
Summoning Indonesia (SLOW UPDATE)

(Latest News) Republic of Indonesia, to another world. Food, fuel, spare parts for defense equipment. Problematic hegemonic countries and religions on a newly discovered continent? ! Can Indonesia survive the hardships that surround the archipelago? Well here... the struggle for this archipelago with a population of approximately 350 million people begins... has begun! !

Shimazu_Ryozo · 軍事
2 Chs


In 2042 Indonesia is experiencing a huge population explosion.

This causes Indonesia to import food ingredients from abroad. This year, Indonesia also completed a mega project, namely the construction of a giant dam and 5 nuclear power plants throughout Indonesia.

This year the Indonesian military has also increased rapidly, especially in the army and navy. In the army itself, Indonesia managed to buy 60 T-90 MBTs from Russia and 20 T-14 Armata, and PT PINDAT itself managed to produce 20 Tiger MBTs.

In the Indonesian navy managed to buy 20 Fregate (FF), 30 Destroyer Guide Missile (DDG), from Germany and Russia. Indonesia also completed the construction of 16 Pasopati class (SS) submarines which were designed based on Germany's 214 class. At PT PAL's shipyard itself there are 5 BBGs that are being built, namely the Jawa class and 2 CVN Ken Arok classes which were built in secret.

In the air force and bound by smaller buggies, they were able to buy 5 SU-35 and PT DIRGANTARA managed to complete 15 KF-25 continuation of the KF-21. This increase in strength was caused by the heating up of the situation in the Natuna Sea. On March 25, suddenly a strange phenomenon occurred in Indonesia which cut off contact with the outside world.

Early Morning 02.00 March 25, 2042


Jerico, a scientist in Lapan, was observing the sky with his telescope, then suddenly he saw a phenomenon that should only be seen at the North Pole, namely the Aurora. After a few minutes he regained consciousness and immediately ran into his lab and then phoned the LAPAN head office. In Lapan itself many incoming calls from all over the country. They all contain the same thing. The eighth chairman then contacted defense minister Abraham.

After hearing the news and confirming it with his own eyes, the Minister of Defense decided to report to the President. Upon Abraham's arrival at the Merdeka Palace, he immediately asked for an audience with the President. The President's aide went to wake the President from his sleep because the Minister of Defense wanted to deliver urgent news. After the minister of defense reported this phenomenon, the president immediately held an emergency meeting with his ministers.

At 03.20 the ministers had gathered at the Merdeka Palace. They wondered why they were gathered at this time, some time after the small talk the presidential ministers came with the Defense Minister. The situation in the meeting room was very tense because of the sullen faces of the president and the minister of defense. The ministers thought that Indonesia was entering a period of war. After the initial remarks the president started asking the minister of defense to explain again to other ministers, when the minister of defense finished explaining many did not believe it, then they looked at the director of Lapan. With confirmation from Lapan and being shown the photo area and the position of the constellations, they finally believed it.

The President then asked the Minister of Defense Abraham "How is our geographical situation?"

"Not good, sir, the border with Papua New Guinea has turned into an ocean, while Timor Leste, Sabah and Sarawak are no longer inhabited. We know because we have sent reconnaissance aircraft to explore the border area.

Then the President asked the minister of agriculture, "How is our food situation, Miss Citra?"

"It's not good sir, our food can only last for 2 years at most. That's if we don't fail this quarter's harvest."

"That's not good. We'd better start looking for new lands around us. And hope there are countries that want to trade with us."

The president also turned his gaze to the minister of energy and mineral resources. "Sir, what's our situation now?"

"That's pretty bad, sir, even though all of our existing mines are full again, and also our fuel supply is decreasing due to use by civil society. It's estimated that it will run out next year."

"Damn it, the Minister of Defense immediately implements martial law, food rationing, and fuel restrictions, also sends reconnaissance planes and the 4th Fleet to search for new land."

"Yes, sir!"

In the morning at 09.00 the 4th Fleet departed from the Natuna Islands to the west. Indonesia is also deploying the TU-16 due to its wide range.

The community itself has received an official announcement from the government, and there was a temporary commotion but was managed to calm down by the authorities.

An Expedition Team was also sent to Timor Leste and North Kalimantan to investigate what happened.

Note: sorry if it's short and craig