
Chapter 23

[ Damn I didn't expect to get so much hate for chapter 21. I was just joking I mean, can't you all tell If someone is joking. 😅]

After taking a short walk, Travis and Mia arrived at Mia's house. Travis watched as she snuck inside, and as soon as she entered, he started sprinting towards the park. Within seconds, he reached the park and spotted Eve sitting on the fountain, engrossed in sketching something in her notebook. When she noticed someone approaching in her line of sight, she raised her eyes and saw Travis. A bright smile appeared on her face as she set her belongings aside and removed her headphones.

"Hey, you came! And right on time too. I guess we'll hang out here for about an hour before we leave," she said excitedly. Travis nodded in agreement and asked, "Sure, that's cool. What are you drawing?" He sat down and picked up her drawing pad.

"Oh, it's just a rough sketch I started recently," she replied shyly. Looking at the drawing, Travis immediately realized that it was a depiction of himself in a majestic bodybuilder pose.

"Wow, this is cool! Funny how it looks exactly like me. I wonder where you got the inspiration," he said, smirking and giving her a slight glance. Eve averted her eyes from him and looked up at the sky.

"Well, that's a perfectly accurate coincidence," she responded.

"Tell me about yourself, Eve. Last time we spoke, I realized I barely know anything about you, except for your love of anime," Travis inquired.

"Hmm, not sure where to start. How about my family? I live with my older sister named Grace. She owns the tattoo shop across the street, and we both live there. In fact, my sister owns the whole building. As for other family members, I don't really have any. They all passed away in a car crash when I was young. My sister used the money they had saved to buy the building, and now we're quite independent. Oh, and we also live with a girl named Odette, who's really cool," Eve explained.

"That's a pretty sad origin story. Are you planning to be like Robin or something?" Travis asked, noticing the gloomy aura. He decided to lighten the conversation.

"Hmm, I might as well be. Oh, what I'd do to have her Devil Fruit, minus the drawbacks, of course," she replied.

"Yeah, that would be nice. But personally, I'd go for the Quake Quake Fruit any day," Travis said.

"Wow, who are you planning to defeat with those quake powers, Travis? I mean, I'm pretty sure you don't have any enemies, right?" Eve asked, teasingly smirking.

Travis smirked back and playfully dap her hand. This was one of the things that strengthened their connection—the understanding of each other's humor and how to react. It wasn't something that happened often, but once in a while, you meet someone with the same views and opinions as yourself. And sometimes, destiny works in mysterious ways when you realize that person also shares your interests.

"Did you hear that Rent-A-Girlfriend is coming back?" Eve asked.

Travis cringed at the mention of that anime. "Ugh, I hate that anime, or rather, the protagonist," he said with a hint of disgust in his tone.

"True, that Kazuya guy is such a beta male. I mean, how can he still want that girl after she left him? Plus, he can't even see that she's clearly using him. The author must have some mental problems because even the dumbest of guys know when someone is using them," Eve replied, sharing Travis's sentiment.

"Exactly! It's as if he was possessed by the same demon that makes those guys in those NTR hentais and manga not suspect a thing when their girlfriend or wife is randomly out at night, supposedly at her parents' house. It just doesn't make any sense," Travis added.

"That annoys me so much. Also, on the topic of NTR, have you ever started reading a pornhwa only to find out that in the very first chapter, the main character's girl or wife gets involved with his boss or something? I hate that!" Eve exclaimed.

"Oh man, I've experienced that so many times. The one I hated the most was probably Queen Bee. That shit had me contemplating my existence," Travis admitted.

"Thankfully, I read the comments before attempting to read that one. But before that, I was naive and stumbled upon Silent War when I was still young. I saw things I shouldn't have seen at a young age," Eve revealed, cringing at the memories.

"True, but I ended up finishing that story. It wasn't the greatest, but I have to say it had great character development. Other than that, yeah, screw that shit," Travis agreed.

"Wow, you have a heart of steel. Anyway, let's move away from that topic and talk about something personal, shall we?" Eve suggested, a smirk playing on her lips. Travis returned the smirk, knowing where this conversation was heading, and he liked it.

"Sure, sounds good. So, is this like a Q&A session?" he asked.

"Yes, but let's add a twist. For each question you choose not to answer, you'll be dared by the person asking it," Eve proposed.

"Sounds like fun. Let's get started," Travis agreed.

Eve packed up her belongings and turned her body toward Travis. She crossed her legs and rubbed her hands together mischievously. Travis couldn't help but wonder what she was plotting.

"Alright, so I'll start. Have you ever had a wet dream before? And if so, who was in that dream?" Travis asked, pretending as if the question was difficult to answer when it was actually quite challenging due to his lack of vivid memory from his first wet dream. But he decided to lie, thinking that she wouldn't be able to tell.

"I think it was our English teacher back in middle school, during our second year. What was her name again? Oh yeah, Ms. Fiona. She was pretty sexy," he replied.

"Wow, so you dreamed about hooking up with Ms. Fiona? You know how people, mostly men, used to talk about her. They said she had quite an adventurous sports day experience," Eve teased, giving Travis a sly smile.

"I didn't know that at the time, and honestly, I wouldn't have cared back then. I was so obsessed with getting with someone, but now, it's like whatever, you know?" Travis explained.

"That doesn't change anything. Now, it's your turn," Eve pushed, eager to know his answer.

Travis pondered for a moment, then came up with a question. After thinking of a good one, he asked Eve, "Have you ever masturbated while thinking of someone? And if so, who was it?"

This question stunned Eve to her core. She didn't know how to answer such a difficult question, mainly because she had been using Travis as her "fap fuel" during her teenage years. And even today, she couldn't help but think about him. But she couldn't reveal that to him.

With a smile on her face, she said, "Hmm, that's a tough one. I ha..."

Is Eve going to confess or will she not, find out next time on Dragon Ball z.
