
Stuck Inside the Haunted House with Ten Bad Boys

作者: Maxi_Minnie
Sci-fi Romance
連載中 · 51.7K ビュー
  • 23 章
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  • NO.200+

What is Stuck Inside the Haunted House with Ten Bad Boys

WebNovel で公開されている、Maxi_Minnie の作者が書いた Stuck Inside the Haunted House with Ten Bad Boys の小説を読んでください。...


4 タグ

Transmigration of the the arcane prodigy

In a world where magic danced with the wind and swords sang through the air, there was born a child unlike any other. Kang-ho, a name whispered with reverence, possessed an extraordinary talent—the ability to manipulate the very fabric of magic itself. From a young age, he could weave spells with unparalleled precision, a gift that whispered of ancient prophecies and destinies. However, Kang-ho's path to greatness was not without obstacles. The arcane world he was born into was fraught with political intrigue and ancient rivalries. The established mage guilds viewed his emergence as a threat to their power, while dark forces sought to harness his potential for their nefarious schemes. But fate had other plans for Kang-ho. Through a mysterious transmigration, he found himself in a parallel dimension, a fantastical realm where magic and technology intertwined. Here, he discovered the Genius System, a sentient entity that offered him the means to ascend to unimaginable heights. With each passing day, Kang-ho honed his skills, mastering spells thought to be beyond mortal comprehension. He delved into the art of swordplay, blending magic and steel in a mesmerizing display of prowess. His knowledge of alchemy and potion-making became the stuff of legend, as he concocted elixirs that could heal the most grievous wounds or grant unparalleled strength. Yet, amidst his rise to power, Kang-ho remained steadfast in his principles. He used his newfound abilities not for personal gain, but to bring about positive change in the world around him. As word of his exploits spread, Kang-ho became a beacon of hope for those who dared to dream of a better future. Kingdoms sought his counsel, and armies rallied under his banner. With each victory, he forged new alliances and shattered old prejudices, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity. For Kang-ho was not just a mage or a warrior, but a symbol of hope in a world consumed by darkness he alone lead the way

dreamcrusader · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Godfather Para Juara

Ini adalah kisah tentang mengejar kemenangan. - "Saya hanya berlangganan pada teori kemenangan. Saya hanya mengejar kemenangan. Selama saya bisa mendapatkan kemenangan, saya tidak peduli apakah itu total football atau serangan balik. Apa tujuan akhir sepakbola profesional? Menurut saya, itu adalah kemenangan, dan puncak kemenangan adalah menjadi juara. Saya adalah seorang manajer. Jika saya tidak ingin kehilangan pekerjaan saya atau dilupakan oleh orang-orang, hanya ada satu jalan bagi saya untuk mengambil, dan itu adalah untuk memimpin tim dalam mendapatkan kemenangan, dalam mendapatkan gelar kejuaraan! " sang karakter utama tidak sangat disukai oleh orang-orang. - “⋯Kami melakukan survei yang oleh Manajer Tony Twain dianggap sangat tidak berarti. Dalam survei jalan acak yang dilakukan, sembilan puluh tiga persen dari mereka yang disurvei memilih opsi 'Saya benci Tony Twain', sementara hanya tujuh persen memilih opsi 'Orang ini agak baik, saya suka dia'. Perlu dicatat bahwa tidak ada yang memilih opsi 'Siapakah Tony Twain? Aku tak mengenalnya. Mark, tahukah Anda mengapa Manajer Twain merasa survei kami sangat tidak berarti? Parker, seorang reporter dari <The Daily Telegraph> tertawa keras dan berkata ketika dia sedang diwawancarai oleh BBC. Tetapi ada juga orang-orang yang jatuh cinta padanya. - “⋯ Menjadi juru bicara merek pakaian terkenal di seluruh dunia, syuting iklan, sering menghadiri upacara penghargaan industri mode, mendukung permainan elektronik, memiliki pacar supermodel. Penghasilannya dari iklan melebihi gaji klubnya sebanyak tujuh belas kali lipatnya, memiliki kolom khusus di berbagai media cetak, menerbitkan otobiografinya (sedang berlangsung), dan bahkan katanya dia berencana untuk membuat film inspirasional berdasarkan pengalaman pribadinya sendiri! Siapa yang bisa memberi tahu saya bagian mana dari pengalaman hidupnya yang pantas disebut 'inspirasional'? Tunggu⋯. Apakah Anda semua berpikir bahwa saya' mengacu pada David Beckham? Anda salah besar! Saya berbicara tentang Manajer Tony Twain⋯.” Dia sangat berpengetahuan tentang sepakbola Tiongkok. - “ ⋯ Saya'pernah mendengar tentang itu, bahwa Bora menghadiahkan empat buku kepada manajernya Tuan Zhu sebelum pertandingan tim nasional'Anda'. Setelah itu, timnya kalah 1: 3 dari tim Amerika tanpa nama dari Major League Soccer. Alasan baru yang diberikan Tuan Zhu karena kalah dalam pertandingan, adalah bahwa Bora memberi “buku” ('buku' dan 'kalah' adalah homofon dalam bahasa mandarin). Di sini, saya sarankan Anda mencari tahu apa itu buku tertentu tersebut. Buku yang mana? Tentu saja yang menyebabkan anda semua mencetak gol. Setelah itu, beri tahu saya judul buku itu. Sebelum setiap pertandingan, saya akan memberikan sepuluh salinan buku yang sama kepada anda. Kalau begitu, tidakkah kalian semua bisa mendapatkan kemenangan 10: 0 atas lawanmu setiap saat? Kutipan yang diambil dari kolom khusus Tony Twain di salah satu surat kabar olahraga Tiongkok yang terkenal.

