
The beginning

"when what you seek, seeks you".

I had never given much thought on how my life was going to go, I never imagined the things I could do or the places I could go to until now.

I knew the moment I walked into that school my whole life was going to change either for better or worse.

The nightmares were back, this time I woke up with a pool of sweat around me. I decided to get up from bed to the kitchen to get a glass of milk which awfully cools me down. When I was 5 I had been having nightmares till I was 10 and then it stopped

I wonder why the nightmares decided to show up now and it was always the same type of dream. I always find my self waking up under a gigantic tree with no one around and then I wake up either screaming or crying like I lost something .

Being alone has always been my hobby since I was little. Mom and dad decided to leave me in this world a little early and left me with my overaged grandmother.

All my life have only known her as my only family with my best friend Hailey who I was supposed to meet five minutes ago.

An hour later , I walk down the stairs with my backpack on my shoulder

My grandmother was already in the kitchen

" Are you alright dear" she asked

" Am fine " i lied trying to avoid her eyes so she wouldn't know.

" What's with the backpack honey"

" Well you said I could study with Hailey today"

" Oh yes but please be back by 9 ,you don't want me coming there to drag you back here myself " she told me sternly

" Of course grandma, see ya" I left in a hurry hoping she won't notice that I was lying.

We lived just outside the city of California in a wooden cabin which unfortunately is the only place have slept in my entire life. I was never allowed to do sleep overs or to parties,which is the definition of my life sucks literally. But it was going to change this night

Hailey had been invited to one of the girls at school party and she had talked me into going with her.

"Here's a drink for you" Hailey handed me a drink we read for a few hours before coming to the party which had a lot of people. Glancing around I recognized alot of people from school most of them wore ripped black clothes like it was some frat house party while some were smoking drinking or making out. I had water in my hands while staring at every other person like it was a contest , I didn't want to drink so the smell won't alert my grandma.

Ten minutes later the place became very crowded and uncomfortable, everyone was shouting to the music I could not even hear my self talk since I was looking for Hailey and it was also my first time attending a party .

Hailey had ditched me saying I was no fun, I couldn't blame her I didn't know how to have

fun since I was always at home with grandma.

Finding Hailey was a harder job than I thought ...I needed to be back home by 9 and it was already 8 I just wished I could teleport myself back home before my grandmother would find out that I wasn't at Hailey's or worse find me here and then drag me out which will ruin my already ruined social life.

" Hailey" I tried calling out her name but to no avail, even asked a few people and all they could think was for me to go upstairs with them.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind ,I immediately jumped out and turned to see who the hell it was.

Of course it was Johnny , our school very own jerk

" Come on why don't you come play with me I promise it will be fun" he said drunkenly while licking his lips which was very disgusting

" No need thanks and keep your hand to your self" I said trying not to get angry

As I tried walking away he pulled me back

" Don't you dare walk out on me freak, you should be glad am talking to you" without hesitation I used my elbow to hit his nose which sounded like it broke

Everyone looked shocked at what I had done

" I was just joking with you, what the hell freak " Johnny said in agony

Everyone was looking at me now like I really was some freak . At that point I decided to leave the party with Hailey or not.

I tried opening the door to the house softly which was nearly impossible since it was a wooden door

As soon as I successfully entered I sprinted off to my room just to see my grandma sitting on the bed probably waiting for me

" Where have you being and don't even try using Hailey as an excuse , I called her house they said she wasn't home " she said sounding pissed

Oh shit...we forgot about Hailey's parents

" In my defense I was with Hailey but not at her house , am sorry grandma but we went to a party all the kids at school were there " I tried convincing her

Suddenly she stood up and left the room

I layed down on my bed thinking of what happened with Johnny and how the other kids were looking at me....I just wish I didn't have to go to school the next day.

The next morning I woke up early to do the house chores to help subside my grandma's anger that's if she was still angry. I swept, cleaned and dusted the whole house. The house was small and easy to clean, the living room didn't have much furnitures so it was fast to dust them while the kitchen was already clean

Then I left to go get some groceries since we were already in need of some.

I took money from the left drawer where she always kept money for groceries. I shoved the Money inside my pocket not bothering to count it and then took one Mars bar from the sweet jar on the counter and left a note for her to know where I had gone.

I scarfed down the remaining piece of the chocolate as I took the first cab I saw to the nearest grocery store.

After paying the cab man, I noticed the place was very busy for such an odd hour of the day.

I went into the store grabbed a few things that we might need . As I was rolling my cart to where I was suppose to pay an old lady stopped me and held my hand , at first I thought it was to ask for directions but then she said something else

" Be wary girl ,you are bound to the dark one and you may grow to like it for it is your destiny but there is grave danger ahead" as soon as she was done talking she let go of my hand and left . I turned to look for her but she was not there it was like she just vanished literally.....

After my groceries were bagged I left the store into a cab immediately. I shook my head to drive off the thought of what had happened.

Reaching home there were two cars parked in front both black.... It was surprising since we never have visitors

" Chanel" I heard my grandma call . Yeah that's my name I always wondered why my parents gave me such a name.
