
Superior Power

Inside the Endless Abyss, multiple realms existed. Between these realms, a peak Supreme God once fought with multiple Eternal Gods. Overwhelmed, the Supreme God sacrificed its life in order to pass on the power of the legendary Superior. In the process, powerful waves struck the Eternal Gods, gravely injuring them. Enraged, they placed a Cursed Rift on the realm of Salvador, home of the once alive Supreme God. Cursed by the Eternal Gods, a time rip opened inside the realm, pouring out a large amount of Cursed Beings. This event was widely known as the Cursed Awakening. In the realm of Salvador, magic was common-place. In order to fend off Cursed Beings, magic became essential. Although it was a extremely minuscule chance, one could be born without magic powers. Ever since Aaron was born, he had never had a link with magic. However, only two people in history had been born without magic, including Aaron. The first non-magic user was a man named Arthur, who was also worshipped as a Supreme Being, the top of the existence rating. The reason for this was because although Arthur had been born without magic, he suddenly awakened an unknown power after being appraised by the Magic Association. The association was famously known for its appraisal abilities. If one had no magic, the appraisal would only display "None". However, when Arthur was appraised, it displayed as Unknown. This power was actually known as the legendary Superior. It was just that the appraisers were too weak to see the ability name. The power of Superior allowed Arthur to ascend to Supreme rating. Arthur was also the one who caused the Cursed Rift. On the other hand, Aaron, the second person known without a magic ability, was entirely different. For his whole life, he had never awakened. The people of Salvador therefore branded Aaron useless. However, from that point on, everything changed. [Ding! Arthur the Supreme Being has granted you his power. Are you willing to accept it?]

ceebus · 都市
4 Chs

The Legendary Superior

[Arthur the Supreme Being has granted you the power of Superior. Accept?]

"... Sure?"

[Granted. Your status will be shown now.]



[Rating: Peak Unique]

[Ability: Superior]

Arthur the Supreme Being has granted you the ability of the Superior. Due to Arthur's request,

you will be granted the Light power. You can also combine and copy magic powers. Magic powers

can be copied by absorbing the magic essence in one's body, which is located in the heart.


Immersed in his new-found power, a sound rang out.

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The bell at Iridian Magic Academy ran continuously, signifying the late bell of classes.

"Sh*t! I forgot that I had classes!"

Rushing to the Magic Instructing Facility, he quickly plowed through the doors and ran to Class F.

Upon entering, a class full of unfamiliar students stared right at him.

"Take a seat, Aaron," Ronnie said.

Hastily, he took a seat in the front row despite the obvious snickers in the back.

Ronnie continued on by saying, "Now, in order to use magic, you will have to visualize your attack. At the same time, direct magic essence into your attack. When magic essence is used, it gets quickly restored. Like a muscle, training will increase the power of your attacks. Head over to the Combat Grounds."

Strolling out of the building, they walked along a slithering path that lead to an arena that was more like a Colosseum. In the middle of it, a large field with sacks shaped like dummies were at the opposite side facing them. There was also an unusually large audience sitting around them. He realized that this was the stampede that had barged into the Magic Instructing Facility. For some reason, they were here.

"Try out what you've learned and see if you can use magic to attack a dummy," Ronnie said.

A beautiful and voluptuous looking girl walked up. Right as she went up, gasps could be heard.

"Isn't that the princess of the Titan Kingdom? She's got some big titans if you know what I mean!" a man among the audience said.

Another man elbowed him while saying, "Dude, shut up if you don't want to get castrated like poor Ben! His whole family left him after one of her bodyguards removed his jewels when he was caught peeking at the women's bath!"

The man that was elbowed quickly shut up and prayed silently to the gods that she didn't hear him.

The girl raised her hand and abruptly stopped it, pointing at one of the dummies. Palm open, she unexpectedly yelled out an incantation.

"O thee mighty gods, grant me the power to wash away my enemies!"

Expecting to see a giant tsunami appear from her hands, Aaron prepared him self.

However, contrary to his expectations, a tiny drop of water formed and flew toward the dummy, hitting it.

With a look of satisfaction on her face, she stepped back in the line of students. At the same time, cheers could be heard.

"Seriously? A single drop was that impressive for them?" Aaron thought.

Eager to try out his ability, he also walked up. Without yelling out an absurd incantation, he held up his hand like the girl and imagined a bright beam piercing through the dummy. A large glowing sphere floated in front of his palm. Pushing his hand forward, the beam flew at light speed towards the dummy. Blinded, everyone in the vicinity closed their eyes.

Upon opening their eyes, a look of shock filled their faces.

Aaron had been surprised as well. He never expected his new power to be so strong! The dummy that was once standing had been wiped off the planet!

However, the look of shock on everyone's faces wasn't because of the dummy. It was because he used the Light ability! The only one to have ever possessed the ability of Light was Arthur, the supreme being worshipped all across Salvador!

Aaron was confused when he looked around. Everyone was silent. What were they staring at? Walking back in the line, he saw that the girl who went before him had walked up right before him.

Shyly, she asked, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Noticing that she was basically asking him out on a date, he quickly refused. When he did so, the girl wore a look of anger. What Aaron did not know was that the girl he was talking to was Emma, the princess of the Titan Kingdom! If one was to compare the kingdom of Iridian and Titan, they would say that the Titan Kingdom was not too far behind. The Titan Kingdom was famously known for their impressive battle record, having won 13 wars while only losing 1.

However, the reason for the refusal was simple. He simply did not want a relationship that could potentially slow down his training! It was not like that he wasn't attracted to women, he just couldn't spare the time to maintain a relationship..

The other students in line also tried their luck with the dummy. Almost all of the students couldn't draw magic, with only two of them succeeding. The two that succeeded were named Liam and Elizabeth. Liam could be described as a big person, as just one look could tell that Liam was at least 3 times heavier than the average man. He had brown curly hair and a bushy beard. Elizabeth, on the other hand, looked more elegant and fit. Every step she took seemed graceful. She had medium-short black hair, and her eyes were the color green.


The bell sounded again, which according to the schedule, indicated that a lunch break for 3 hours had now started. Walking out of the Combat Grounds, the class was separated almost instantly, with multiple students heading different directions. Aaron also started to go his own way. Even though Aaron was a bit poor, lunch in Iridian Magic Academy was free for students.

Emma, however, stayed behind with a nasty grin on her face. Pulling out her phone, she dialed a number.

"Fenrir, I want you to assassinate a man named Aaron. Don't ask me why. He is a student in my class. You will be compensated with a mansion located in the inner sections of Titan Kingdom."

"Rest assured princess, a target has never failed to escape my grasp," the man on the phone named Fenrir said.

Hanging up, she ordered her personal chauffeur, and drove away from the Combat Grounds.

If you have no idea what "Rating" means, check back to the prologue. It will tell you the existence ratings. It also tells you more information about the overall world background.

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