Mystfd_Camouflage · スポーツ

SEAL Undercover

USA Today best-selling and award-winning author Desiree Holt writes everything from romantic suspense and paranormal to erotic. and has been referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, and is a winner of the EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice nominee. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times and numerous other national and international publications. The enemy was hiding in plain sight… SEAL Undercover Dedicated to the SEALs who continue to fight for America’s safety and honor SEAL Undercover is part of the Suspense Sisters Silver SEALs series. I hope you will check out all the books. Max DiSalvo gave his entire life to the SEALs. He would have married—he certainly enjoyed women—but he never could find one who understood his dedication to the Teams, even though many of his team members married happily. It takes a certain caliber of woman to be a SEAL wife and Max just never found one that fit with him. Now, at 48, he is out of the SEALs, running his own commercial fishing company in Maine where he grew up, and waiting for his assignments from DHS. Regan Shaw, a SEAL widow, is an Intelligence Operations Specialist with DHS, and a woman who Max is drawn to from first sight. Part of her job is analyzing information to assess threats and she’s discovered a doozy—there is a secret group of very wealthy people who, in partnership with a powerful cartel, are using the border with Mexico to smuggle terrorists from the Middle East into the country. And word has come down that a high-level member of the government is clearing the way with them for everything. The group is about to have one of its executive meetings at an exclusive resort in Texas and that’s where DHS is sending the two of them. Credentials have been arranged that would make him attractive to the group. A story has been set and there is backup for him should he need it. Regan, who has all the information on this operation, will go with him as his wife. As they uncover more and more of the operation, they realize just how dangerous this group really is. When someone betrays them, and Regan is kidnapped, Max goes into war mode, because in Regan Shaw he’s found the woman he’s waited for all his life and he doesn’t intend to lose her now. But he will need every bit of the skills that he learned as a SEAL to rescue her and bring down this very dirty conspiracy.

Desiree Holt · 都市
40 Chs

System: The Great Mage

Warning: BxB, BL, Harem, Rebirth, Fantasy, Adventure Seraiah, a young man who had an overflowing supply of manna, could not use it and ended up as a commoner. He was accused of many terrible things against his stepsister, Calia, who was an upcoming high priestess of the kingdom and was given a death sentence. His heart was filled with hatred when he found out that his father, siblings and fiancée sided with Calia rather than him. At the end of his life, he hoped for a chance to live again and it was granted. Whether God loved him or had mercy on him, he was grateful. And in his second life, he would live quietly and peacefully with no intention of approaching his family or challenging Calia. He didn't want to suffer the same fate as before. Who knew, he managed to awaken his ability, the Great Mage System, which made him a mage who could cure all diseases and curses. Finally, he decided to travel and heal the people he wanted to heal. But fate is unpredictable. No matter how far he traveled, news of the mage who could cure all diseases and curses, was heard throughout the kingdoms of the continent. And he began to be looked for. Especially by the kingdom of Endora, which banished him and exiled him. Will he give in and choose to return to cure diseases in that kingdom? Or will he stick to his ego and refuse to save the kingdom? Especially when his father and brother as well as his former fiancée who suddenly changed his attitude and came to him. As if he is their beloved family.

Milky_Ways · LGBT+
2 Chs


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  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating