
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Chapter 53: New Plot Again (2)

Protagonists are protagonists. No matter the hardships, they are bound to get special privileges. Adhitte's new identity was similar to Kang Seongje's former position on Earth. If their mission succeeded and Arthur became a member of Adhitte's party, would he be invited to go on missions and meet Kang Seongje from another Earth?

Arthur commented after Kalypt explained excitedly. "It's even better if that identity has existed for a long time and you seize it. Since it's related to nobleman, there must be many who remember."

Kalypt felt something cross his mind. He picked up the small bag at his waist. "I've been looking for an identity that already exists."


Something sounded bouncing, like coins colliding. It came from the small bag Kalypt had taken out. But it was no ordinary bag.


"Oh, no!"

The bag, which was only the size of an adult's grip, was caught on Kalypt's belt. Unintentionally, the belt tore the small bag. The contents of the bag came out.

To his surprise, it turned out to be a magic bag that could store various things. It does have a limit, but magic bags can store hundreds of times the usual size if they are of high quality.

However, Kalypt's bag had unusual carvings and aura. Dean and Helena could tell that the bag was of the highest quality. Even the items that came out of it were numerous.

Count Rubel crouched down to pick up the contents of the fallen bag. There were coins, books, tokens, pens and cards. "Wow, it's crazy, you have so much stuff and it's all of the highest quality. You're very rich."

Helena also tried to help Kalypt retrieve the items, followed by Cindy, making that vampire cuddly with Cindy's actions. Count Rubel helped some of the items that were near Kalypt as well.

"You even have a pen made by Marquess Howl of the Tryton Kingdom. It's a limited edition item because there were only 5 in the world before his death ten years ago." Helena commented after picking up the luxurious fountain pen that had fallen.

Count Rubel replied, "In that case, it's the most expensive pen in the Tryton Kingdom right? About... hmm... ten thousand gold if sold at auction? Damn it, that's more than double my annual budget."

Kalypt quickly cleaned up everything. He even grabbed a token that Arthur had taken.

"These are just things my family has passed down through the generations. I'll get Adhitte's token in a moment." Kalypt was busy with his belongings again.

There was nothing left. Kalypt's belongings had been well kept. However, Arthur thought of something related to the token he was holding.

'It's like the token I learned about in Count Rubel's class. It looks like a noble who fell decades ago from the Marithus Kingdom.'

Kalypt interrupted Arthur's thoughts by showing him a family token as well as an identity card. "This is Adhitte's identity."

Adhitte took it. He had been sitting at the table like a boss, across from Dean. He looked at the token.

"No name, huh?" Adhitte commented.

"Yes, because it's a fallen noble and also has no pedigree. Oh, you can read the language of this world, huh? That's good then."

Kalypt's reply made the people there immediately look at him. As if realizing something that had been strange from the start.

Helena and Dean sighed simultaneously, the two people had more knowledge. "That's because magic can start the synchronization of this world. If Adhitte-ssi wasn't a human, there might be no synchronization between magic and the creatures that come here." Helena explained.

"Well, that's also the reason why His Highness, Crown Prince Xavier can summon external creatures with just magic." Count Rubel made a small murmur, but it was still heard by the people there.

Arthur looked at Kalypt with a suspicious gaze. His words sounded like a diversion to him.

"In that case, are you done? I have to manage the repairs upstairs. Don't let anyone intrude here again without contacting me first."


It was a very sunny day. The day Arthur had been waiting for because it was a day off for him to learn swordplay. For a few days, Arthur continued to face Sandy who had an annoying nature to him. As a younger brother, he was sweet, but his obsession with his older brother gave Arthur the creeps.

Arthur rolled around on the bed with excitement. He just wanted to take a break from all the headache.

"The external affairs of the duchy are left to Sandy. Internal matters within the duchy, my father takes care of. Hehehehe."

Arthur seemed to be smiling slyly like a demon. Even anyone who saw him would want to stuff his face into a trash can.

"Ah, I forgot to record the various advancements here."

Arthur picked up the notebook he used to carry after coming to that world. It only contained a few important events in the novel and he recorded the continuation. He wrote just to keep remembering.

"Hmm... the system is gone, I should have kept notes since I don't have any help or cheats in this game." Arthur muttered to himself.

On his bed, he took notes on the important things that had been done. Such as attracting several important figures into his team including the protagonist.

"Damn it, Woo Jihyuk, what's next, can't I be a character in your game too?"

After realizing that the world leaned more towards Woo Jihyuk's game than Kang Seongje's novel, he wondered. Maybe if he was still alive on earth, the game character would start from the point of view of Yoon Dalmi or Xavier Gladias as a character. Maybe those two people would have become a couple if Xavier hadn't been made into a villain by Kang Seongje.

"Yeah, it was Kang Seongje, not me who is now Arthur Rudolf. I'll find the answer myself." Arthur muttered while taking notes.

When he finished, he brought the notes to the drawer on the edge of his bed. Just like before, there was something blocking the space under the drawer.

"I can't open the diary of the original owner of this body. Should I throw it away?" Arthur thought for a moment.

Then, he forcefully pushed the notebook and made the drawer fit. Arthur even grinned at that.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was a knock on the door. Arthur clucked before walking out of the room. Outside, Sir Daniel and Milly were already standing.

Sir Daniel looked shy and Milly looked casual. Arthur quickly furrowed his brows and said, "What are you doing here?"

Both people gasped. Sir Daniel tried to speak, "I-I heard the Young Duke-nim had a holiday. So I wanted to take you and Milly for a picnic like we used to do."

'Is Arthur so generous that he takes his subordinates on a picnic?'

Arthur rubbed his forehead, feeling irritated. It was his resting time, he wanted to exercise his muscles alone in the room. However, seeing Sir Daniel looking hopeful to him, he became annoyed.

"Just prepare a mat and some food for our picnic. I'll get ready first."

Sir Daniel and Milly had the same expression. Both were equally surprised. "Y-young Duke-nim, you-you remember that we always have a picnic with a mat and some snacks? Gosh, has your memory started to improve?"

'Ah, this damn bastard.'

"Just do it before I change my mind." Arthur relented and closed the door. He would change into something suitable for the day's sunny weather.

Sir Daniel and Milly who were outside were happy. Both seemed to be exclaiming in celebration. Arthur had no idea what his two subordinates were thinking.

Milly thought she might be given a few coins for keeping her mouth shut about her reporting on Arthur's daily activities. Then Sir Daniel thought he would teach Arthur some more swordsmanship.


A person wearing a black robe was seen walking effortlessly in the center of the market. The person was wearing a robe that looked a little expensive in material and shape.

Because of his somewhat limping walk and the expensive-looking robe, some people started to follow him. The market was an ordinary market that the people of the Viper Kingdom used to buy and sell everyday items. So no one noticed the robed person, except for the thugs.

That man walked towards a small alley that was in the shophouses. He kept walking until he was cornered in a dead-end alley. This made the people following him smile happily.

"Gosh, Young Master. You have such bad luck to be stuck in a dead-end alley with us."

Some of the thugs laughed mockingly. One of the thugs lifted the hood of the cloak the mysterious person was wearing.

"Your face is quite handsome too, Young Master. What nobility are you from?"

Adhitte, who had turned his brown eyes to red, thanks to the help of the system, she smiled slyly. She had a new impression for thousands of years of his life.

She did not speak anything. Before trying to move, Adhitte drew a blade from her inventory.