
CHAPTER THIRTEEN~~Charlotte's Baby

"Trevor what's your problem? Why are you always talking about her? You wanted her out of your life and she's out already, what more do you want!!!" Karl yelled out feeling so frustrated. All day, the only thing he have seen Trevor talk about is, Charlotte. She did this. She did that. Like the heck! He's sounding as if he's so obsessed with her. And it's beginning to be irritating.

"I know I wanted her out of my life but...she has my baby."

"Yeah! So? I can't give you one and I get it, but why are you so obsessed with her?"

Trevor clutched his head. Karl don't seem to understand his predicament and he's being so serious about what he's saying. "You don't get it Karl, the child might not be mine. It might belong to Jack, that hollywood hotshot! She slept with him on the same day I slept with her. I'm...what if the baby isn't mine."he sounded very worried.

"Then it's fine! It's better. I am not gonna be so fine seeing you have a child with Charlotte, she being the mother and you the father, so what am I gonna be? It's gonna be fine if the baby isn't yours."

"What are you saying Karl? The baby should be mine! I need a baby."

"We can always make one Trevor! What has come over you? You're hurting me! I devoted my life to you and this is the side you gonna show me? Is that even fair at all?"

Trevor calmed down a bit. Karl was breathing heavily before he suddenly stood up and grabbed his sling bag. "I'm leaving. It's like I'm not wanted here anymore."

Trevor grabbed his arm. "Please don't go Karl. I'm sorry, I lost it for a minute. I'm sorry. I just...I'm not used to not having her around just yet."

Karl peered at his face. "But I'm here. I know you've been with her for a long time and it's not easy to let her go even though you don't love her, and I get that she might be in so much pain because of the two of us but...I'm here for you." Karl touched his face.

"She said I should pack out of this room before she gets back. Can you believe that?"

"Then come live with me. What we did to her, sacrificing this room is nothing. Okay?"

Trevor didn't agree with that but he was afraid to upset Karl when he's playing nice to him. So he nodded, not that he let everything slide but because he didn't want Karl to leave. At least, not tonight.

"You good now?" Karl asked him while he nodded.

"So no talking about her again?"

"For now." Trevor chipped in immediately.

Karl frowned. But then, nodded. "Okay, for now. So, let's talk about me." Karl began to brighten up as he touched Trevor's hair and fluffed it. He kissed his hair and then pushed him into the couch. Trevor's back hit the couch and he sat up almost immediately, "Karl, what are you upto?"

"I wanna get naughty with you tonight." He replied taking off his shirt and advancing towards Trevor who smirked and raised his right hand to his face.

"Naughty? I'm not in the mood tonight. At least not for naughty."he tried to stand but Karl was quick to pin him back to the couch. "I'm not in the mood Karl, I have a lot going on in my head right now and the last thing I can think of is to be naughty with you."

"Charlotte is in your head and I wanna get her off your head. It's me now. A naughty night will make you fully forget about her."


"Are you gonna annoy me Trevor? Please don't piss me off?" Karl said giving him a stern look while he recoiled back into his shell. He should do whatever he wanted with him. And that's what Karl did, whatever he wanted. He grinned at him, the mischievous grin that was Trevor's secret favorite. Karl leaned forward and kissed him in earnest and Trevor's reluctance steamed away within seconds.

Moments later, Trevor's hands were firmly gripping his arse, and Karl was muttering into his ear. "This isn't what I mean by naughty Trevor. Take off your black jeans and give it to me."

"Karl, can you be a little appreciative." Trevor said, in mock annoyance.

Karl grinned."Be my man and I will be appreciative ."

His grin turned devilish. His hands swept out and grabbed Trevor's wrists, pinning his arms far from his sides. Trevor stayed where he had put him, obedient for him. He swiftly bared Trevor's chest, but when he moved, he stopped him with a touch. "I wanna be in charge, I want you to see what I mean by naughty." Karl said.

