood Witch

He's the Supreme Alpha of both lycanthropes and werewolves. He's powerful, dauntless and most of all brutal and ruthless. The serene night which was supposed to be peaceful was distorted by the menacing growl of the livid lycan, causing every creature present to shudder in fear. These weak creatures that he can shred into pieces, dares to threaten the life of his mate! .... She's the last pure blood witch with incredible powers. She's blessed with a great power to become the most powerful creature in the immortal world. Though she has a pure blood, she's cursed. Once she discovers her powers, she will turn evil. She will destroy the world and no immortal nor mortal can be able to stop her.  So to say, it is better that the little fragile girl doesn't discover her powers because once she does… she and everyone around her will be destroyed, especially those she loves. But that's her fate, her fate is to discover her powers and become the power evil cursed witch. Can her fate be changed? Why was she cursed? Find your answers in this thrilling story. …

BerniceG · ファンタジー
26 Chs

7. They won't kill her

"What's your name?" Madeleine asked once again.

Muriel slowly raised her fingers as she wrote something in the air.

"M..u..r..i..e..l.." Madeleine reads.

Alexander stared curiously at them. Why did his mate have to write her name in the air instead of saying it out loud? 

"Alexander," Madeleine called and stared up at him. She sometimes calls him by his name but that's only when she knows it's the right time to do "It looks like your mate is dumb."

"What do you mean?" was Alexander's question to what Madeleine said.

"She can't speak, that was why she wrote her name in the air," Madeleine explains.

Alexander's eyes were already on his mate who again had drifted back and curled her knees up to her chin.

Alexander has been meaning to hear his mate's voice, he believes it will be beautiful just like her face but unfortunately his mate can't speak. Nevertheless, he loves her like that. Even if she can't walk, he doesn't mind. 

Her beautiful sky-blue eyes stared back at him, but she didn't stare for long as she took her eyes away immediately. 

As she hides her face between her knees, her stomach rumbles but she tries to use her hand and stop her rumbling stomach. 

She still doesn't know where she is and if these people are ally or foe so she must be more reserved. 

"You must be hungry,"Madeleine said but Muriel shook her head as a no.

"Give me the food," Alexander said and take the tray of food from Madeleine who stepped aside so he will have clear access to his mate.

Muriel is still hiding and shaking. Alexander gently tilted her face up, away from her knees.

He can see the fear in her eyes and not just fear but she was greatly traumatized. It might take time for her to heal and he's going to be there for her all through. He's going to help her heal.

"Please don't be scared. I am not going to hurt you, never. I'm your friend and not your enemy," Alexander said in an assuring tone.

Muriel was slightly convinced by his words. His voice was calm and soothing. No enemy will talk to you with that tone, could he be a friend? But she saw him growl like one of those creatures that killed her parents… aren't they all the same?

Muriel has lots of questions in her head. This man and this woman don't look like bad people but she's still not sure to trust them.

After witnessing her parent's death, she's afraid of everything and everyone. Her mind refuses to think straight, it is filled with those brutal scenes. 

This man and woman don't look evil and strangely she felt so calm in the man's arms when he held her, just that her wild mind which can't forget what happened to her parents kept on bringing fear in her and prompts her to hide away from everyone and everything.

"You need to eat, please," Alexander never in his life believed that he would ever beg someone to do something, he always forces people to do what he wants but this little girl with bright sky-blue eyes is making him behave opposite of who he is.

Muriel wants to trust him but she needs to clear the question in her head and without wasting time, she makes a sign as that's how she talks.

"Are you not the same as those that killed my parents?" She asks with a sign.

Alexander's puzzled face nearly made Madeleine burst out in laughter. He couldn't understand his mate's language. Well, not everyone can understand the language of the dumb because they normally use body language to say out their mind.

"You don't need to look confused because that's her own language," Madeline said. Alexander glanced at her with an 'explain more' look.

"Since she can't talk, she uses body language which is a sign to say out what's on her mind and that's how most dumb people speak. Not everyone understands their language."

"What about you, do you understand her language?"

"Yeah I do."

"Then you understood what she said just now."

"Yes. 'Are you not the same as those that killed my parents?' that was what she said."

"I think she got that assumption because you got unnecessarily angry at me and growled," Madeleine alluded and clicked her tongue.

Alexander glared at her and took back his attention towards his mate. Though she's right, she doesn't need to say it to his face. 

Madeleine is the only one that can speak to the supreme alpha more casually, she and two others.

If it is someone else in front of the supreme alpha, they dare not look into his eyes and talk more of spitting out his mistake. The only thing they can do is tremble in his presence. 

Alexander slowly stretched out his hand towards his mate. He wants to scold himself for scaring his mate and make her think negatively of him. 

"I am not the same as those fools." Alexander paused and closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm the  beast in him. Remembering how that filthy witch wanted to strangle his mate, it makes his body boil in rage. He opened his eyes to meet with his mate's sky-blue eyes staring brightly at him. Her eyes are no longer filled with fear but curiosity and Alexander was glad about that. He doesn't like it when his mate stares at him with fear in her eyes so it is better with the way she's staring at him now. 

"I can"—he continues—"Never think of hurting you. I would kill anything or anyone that tries to hurt you. I will protect you because you are my mate and no lycan in their right senses would hurt their mate."

Staring into his dark green eyes, Muriel saw lots of sincerity in them, like he's sincere with his words. When he said he will protect her, Muriel was forced to believe it because his eyes was cooing and convincing but what Muriel doesn't understand is the word 'mate' 

What does he mean by that?

"I think a werewolf or a lycan killed her parents," Madeleine said. 

Alexander told her about Muriel parent's death when she asked after attending to the girl's wound. But he actually didn't tell her the details of what killed them. Madeleine used her instinct to realize that Muriel was traumatized by something, maybe traumatized by how her parents were killed.

With Muriel referring to Alexander as those that killed her parents, Madeleine assumed that a werewolf or a lycan killed them and in the most brutal way which rendered the girl traumatized.

"Not just a werewolf, a witch and a vampire. These three creatures killed her parents." Alexander corrected.

"Isn't that strange to you?"

"Of course it was but I couldn't read the meaning into it,I don't know why they killed her parents and also wanted to kill her," Alexander replied, his eyes still on his mate who seemed a little bit relaxed but wasn't looking into his eyes.

"They won't kill her."