
Strike Back

15 year old Andrei Mendoza was a boy who was bullied due to circumstances forcing him to get involved. One day after he had enough and started to fight back against the bullies, he gets knocked out and has an encounter with an entity that gives him the power to learn the moves that have been used on him.

AlexE204 · アクション
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Trump Card!

"Let's go for a round 2 a**hole!"

"The hell you talking about? I don't even know you!"

As I was trying to focus and observe his movements, Markus took a step forward. His footwork showing the level of his boxing experience. But...

[Perfect Jab]



I prepared myself for this.

My jab landed cleanly on Markus' nose. He was shocked. Even I was stunned. I was aware that it was a [Perfect Jab] but I didn't know it was THAT perfect!

"So you know some boxing huh?! Well how bout this?!?"

He tried to hit me again with a jab, but mine was faster.

[Perfect Jab]



I guess the [Perfect Jab] not only has the ability to be executed perfectly, but also has the ability to land perfectly as long as the opponent's reaction time is slower. Like a 100% Accuracy punch against low level mobs.

"Arrrghhhh!! Die you piece of s**t!!"

"Sorry, I don't think I want to!!"




My strategy was simple. Hit and don't get hit.

Everytime he tries to throw a punch or gets close, I step back or punch before he gets the chance to attack. If he's within my reach, I hit him. If there's an opening, I strike. But there's this creeping feeling that just can't shake off...

(Why does this feel a little too easy?)

I felt I had the upper hand, but my guts were telling me something else... And that's when I realized my mistake...


For young men who haven't been in alot of fights, they think that if they're just physically superior or have better mastery over fighting techniques, they will easily win in a fight.

And yes, those things can definitely be a huge help in fights. But there's another thing that can beat both of those things. And that is experience. There is a reason that sparring exists in combat sports. And that is to give the brain the experience, and to teach fighters keep calm and think clearly when under pressure. People who are inexperienced will usually never know they are making a mistake during a match and as such, it will be their downfall!


(Oh no! He was planning to corner me the whole time! S***! I'm pinned to the wall right now! I can't escape!!)

As I stand cornered, I have nothing else to do but to cover my head and prepare myself for a barrage of punches...

But they never came...

(Huh? Why can't I feel any punches comi-)



"Hehehe! F****ng dumb***! You forgot to defend your body! You fricken idiot, you really think you can knock me out with those weak a** jabs?!"


(F***, it hurts... My legs are shaking, it's hard to breathe... My vision's getting blurry... Even after all that... I guess I'm failing the quest...)

I stood there, devoid of all hope. My conciousness slowly fading due to the extreme pain. I felt like puking and fainting...


"Agh! F***! That hurt you damn b***h!"


The girl from earlier hit Markus on the head with a med box!

The sudden sound helped get my mind back in the fight! My body and conciousness were at their limit, but I just needed to hold on just for a moment! Even if it's just a second, I NEED TO HOLD ON!!!


I let out a loud scream while I clenched my both my fists as hard as I could!


In this brief moment of time, I'll hit Markus with my trump card! The skill I got from the second quest!!

A few hours earlier:

[Quest: Throw as many crosses as you can]

Time remaining: 29m:50s


-The player must throw as many crosses as they can in just 30 minutes.


-Learn attack skill [Cross]

(The reward's quality will be proportional to the amount of successful crosses the player does in 30 minutes)

"Wait... Seriously?! Okay might as well keep going for little while more!!"

30 minutes later:

[Player: Adrei Mendoza] has completed the quest.

-Amount of crosses done: 1382

[Player: Adrei Mendoza] will be rewarded proportional to the amount of crosses done.

[Player Andrei Medoza will be provided with the following reward:

Attack skill: "Decent Cross"]

"Haah...haaah... Finally... I feel like I could've gotten more if I didn't take any breaks..."

I crawl to my bed extremely tired and fell asleep almost instantly.

[As a result of learning "Decent Cross" Andrei Mendoza has learned [Combo skill: 1,2 combo!]


(Thanks to the girl, I finally have the chance to land this without any risks... THIS IS MY TRUMP CARD!! I NEED TO STEP FORWARD, AND HIT HIM WITH ALL I'VE GOT!!!)


[Perfect Jab] + [Decent Cross]








With that final clean hit to the chin, Markus' body swung back and forth and finally hit the floor...


(Haah... Haah...I can't believe it... this isn't a dream right?...I-I won!?)

