
Su Feng: A Story To Remember

Su Feng: A Story To Remember is a myth between the four realms. The Heavenly realm, the Demon Void Realm, The human realm and the Forbidden Realm. In the ancient days, White consult the Demon God Nine tailed Fox was the most powerful God in the four realms, thousands years later, she rebelled against the heaven's. Her soul was sealed and imprisoned until it was released by a minion and at last, SU Feng was born. Transcended and born as a demon God reincarnation, Lived as a human Man Chao Xing, Became Su Feng, a royal princess and died as The demon God of Chaos WHITE CONSULT and Su Feng. inhabit the soul of a female nine-tailed demon of Chaos within him His life, however, get entangled as he comes across Immortals from the heavenly realm

AuthoressChioma · その他
15 Chs

Auxillary Chapter

Title: "Sufeng: A Memorable Tale"

GENRE: XIANXIA Fantasy Romance

Written by: Authoress Chioma

Country of Origin: Nigeria

Number of Seasons: One

Book Cast:

Female Lead: Su Feng 苏峰

Heavenly King: Tao Ziqi 塔子矒

Heavenly Queen: Li Hua (granddaughter of Run Yu) 李华

First Brother: Qing Feng 冯青

First Sister: Qing Yang 杨青

Male Lead: Lin Xiu 林秀

God Of Water: Bai Zhen 白震

First Brother's bodyguard and right-hand man: Zhu Ran朱然

Female Lead Maiden One: Li Meng 李萌

Second Maiden: Tang Fang 唐芳

Female Lead's Male Best Friend: Zhu Ran 朱然

Heavenly King's Right-hand Woman: Jin Mi

Heavenly Priest: Zu Hua 祖华

Places Mentioned in This Book:

Wudan Sect

Peach Blossom Valley

Passionless River

Xingxiu Manor

Qing Cheng Sword Hall

Mount Bai Chang

Lingjiu Palace

Mount Hua Sect

Kunlun Sect

FengSha Kingdom

Twelve Star Valley

Yihua Pleasure Palace


The heavenly realm stood still as they welcomed the arrival of the heavenly king's firstborn child. Her Highness Li Hua had been in labor for hours in her room, with all the female physicians trying their best but to no avail.

Upon learning that his firstborn with Li Hua was a demon, he was a bit displeased at first and gave the order to prioritize saving his wife over their unborn baby girl, as he desired a male child soon.

He stood outside the room with a cold look, worried and tired, but unable to breathe a sigh of relief just yet. The heavenly priest, who was with his majesty, looked disturbed and unsure of how to explain the situation regarding the new child.

Both were terrified by the agonizing cries and shouts from Her Highness. In addition to her screams, she was bleeding terribly.

The priest looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and raised two fingers while reciting some incantations. Upon opening his eyes, he noticed the sudden change in the environment. The beautiful flowers and most trees had withered, the sky turned red, thunderstorms rumbled, and the rivers and ocean came to a standstill. Tornado winds destroyed the homes of many deities in the heavenly realm. The priest attempted to use magic to stop it, but instead saw an image of the ancient nine-tailed fox with an unusual blue lotus mark on its forehead appearing in the sky. The image was indeed terrible and scary.

"Your Majesty, there is bad news," he voiced out fearfully. With no response from the king, he surmised that the king already knew.

"Your Highness, it's a demon child. She cannot be allowed to live, or we will be doomed. Please reconsider keeping the child," the priest spoke while continuously bowing his head.

Moments later, a maiden emerged with a smile on her face as she knelt and bowed.

"It's a blessing, Your Highness! My lady has given birth to a baby girl," she joyfully exclaimed as she congratulated the king.

"Is she alright, Your Highness?" Tao Ziqi asked.

"Yes, Your Highness, both the mother and baby are safe. You can see them now!" she replied, leading him into the room.

Walking slowly towards the room, he spotted Li Hua lying on the bed with their daughter. The elegant, beautiful, and gorgeous queen was lying right there, tired and weak, looking as fragile as an egg. Yet she clung tightly to her baby, holding on with all her strength.

Tao Ziqi approached, taking a closer look at his queen. His relief flooded over him when Li Hua smiled and raised her hands, placing them in his palm and reassuring him with her beautiful smile.

