
Summoned to Other Worlds

* Hiatus * --- After finding a Meteorite and fusing with it involuntarily, Adam gets a type of summoning system, but something is unusual. He is not summoning entities, rather, he is the one being summoned to other worlds with random fictional character templates and powers to complete the summoning contracts and get rewards... Depending on the situation, sometimes he gets strong characters like Goku, and sometimes weak ones, but one thing is for certain, he gets the chance to carve countless legends in countless words in his journey to become a God. --------- Multiverse -> Omniverse. Many worlds are involved.

ArcaneWriter · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Advent of The Demon God (1)

What is a heart? Is it merely an organ pumping blood in our veins, or is it more...

When I regained consciousness, I saw blackness with a small light in the front. I felt different, I was cold yet comfortable and some strange force was spread everywhere in my body and moved around like blood.

I began walking towards that point of light and the next thing I knew, I walked out of a pillar of black light. The first thing I noticed was how perfect my eyesight was, it was impossibly precise, and I could see minor details miles away when I focused.

In front of me was a scene of chaos, since I was on top of a very high tower of sorts, I could see everything well. Fire and destruction were everywhere, corpses scattered in every direction, blood dyed the ground red, and the sky was covered in smoke.

This was a warzone, a magical one.

I felt a little nervous inside, realizing that perhaps I was not ready for this, but that was when I remembered the Template...

Looking at the pale hands that definitely were not mine before but now were, made me feel conflicted.

Inspecting everything else with a look, I instantly recognized the hole and number four on my chest, along with the white Arrancar uniform I wore. 'I definitely became Ulquiorra...'

"I have doomed the world..." A voice brought my attention to the old man on his knees. He looked at me with horror in his eyes.

"Did you summon me?" I asked and noticed my voice sounded emotionless and resembled Ulquiorra's.

Before I could react to that, I felt something approaching fast and my body moved on its own. The force within me pulsed...

The world slowed down, and I moved extremely fast while at the same time somehow I was aware of the surroundings despite the tunnel vision, almost like a sixth sense. The movement felt natural and easy, almost like walking.

'Was that Sonido?' I realized I had teleported to the top of another building instantly.


I heard a loud crash and saw a huge dragon destroying where I had been standing before, his claw attack didn't end there, it moved on and wreaked havoc on half the city, decimating everything. Dust, stone, and screams spread everywhere.

I looked at everything with fascination, it was a real dragon in front of me, and this scene that only belonged in anime and movies was right in front of me, real as real could get. The destruction was horrifying and beautiful at the same time, to see so much force and power unleashed by a living being made me want to try doing it to see how it would feel.

At the same, I understood that if I fought with this thing in the city, I would fail my mission. I had no clue what kind of destruction I could unleash. Perhaps wiping the city from the map in a random attack was not unlikely. It was already half-destroyed...

I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to tap into the force within me, it pulsed and spread everywhere, like a tsunami moving in my veins. It felt almost the same as an adrenaline rush but stronger and heavier.

I opened my eyes and realized my surrounding space was warped and darker than usual, the building trembled as stone and debris defied gravity and flew upward, and a bizarre sound formed from the wind raging. My body glowed a hazy dark green color.


"Who are you?! No... What are you?!!" The Dragon's voice boomed as he asked, feeling shocked at how much magic power the creature before him emanated.

He didn't answer but merely pointed his finger at him as a bright red point of light formed in front of his finger, "Cero."

The Dragon's instinct screamed danger, so he dodged to the side as fast as he could.

The world glowed red as a beam of crimson swallowed the sky, a vibrating high-intensity noise consumed all others as the beam cut the clouds in half for as far as one could see. Gentle rays of the setting sun pierced the gap in the clouds and basked the world in light.

Both the dragon and the demon looked at the scenery, one with disbelief, one with awe.

The dragon's wings and legs trembled, but before he could flee, the creature somehow teleported beside him.


A massive force slammed into him...

The dragon was catapulted across the sky and crashed into a mountain. Dust rose and rage coursed through the dragon's veins.

He was Atranaxia, the night dragon. He was not going to die without fighting, even if he faced a god.

Black magic power surged toward the dragon. The land cracked and the trees burned due to the sheer magic power.

He opened his mouth and fired a black beam of raw burning magic, A loud roar shook the mountains and clouds.

When the beam reached the other party, it parted in two, each leveling a hill. In the middle, the dragon saw how the demon merely put his hand forward and cut his attack in half. The indifference on the face of his enemy made his blood boil as his pride was utterly crushed.

He flew ahead, black magic spreading to the sky and turning the world dark as night, the dragon was going to use his most powerful attack, something that could even injure dragon kings.


I carefully looked at my palm, it was slightly burnt, 'It seems I am not invincible.' The abilities of Ulqiorra came to me instinctively and naturally, but the problem was, my mind took some time to adjust and comprehend them.

In any case, now that we were out of the city, I could unleash a Gran Rey Cero and end it, I had a general idea of my power level and strength.

Feeling the amassing magic power in the sky, I realized the dragon was going to do his ultimate attack, just as I prepared to fire a Gran Rey Cero, my eyes caught sight of a few other dragons coming towards our direction.


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