
Stuck In The Dark

"From the start, my life was a dark, black hole but........", he whispered in her ear. "This darkness with you, can sometimes be so steamy with just a good time and most importantly us........ Naked", He continued, which made her mind insane.

loveablefellow_086 · 若者
15 Chs


Isla Brown's Pov:

All the classes went well and even David's tutoring went well and I hope he will score good marks in the exam which is just in 6 days. I even told Lucas that me and Davud are friends and he was happy with it.

I was walking to my locker because I don't have a last class with David nor Lucas. At that time my phone beeped indicating a text. I took it out of my pocket and saw Noah texted me.

Noah😇: Hey Isla, wanna hangout?

Me: Yes sure, meet me at the Seoul University gates at 5 minutes.

Noah: Sure. Bye~~~

Me: Bye~

I dialed Lucas's number as soon as I finished texting Noah. I waited for him to pick up as the ringing went on. After few minutes he picked up.

"Hey Lucas, I won't be able to walk home with you today coz I am going to hangout with my friend", I said to him as I packed my bag.

"Girl or Boy?", he asked me. Damn, here comes the possessive bestfriend of mine.

"Boy. But don't worry I will take care of myself", i said to him as I started walking in the hallway.

"But you never told me about it, did you forget me?", he asked me in a dramatic way.

"I had so much to do yesterday and i guess David told you that I cooked him dinn-" I said to him but got cutted off by him

"You even cooked him food? We have to talk young lady, come home before 9pm and don't forget the pepper spray In your bag", he reminded me and I just chuckled at him. I bid him bye and tugged the phone inside my pockets.

I made myself go down and went towards the gate and saw Noah leaning his back on the car. I know it's dangerous to hangout with a person who you have just met the other day but Noah is not a kind of person who might do something to me. He has hint of gentleman in him.

"Hi", he said in his deep voice and opened the passenger's door like a gentleman.

"Hello, I could've opened the door by myself", I said to him and he smiled at me.

I smiled back and sat back, cozying my self. I guess he is rich coz he has Rolls Royce which cannot be easily afforded by middle class.

"Where are we going?", I asked him after he started pulling the car out of the driveway.

"We are going to my secret hideout", he replied as he started going in full speed.

Author's Pov:

Isla rolled down the window and looked out. The sky had the pink and orange hue indicating the sun set. The birds were chirping to go back to their habitat. The voice of wind rushing was like music in Chae's ears. She always loved mother nature with the bottom of her heart.

She always wished to go on a small picnic date with her family like how normal people do. But fate had different plans in her life. She only knew how her parents died but never considered it as an accident. She had amnesia because-

"We're here", her thoughts were interrupted as Noah stopped the car. They went out and Isla admired the place.

The area was surrounded by trees and they were two to three benches there with flower petals and leaves on them. The sun hasn't set yet which made the place showed a golden aura. This made the place look marvelous. She took a look at the garden which kinda felt familiar to her.

She felt as if she has visited this place multiple of times but forgot when and with whom. She felt deja vu. She was so sure about the feeling of sunset, the benches and the trees surrounding them but still shrugged it off as she didn't want to get a headache, thinking about those things.

"This is the place where i often come to when I am bedlam with my thoughts or when I'm sad", Noah said to the girl.

Her amnesia wasn't helping with this familiar place but she decided to let them go for the mean time.

"This place...... It looks calm and beautiful too. It has different aura which i can't put my finger into", the confused girl said.

"I never brought anyone here except you now", he said to her and she looked at him with a smile.

"Why me then?", the girl asked as she gave a small chuckle which made the latter's heart skip a beat.

"I guess you are special to my heart so I brought you her", Noah said with a smile.

"We just met...... But Thank you it means a lot to me", Isla said to him as she smiled. She took that as a compliment from a friend rather than in a romantic way.

They sat down and talked for a while and when the night came the place lit up with lights which made it ten times more beautiful than earlier.


Isla Brown's Pov:

Noah dropped me home and I bid him bye before I made my way to the door. I inserted the key in the key hole and went inside.

Lucas was on the Couch sitting with her leg on top of the other and beside him was David.

"David, what are you doing here?", she asked him as she made her way on the other couch and layed down.

Lucas was actually panting while David was fine, looking like as if Lucas ran miles in an hour. 'Boys and their complicated lives', Isla thought.

"I'm sorry that I didn't had enough time today to spend with you guys", Isla apologised as she sat in between the two boys and hugged them from the sides.

"Is the guy you went with is a good person?", Lucas asked her and she nodded while smiling and he returned it.

"I actually met him yesterday in the coffee shop. He poured his drink all over me by mistake and he was guilty so he treated me with coffee. Then we became friends", Isla cleared herself. Lucas nodded and smiled at her.

"Isla, you still have one chapter left to teach me", David whined and she flicked his forehead.

"Come let's go....Lucas are you going to stay here or leaving?", she asked Him.

"Nope, I will see you tomorrow by the gates", he replied to her and she bid her bye.

"Did Lucas brought you here?", Isla asked David as she locked the main door.

"Yes, because i said him to", David said to her.

"I was kinda bored in home after the school so I thought of hanging with Lucas, he said he is heading to your house and so I joined him", David said as he picked up his bag.

"And also i had one chapter left so why not make use of the time", he said to her and they both made their way upstairs.

She didn't mind him being in her house but what mattered the most for her was the size of the house compared to his.