"Your highness," she called softly. "Look, I'm okay. Won't you take a look at our daughter? She's very beautiful and she has your eyes and lips. Although her beautiful face was inherited from me," Li Hua joked, making Tao Ziqi chuckle.

'Even in pain, she always makes everything seem alright,' he thought to himself.

"So, am I not handsome?" he playfully asked, rubbing her knuckles.

"Of course, you are good-looking. But not as good-looking as me," Li Hua boasted jokingly. She tried to sit upright and placed the baby in his arms.

"I'll drop her," he worriedly said.

"No, you won't. You're doing just fine," she assured him.

As he caught a glimpse of his daughter, he noticed her blue hair and the blue lotus mark on her forehead, and frowned slightly.

"What should we name her, dear?" Her highness asked.

"She's different from us, Li Hua. We'll call her Su Feng 苏峰. I'm afraid she'll face many problems in the future!" He said with a tone of sadness, using his thumb to rub her forehead.

"I noticed it too. I didn't know we'd give birth to a demon. If the elders find out, they won't hesitate to kill her."

"Let's not worry about that now. You're still tired. Leave this matter to me. We will handle it at the right time and the right moment. So, rest while I get some work done!" He said, placing a kiss on her forehead and one on his daughter's cheek.


In human age, Su Feng 苏峰 is about five years old, yet five thousand years old in the heavenly realm.

"Haha, you're a Demon, Su Feng 苏峰. You're supposed to rot in the forbidden sea, not stay in heaven!" Some children bullied the poor girl.

"I'm not a demon. Stop calling me that!" she argued back.

"Then why is your hair blue and not black or white like most of us? You even have a strange mark on your head, and yet you still say you're not a demon?"

Poor Su Feng 苏峰 cried and became enraged. Her nine tails came out and she bared her claws. Her hair had a grey color amidst her blue locks and her fangs were sharp and deadly. She used her tails to hit them and bit them. One of the kids attacked her but froze when she used her blood-red eyes on him. Her fox balls gathered around the child and began to strangle him. She laughed a bit as she enjoyed the sight of the boy vomiting blood.

The heavenly king was taking a walk with the queen when he heard the cry of a child.

"Li Hua, did you hear the cry of a child?" he asked. Her royal highness looked around and saw the bloody scene caused by Su Feng 苏峰.

"My lord, look over there," she said softly.

"Su Feng 苏峰!!" he called out and waved his hands toward his daughter. He used magic to end Su Feng's rampage.

Out of the five kids, two were poisoned, one died, and one was slightly injured.

"What have you done, dear?" he said sadly, seeing the blood stains on her clothes and her fangs.

Li Hua ran to their daughter, who had fallen unconscious out of shock. The guards came in to clear the mess but were cautious about touching the kids to avoid getting poisoned.

Moments later, Su Feng 苏峰 woke up and searched for her parents. She mistakenly overheard them saying they wanted to send her away, and she cried. The heavenly king and queen rushed to console her, saying...

"Dear, you don't have to cry. You'll be back in a few years, and then everyone will be your friend. Your mother and I have decided to send you to Wudan sect to become a better person," he said, stroking her hair.

"Dear, we will be leaving before sunset for your own good!"

"Okay, father," she said, choking back tears.

"Mother, I will be back soon. Wait for me, okay?" she said as she saw Priest Zu Hua with her clothing.

"My lord, the chariot is ready. We may head out now!"

"Li Hua, say goodbye to our girl now."

Li Hua felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if it was being pierced by a sharp sword. Tears welled up in her eyes, making them shine brighter. She laughed a bit in pain, as flashes of the first day she carried Su Feng began to reflect back on her mind. The short time they spent together.

"Su," she called out. "Mummy loves you, always remember that, okay? Be a good girl for me, alright?" she said, tearful.

Su Feng 苏峰 sobbed softly and hugged her mother tightly.

Tao Ziqi entered the chariot with his little daughter, opened the curtains, and waved her goodbye. Li Hua reassured him that she was okay and they would reach their destination safely.

It was already sunset, and Su Feng was fast asleep in her father's arms, safe and protected.

"Your highness, we've arrived at our destination," Zu Hua said.