Trevor hadn't thought about it in detail before now, but he could see how Karl might be one who preferred to take charge. He was willing to let him, so long as he had his turn later. Later? Karl unfastened his black jean pants, a delicate maneuver. Trevor winced, and then held still, thinking of cold empty space, where he licked gently around the crown of his erection and that's when realization struck Trevor. He isn't gonna let Karl control him, at least not tonight. So he turned him over. He was on top of Karl. Trevor slid his slim arms underneath his, pressing their bodies tightly together. The tips of Karl's fingers played in the hair at the nape of Trevor's neck as he kissed him intently, with certainty and passion and confidence. Karl scraped his teeth lightly against his neck as his fingers wrapped around his hair, tugging once before he pulled away slightly.

Trevor grinned at him. "I will show you what it's like to be naughty."

The air that gets sucked into the couch when Trevor moved to sit up combined with his words swirling in Karl's brain and making him shiver.

Karl opened his eyes. "Please show me."

He was begging him with his eyes, with everything he had, he prayed and hoped Trevor isn't teasing him, as he used to do sometimes. Trevor answered with a smile, relieving his fears. Trevor took turns landing his palms and fingers against his ass in harsh spanks.

Sometimes, Trevor smacked directly on the round swell, which made him squirm, thankful for his attention and his definition of naughtiness which have began to pay off. Sometimes, it's a sting in the areas with less padding, making it hurt more, but still he was thankful. He love how Trevor spanked him, love the distinct way it felt if he's using the tips of his fingers to make it sting, or if he's using his entire hand to impact against his body, making the burn deep and hot. Soon, he lost count of the number of spanks Trevor's given, grateful that he hasn't required him to keep track so he could focus only on the pleasure and heat building.

The fingers Trevor had inside of him wiggled and played, provoking more wetness and sounds, from the source and from his mouth. Trevor continued to torture him this way, which really isn't, until he was writhing. They were moving in time with each other, Trevor's hands synchronized and rhythmically brought him higher. He was spanking and fucking and flicking and pinching, and dear god, did he somehow grow more hands? Karl thought as he couldn't keep track of his movements as Trevor pushed and pushed, and Karl was suddenly on the brink of his orgasm.

He tried hard to shift his focus and hold it at bay, needing more of Trevor but his head was heavy, neck resting against Trevor's legs, and he was kind of nuzzling Trevor as he loved and gave to him. Without thinking, Karl bit his calf—not hard, just a nip.

"Just a thank-you. Just a please don't fucking stop." He muffled and Trevor didn't stop, but he did laugh very lightly, making Karl come so hard, harder than he can remember ever coming in his life. Loud, foreign noises left his mouth, and he was powerless. Boneless. Bodiless. And he could hear Trevor too, his bulgy cock harder and bouncing, Trevor's muscles tighten beneath him as he as he gasped, coming hard against Karl.

"That was naughty!" Karl screamed as Trevor rolled off him."Gawd! You've never done this to me before, why?"

Trevor smiled. He was panting for breath, perhaps, his cum was still gushing out and he needed it to subside before he can speak to him.

Karl noticed that and smiled. "Let me help you." he said and grabbed his cock, sticking it into his mouth and sucking and swallowing everything down his throat until Trevor's shaft went limp and fell from his lips.

He looked up at Trevor smacking his lips and smiling while Trevor touched his face. "That was naughtier babe." Trevor said and he giggled.

"I'm in love with naughty things." He said but as they lay down that night, on the couch, covered by a duvet, with the smell of their cum filling the air, reminding them of how messy they've made the living room be like, Trevor couldn't sleep. Karl was sleeping soundly on top of his body but he couldn't. He was restless for no reason. He got what he wanted but yet, he felt so restless. Everything bothered him. He felt like something wasn't right about him. He was making a mistake but he can't really tell what the mistake is. Was he right to let Charlotte go? Thinking about that? He began to get really pissed. That bitch slept with a stranger she just met while claiming to love him. How ridiculous. And he was here burning his own soul with self guilt. That woman is so cruel. But the baby, that baby...what about that baby??


