
Love talk, and Nemuri

After USJ incident they came back on the UA grounds only to be told that they have a week without school.

Catching the opportunity Izuku asked the girls if they wanted to go out, they accepted immediately.

At first, they went eating together, mostly sweets they then went to the amusement park, the sun was going down when they finished all the rides.

They could be seen all sat down on a bench talking about stupid things while smiling.

When suddenly…

Mina:'' AHHHHHHHHH I can't take it anymore, Izuku who do you love?''

Izuku:''… What?''

Ochaco:'' Mina we should have waited.''

Momo:'' Ochaco I am sorry but she is right we have to resolve this matter.''

Girls:'' So Izuku who do you love?''

Izuku's mind was working like never before all the AIs suspect something like this would happen but not so soon.

Izuku:'' I-I-I-I- I can't decide, I love you all I would die for all you three but I can't decide between one of you, because that would hurt the other twos and I don't want that.'' His eyes were twitching due to the overload of emotions.

Ochaco:'' So we were right.''

Izuku:'' What?''

Momo:'' We met yesterday, we talked about you, about how we all love you and how that would make you feel, we predicted that you would answer like that, if you didn't and instead only chose one of us, we would have been angered.''

Izuku:'' So what now?'' Izuku was confused now almost hitting himself

Mina:'' It is clear.''

Girls:'' We are all going to date you.''

Izuku:''… WHAT?'' Now Izuku was seriously considering hitting himself.

Mina:'' Since we can't have you as a whole we will just divide you.''

Momo:'' Izuku we know you pretty well, you are the guy that even if you had thousands of women you would still love them equally.''

Ochaco:'' For this reason, we choose to slip you between us.''

Izuku:'' I… I love you all.'' He said with a smile brighter than a star

All the girls then went to hug him and each one of them kissed him on the cheek.




During the week

Izuku and the girls' relationship had almost reached THAT level most of the time they would just hug and kiss each other (french kisses).

Izuku could be seen walking along the streets when he saw Nemuri, his English teacher, cornered by a group of men.

Man 1:'' Hey come on come with us it will be fun.''

Man 2:'' We have money if you are that type of girl.''

Nemuri was angered by Man 2 words (she is in her hero costume) she wanted to knock them out so she went for her arm only to be stopped by a hand.

Man 3:'' TSK TSK TSK My dear midnight we know your quirk and his effect, you seriously think we will let you do that?''

Man 1 then raised his hand wanting to touch her breasts, only for it to fall on the ground.

The man looked at his handless arm and when he realized the situation he screamed.

Izuku:'' Ohhh come on you just lost your hand you don't have to scream so much.''

All the men and Nemuri turned towards Izuku, he had a katana in his right hand and the man's hand in the other.

Man 3:'' You damned kid we will kill you.''

All the man dashed towards him,


Izuku disappeared from the men vison only to reappear behind Nemuri

All the men were on the ground without their hands, strangely none of the cuts were spilling blood.

Izuku:'' Are you ok Nemuri-sensei?''

Nemuri finally realized her situation and what would have happened if he wasn't here.

She immediately hugged him and cried.

Izuku:'' There there now everything ended the bad guys are gone.''

Nemuri fainted in his arms, the mental strain was too much.

Izuku:' Fuck, Kevin tell me her address.''


Izuku:' Thanks.'

Izuku then out the coordination on the teleporter.

He found himself in an apartment, there some… strange shaped toys.

Izuku:' Well damn, she needs a real man.''

Izuku then changed her costume in normal clothes, he used the most covering ones, a white T-shirt and tight shorts that showed all the glory of her booty and panties.

Izuku:' For fuck sake she surely needs a man.'

Izuku waited for her to wake up, since it was already pretty late he checked her fridge and began cooking dinner for her and him.




Nemuri woke up to a god like smell filling her nostrils, most of the time she would eat outside or order food because she didn't have a lot of free time, the ingredients inside the fridge were here only for when she was free.

Nemuri raised from her bad, she saw her clothes and thought:' How am I in my bed and why am I wearing my clothes?'

She then went for the kitchen only to see…

Izuku with a pink apron cooking.

Izuku:'' Oh Nemuri-san you fainted so brought at your house, and since it was pretty late I choose to cook something for you and me, I hope you aren't angered by this.''

Nemuri went for the table and sat down watching Izuku hand move with a finesse inhumanly possible.

Nemuri:'' Were you the one that changed my clothes?''

Izuku:'' I had my eyes clothes.'' His cheeks were red, while changing her he had caught for a second her body, but that second was enough for him, he would remember that forever due to his panmesia.

Nemuri:'' Ohhhhh are you going to take responsibility.'' She said wanting to tease him

Izuku:'' If it's you then I would surely take responsibility.'' Only to be teased by Izuku

Nemuri with red cheeks ignored his answer and waited for the food.

When Izuku finished he put the food on 2 plates, the food was a bowl of ramen( He learned from the best), Izuku gave Nemuri a pair of chopsticks.


Nemuri never felt like this before, it was as if the all noodles were fondling her whole body making her excited, so excited that she moaned.

Izuku ignored that and simply ate his share

Izuku:' Damn could have done better.'

Nemuri finished her cup of ramen and pointed it towards Izuku

Nemuri:'' MORE.''

Izuku expecting this had prepared another six sets of noodles.







Izuku:' Are my noodles so good?'

Gordon:'' Are you serious? Your cooking is god-like even if all the chief from this world were to cook and go against you, you would still win, even if you were to cook with your feet while being blindfolded.''

Izuku:' DAMN.'

After Nemuri finished she looked towards Izuku, he had a smug smile, and she wanted to strip him of it

Nemuri:'' Please marry me.'' She said trying to tease him.

Izuku:'' I am sorry, but you can't have me.''

Nemuri:'' Ohhhhh boohoo who is the girl that stole my Izuku?'' She said still trying to tease him

Izuku:'' It's not the girl, it's the girls.''


Nemuri had eavesdropped on the conversation that Mina, Momo, and Ochaco had, she thought that it wouldn't work but it did

Izuku:'' It seems like it did.''

Nemuri:'' That means that you can be shared.''

Izuku:'' You have to talk with the girls they might not accept you.''

Nemuri:' Wait am I considering this, he is a fucking student I can't do this I am his teacher.'

Izuku:'' Well I have to go now I hope you feel better.''

Izuku then left, Nemuri said goodbye to him still thinking about her feeling for Izuku




When they came back to school Aizawa told them that he had an important thing to discuss with them.

Aizawa:'' As some of you might know in a week there will be the… Sports festival.''