"You may leave. We'll be with you soon," Tao Ziqi said in a low voice.

Zu Hua understood and simply bowed, leaving the father-daughter duo alone.

Tao Ziqi looked at his daughter's face closely. She seemed to be having a good dream.

"Su Feng, in the blink of an eye, our fate will change. I hope you can forgive me after what I'm doing. I'm afraid that even if I protect you until you grow up, your fate is inevitable. Either way, you will forget who we are when you unleash your full power. I'm afraid that at that time, your thirst for blood will be greater than our love. In order to stop you from enduring endless pain, it's better for me to do what needs to be done," he said. A tear fell from his eyes, rolling down his cheek and onto his daughter's eyes.

Su Feng 苏峰 frowned slightly and woke up, her big bright eyes staring deep into her father's wet eyes, confused.

"Father, are you upset with me?" she asked.

"No, I'm just going to miss my little Su when she goes. We've arrived at our destination, and I'm feeling reluctant to let you go," he spoke softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon enough," she said, smiling. Tao Ziqi nodded as he carried her down from the carriage.

Su Feng looked around and noticed that the only thing there was a clear blue stream and some lotus flowers around it. "Father, why are we here? Aren't we supposed to be at Wudan sect?" she asked.

The heavenly priest closed his eyes and brought out two fingers, folding the others. He rotated them in an anticlockwise direction and said some confusing words. The water from the stream rose up and surrounded Su Feng. Two colored pearls emerged. One was blue and the other was green, transforming into ancient Greek words and forming a formation. Su Feng's head began to ache badly, her neck felt as if bugs were biting her flesh on her body.

Su Feng experienced excruciating pain and pleaded with her father to save her. Her body felt drained and she cried out in agony. Tao Ziqi, torn between his responsibility as the heavenly king and his love for his daughter, found it immensely difficult to witness her suffering. He turned away, tears streaming down his cheeks, for he knew that this was the only way to save not just Su Feng, but also the thousands whose lives were at stake in the Four Realms. Inwardly, he asked for forgiveness from Su Feng, as he felt helpless in the face of this terrible choice.

Upon Tao Ziqi's command, Zu Hua, a trusted individual, proceeded with the necessary actions. With a resolute gaze, Zu Hua conjured a formation, reciting ancient Greek words, and observed as the little girl screamed in unimaginable pain. With great care, he combined two water pearls, creating a small colorless pill that possessed an incredible energy and radiance. Forcefully, he opened Su Feng's mouth and administered the pill, while the sky turned red and thunder roared, as if angered.

The effects of the pill were dramatic. Su Feng's hair turned blue and gray, her fingers elongated and turned blue, her eyes transformed to a blue hue with an image of a blue lotus, and her lips became dark red. Her fangs emerged, and she ascended, no longer the serene little girl they knew. Nine white fury tails sprung from her, and she appeared as a fox with nine tails and a blue lotus mark on her head. With satisfaction, Zu Hua declared that the transformation was perfect, noting that as a child with limited experience of pain or anger, and he  would only suffer internal injuries that would heal over time.

Zu Hua then unsheathed a thirty-inch katana sword and spoke words that multiplied the swords, piercing every inch of Su Feng's being. Witnessing her own blood pouring out, Su Feng let out a deafening scream that shook the entire surroundings. She vomited blood and slowly descended, helpless on the ground, immersed in a pool of her own blood.

With a plea in her eyes, Su Feng begged her father for help, holding onto the last shred of hope. Tao Ziqi, facing his dying daughter, felt his body go numb. As Su Feng's life essence gradually dissipated into the passionless river, her legs began to vanish. She continued to vomit blood and, with her eyes closed, Tao Ziqi approached her, gently touching her wet face and caressing her knuckles. He then placed a loving kiss on her forehead. Before he and Su Feng had departed, he had taken a purple jade pendant from Li Hua and affixed it to Su Feng's Hanfu dress.

In the end, Su Feng life ascent disappeared into the passionless river. Tao Ziqi, staring at the ground, could not contain his painful laughter, which echoed eerily in the air. Tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes.

Tao Ziqi then spoke in pain, In the four realms there is no longer a daughter named Su Feng again.  Tao Ziqi was left to reckon with the immense loss he had to endure.