As I look across the room, I see the girl slightly trembling, still holding the med box, although slightly bent from hitting Markus earlier.

(Oh, she's still here. I need to thank her, but before that...)



"Call the teachers and tell them what happened. I took a picture with my phone earlier, so they'll definitely believe you. Don't worry."

"T-thank you, but first...Do you need any help? Your legs are shaking..."

"I'm fine, thanks."

I turned around dramatically, and started walking to the door with my hands in my pocket ANIME STYLE!

(Haha! Whaddya think about that?!? The badass paper bag head man withdraws cooly... Okay, I gotta think of a better name...)


(Eh? Ah, am I falling down? Oh c'mon, I was having a cool guy moment there...)


[Player: Adrei Mendoza] has fainted

[Player: Adrei Mendoza] has completed the [Sudden Quest]!

Player Andrei Medoza will be provided with the following rewards:

-Random skill card

[Special Rewards:]

-Potential Ally

-Quest: Learn how to do an Uppercut]

(Ouch... Ah... Huh?!?)

I woke up on a stone bench under a tree behind the school. The sunset shining down on my face. My body feels numb, but it also hurts when I move. And despite the pain, I didn't care... There's something under my rad thay feels so soft and warm. And my hair feels like it's getting brushed gently by an angel... Basically, I'm getting a lap pillow from the girl I saved earlier! I was screaming internally like a little girl.


As I was busy "enjoying the moment", she noticed that I'm awake, and we made eye contact.

"Hm? Oh, you're awake..."

(*AHEM* Okay, let's calm down for a sec... Act normal...)

"What time is it?"

(Seriously brain?!? That's the best you can do? wHaT tImE iS iT?!)

"Oh! Um It's 5:40pm."

"Ah, so it's after class huh?..."

"Yeah... Anyways, what with that grin? It's creepy..."

(Huh?! Was I grinning? Oh shit, I need to think of an excuse.)

"I-It's because I'm happy I won that fight."

She furrowed her eyebrows. And said with a slightly upset voice.

"I don't really get how hurting someone can make you happy..."

(Oh no, think of something to save face!)

I close my eyes, and try to think of something to say. And when I did, I just said whatever came to mind.


"Um, what I meant to say is that, I'm happy I saved you, and that you're safe and sound right now. Basically, uh... Thanks for being safe?"

(I made that up on the spot, but it's not like I was lying...)


I opened my eyes after hearing her "eh?". I saw her surprised face. It looked nothing like her normal scowling face. I don't know if she was blushing or if it was just the sunset shining down on her face. I had nothing to besides also saying an awkward "Eh?..."

(Crap, okay the mood is getting weird...)

"Huh? Was that supposed to be a confession?"


"I've had enough "confessions" for one day, thank you very much."

"It's not! I'm genuinely glad you're okay."

"Uh huh..."

The two of us said nothing. Just looking at each other for a few seconds. The sunset shining down on our faces...

After a few moments, I returned to my senses and jumped to my feet.

"Oh, uh... Alright. Now that I know you're safe young lady, Paper Bag Head man shall now make a dramatic exit! UP UP AND AWA-"

"You know you're not wearing that dumb mask anymore right?"


I went to touch my face, and yes it is indeed true.

(This texture... My skin!!! Oh no! My secret identity will be revealed to the world!! Alas, such is the sad fate of a hero.... Okay let's stop being dramatic. I got way into character there.)


"Don't worry, I didn't tell a soul. It'll be our little secret."

She reassured me, putting her index finger infront of her mouth while smiling gently.

"Really? Thanks alot! Ah, by the way, I didn't catch your name..."

"That's rude, we've been classmates for 2 years and you still don't know my name?"

"Haha... Sorry.."

(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

(Can you blame me though? Noone even approached me for the past 2 years after Markus started becoming a delinquent... Well okay, I guess I should've atleast learned some of my classmate's names as the bare minimum...)

The girl let out a disappointed sigh before finally telling me her name.

"It's Emma. Emma Santos..."

(Okay, let's try to get friendly with her. It's bad enough that I just found her name out.)

"Emma Santos huh? That's a nice sounding name! Has a nice ring to it!"

(Yeah, seem like a normal enough compliment!)

When I looked back at her, I saw her hiding half her face with her backpack...


She said to me with a muffled voice.

"Youre welcome... Ah, well anyways see you! I gotta go home now!"

She looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

And just like her, I was also confused.


"I'm going home with you."


"We're neighbors remember? Right around the corner of your house."


