
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

The Starting Line

 Beholding the massive school building with awe, Izuku Midoriya couldn't help but clench his fist. Today is the first step into becoming a hero, the greatest hero. Now bearing the torch that is One for All, his path to the future he envisioned as a kid is possible. U.A., the most prestigious academy in the country, All Might's alma mater, and a place where countless Pros have turned out of.

 Exhaling a shaky breath he takes a step forward, only ten minutes till the bell and he didn't want to be late on the first day of class. As his gaze swept across the pathway leading to the grand front doors, he marveled at the simplicity and elegance of the landscape that greeted him. Verdant stretches of perfectly manicured grass sprawled under the shade of towering trees, their branches reaching out in a graceful dance against the sky. The symphony of rustling leaves and the..... person sleeping right in the middle of it!

 'Who is this person?! Why are they sleeping in the middle of the grass on the first day of school?! Should I wake them? No no, they must know what they're doing right? They have a uniform on so they're a student. I mean there's only.... 9 minutes left!!! Ok maybe I'll just let them know class will start soon. Yeah that sounds good, not weird at all, right?' Closing the distance between him and the student allowed for him to get a better look at who was dosing off in the school yard.

 Golden strands of hair, like spun sunlight, cascaded in gentle waves around her delicate features, framing a face of ethereal beauty. With closed eyes, long lashes lay softly against her cheeks, adding a touch of innocence to her visage. Clad in the school uniform, its crisp lines and tailored fit hinted at sophistication while maintaining an air of effortless elegance. Even in slumber, she seemed to embody a quiet strength and a captivating allure that spoke volumes of her inner beauty and outer grace. Failing to keep his blush down he averted his eyes.

 "u-um excuse m-me, its a-almost time for class to b-begin" 'oh my gosh i didn't stutter right?' Izuku looked back at the girl and as he noticed her start to wake, he couldn't help but stare as she opened her eyes. Akin to pools of liquid gold, they held a warmth and brilliance that rivaled the sun itself. As his gaze met hers, he couldn't shake the singular thought echoing in his mind, 'she shines'.

 "who're you?" The girl suddenly asks, rising a brow, peering at him. Taking a step back he held both arms to his face and started to mutter. "o-oh m-my name i-is Izuk-" Cutting him off the girl stood up at a tall 5'9, and asked no one in particular, "what time is it?" taking her phone out she glanced at the time. "6 minutes left? I had 3 more minutes." Her disappointed pout accompanies her glance up at the sun, revealing her letdown. Instantly, her face lights up upon seeing the student before her, a smile breaking across her features.

"Well let's hurry green bean, classes start soon!" She quickly moves her way to the entrance only to turn back and shout with a smile on her face, "Are you going to stand there all day broccoli boy?"

 Izuku, still rooted in place, was extremely confused. 'one second she's sleeping, the next she's already on the move telling him to hurry. What's with this girl? Still, I don't want to be late!' He thought as he began to make his was towards the entrance chasing after the eccentric girl.

As Izuku strolls through the school's bustling halls, his gaze is drawn to the girl confidently striding ahead, her presence commanding attention amidst the flow of students. "So, you're in the hero course too, Green?" she asks, her gaze flicking his way with an air of curiosity.

"O-oh, um, yeah, I'm in Class 1-A. How did you—"

"Me too! What are the odds, right?" Her beaming smile interrupts, casting a radiant glow as she looks down at him. Before he can fully register her actions, she abruptly halts , a sparkle in her eyes as she interjects, "Ah, here it is!"

 Without a moment's hesitation, she swings the door wide open, her voice ringing through the bustling classroom, undeterred by the noise within. "Good morning, everyone!" Her greeting carries an infectious energy that momentarily halts the room's commotion.

 A hush falls over the classroom, a collective pause seizing the ongoing activities as all eyes gravitate toward the newcomer who burst through the door. Even the heated argument at the front of the class simmers to a halt, momentarily forgotten in the wake of this unexpected interruption.

 A bespectacled young man swiftly strides forward, his greeting rigidly formal, "Hello, miss. I'm Iida Tenya from the Soumei—..... it's you." The abrupt shift in his tone causes the class to once again pause, yet this time, the collective gaze redirects from the golden-haired girl to the timid green boy standing at the doorway.

 As Iida's attention fixes on Izuku, the green-haired boy can't help but observe the eccentric girl effortlessly gliding toward an unoccupied desk, her movements both deliberate and carefree as she settles down with an air of unbothered confidence.

"If you're out on a buddy hunt, try your luck elsewhere," a man sprawled near the doorway interjects, his voice slightly muffled as he lifts himself up. "This is the department... of heroics!" His declaration carries an undertone of both exhaustion and exasperation. 

Standing up out of his sleeping bag he continues "Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short kids, and you're all lacking in common sense." Now standing in front of the class, "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa."

Pulling out a U.A. tracksuit from his sleeping bag. "Ok, put this on and head to the P.E. grounds."

This is my first time writing so please feel free to critique and help! I hope the dialoge between characters isn't to awkward. i'm still getting used to writing. Ill anwser whatever questions you have but some things will eventully be anwsered later in the story.

BlooBlooBloocreators' thoughts