[Player Andrei Medoza] has completed a secret requirement!

Reward: [Potential Ally] has been upgraded to [Friendly Aquaintances]!


The two of us rode on the train and walked home together. It was a very silent ride and walk. We stayed silently walking until we we're at a certain place.

Just around the corner from my house, was Emma's house.

"Well, this is my stop..."

"Huh? Oh yeah, see you..."

"Yeah, see you..."

We waved each other goodbye and I turned to walk to my house...

As I was walking, I hear Emma's voice call out to me...


I turned towards her direction and see her jogging towards me.

"What's up?"



"T-thanks for helping me earlier..."

(Oh, so it's about that.)

"No problem. No need to mention it, I really didn't-"

She shook her head, showing how much she disagrees with what I was about to say...

"No really, thank you! I mean it!"

Her voice suddenly rising was a surprise, but I kept quiet, while listening to her.

She looked down at the ground, hiding her expression.

"When Markus pushed me down earlier, I was really, really scared... If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would've done... I- *hic* I r-really..."

She raised her head to look me right in the eyes.

"Thank you! *hic*"

What I saw was a girl's face with tears welling up in her eyes.

Wether it was from relief, or gratitude, it didn't matter. All I knew is I needed- no, I wanted to comfort her.


I gave her a pat on the head as if to say

"Don't worry, it's fine now".

Maybe it was my own self-satisfaction, or maybe it was something I remembered from the past... When my brother used to pat me on the head whenever I cried and bawled my eyes out... He used to pat me on the head and give me words of comfort.

I don't really know why I did the same with Emma... But I needed to tell her something... I know it's irresponsible, I'm well aware that the me right now doesn't have to ability or even the right to protect someone... But even so....

I wanted to make her feel like she's safe.

"Hey, don't worry... It's okay, no need to cry. I'll make sure to walk with you tomorrow so noone's gonna bother you. Okay?"

"*Hic* Okay..."

She kept silently crying while I continued to silently pat her on the head.

She calmed down after crying for a while.

Her eyes look red and puffed up , and her nose was stuffy and was dripping a little mucus.

"So, are you okay now?"

"Y-yeah... Thank you...

She said to me, with a nasally voice.

The two of us stood there silently, until someone interrupted us.

"Oh my, it's so nice to be young!"

The voice came from behind Emma. It was a woman, who looked like she was either in her late 30s or early 40s.

"Eh?!? M-mom!?"


"So, who is he? Your boyfriend?"

"N-no ma'am! I Uuhh, just helped her with something earlier!"

"Yeah, there's nothing special going on mom!!"

Emma stomped towards her mom and tried to push her towards their house's door.

"Oh my, seems like I'm interrupting something! My bad! Well, have fun kids! Ohoho!"

"Jeez... Sorry about that..."

"Ah no, I don't really mind..."

"I see..."

"Um, since youre fine now, I guess I'll be going then!"

"Oh, uh, yeah! Bye!"

The both us turned to walk towards the direction of our respective houses. Just like earlier, Emma called out to me again.



"U-um, goodnight! I'll see tomorrow!"

I gave her a warm smile and gave an appropriate reply.

"Thanks! You too!"

She smiled back at me, with the same warmth I gave her.



"Andrei dear, you're welcome to stay over for dinner anytime! Okay?!".

As Emma tried to push her mom back in the house, I gave a nervous laugh, and thanked her mom.

I continued walking after waving goodbye.

It wasn't that long of a walk, as my house is literally just around the corner.

I get inside and walk towards the dinner table. My meal inside a plastic food cover.

There wasn't anyone watching TV in the living room, so I just gave a guess as to where my grandpa is right now.

(I guess grandpa is probably home early and fell asleep...)

I sat down, and quickly finished my meal then went to my room.

"Now, I guess I'll have to do this..."

[Quest: Do as many Uppercuts you can in 30 minutes]





*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

As I was doing uppercuts, a thought kept running through my mind...

(I got lucky earlier...)

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

(If it wasn't for Emma, I would have been knocked out... And if I got Knocked out, she would have been-)

I clenched my teeth at the thought as to what might've happened...

(I can't protect anyone...)

My punches started to get more intense each time I threw one. What was fueling me was the frustration of weakness...

*Whoosh* *Whoosh!*


*Whoosh!!* *WHOOSH*













[Player: Andrei Mendoza has completed the quest!]

[Player: Andrei Mendoza will be given the following reward:

Attack Skill: Great Uppercut!]

Chapter 3 end....