Charlotte is two months pregnant...does it mean the baby is his? He can't be so sure and not like he's ready to father a baby just yet, or get married either. Speaking of marriage, he scoffed and dropped his cigarette stick into it's plate. Why would he think of marrying someone like Charlotte? She is so lowly... he still need to find out to be on the safe side. If the baby is his, he will make her abort it or make her keep it instead, he will raise the baby by himself and not with her petty pitiful life. He can't let his own child live like that.

The next day,

He was already on his way to NYC. He enjoyed the journey especially the passes and the flirts which the air hostesses made at him. They were so lucky that he's on a plane, if not, he would've teased their mommies for them. But why would he think of doing that now? No, hell no, from now onward, all girls should be put on hold until Charlotte is taken care of. He said to himself and smiled. As soon as he landed in NYC airport, his temporary attendant, Addie was already there to welcome him. "I need a lighter and a candy now. I wanna smoke and then, I want my mouth to smell nice before I meet Charlotte." He said and winked at her.

"Yes sir." She replied.

Charlotte, I'm here for you again...he mumbled to himself.


"Charlotte." Brother Mark tapped her but he didn't bulge. She just lay on the bed and pretended to be sleeping. "Charlotte...can you stop doing this to yourself and start taking care of yourself and your baby's?"

"I'm taking it out." she mumbled and closed her eyes.

Brother Mark sat down on the bed. "Do you even mean that? Huh? Take out your baby? Come on, stop being childish..."

She sat up immediately. "Brother Mark," she called . "If me being in your house is causing you a lot of worries, I can leave, okay?"

"We're not talking about that. What I'm talking about is you and your baby. Come on." he got up and held her two arms. "Get up, let's go get you something to eat and a dress! You look so messy. "

"I don't care about how I look."her hands slipped of his arms.

He sighed. " So are you gonna throw your life away because of Trevor and Mr. Jack? And do you think they will care if you do? Trevor will have his life, Mr. Jack won't stop fooling around with women. Morestill, he might get back with his ex and you will be six feet under ground! Okay? You get that? The baby is yours. So many babies grow up without fathers. I don't know why you're getting yourself so worked up because of this."

She sobered. "I don't want to bring any of my child into this world without a father. I never any."


"I never had parents. They died. I was an orphan except for my foster parents who came to save me later in my life, I saw hell staying in the orphanage and I vowed to give my children the best thing they could ever have__a mother and a father. My babies must have that."

He crossed his arms across his chest. "So what will happen if this baby had two daddies?"

She heaved. She gave up explaining to him. Does he even understand the basics of what's going on at the moment. Two daddies? How ridiculous! She hates Trevor and she will be so mad if this baby turns out to be his and as for Mr. Jack, she don't wanna see him again. So this baby can't be his.

"I need to abort this baby." she felt her stomach. "I'm sorry child, but you can visit me some other time."

"Come on Charlotte. You don't have to do this."

"Can you please take me to the hospital? Please. I need to..."

"Abort the baby? Of course I will! Since you don't wanna listen to me."

"Or you're the one who don't wanna listen to me! I don't like either Trevor or Mr. Jack being the father of my child! I don't want to even think about it and I don't want to birth a child this way. I need to be married first, how come I didn't think about this? I need my child to have two parents and not one! I don't wanna feel guilty and apologetic towards my child in the future." Charlotte voiced out. Tears have begun to gather in her eyes. "I didn't know what I was thinking when I met Mr. Jack that day. Why I slept with him, and not only did I do that, but that day at Marie's birthday, I don't know why I had to follow him. I should've let him sue me. I shouldn't have been so brave to follow someone as brutal as that and Trevor? I threw my life away for him. I did everything for him. I won't be so mad if he cheated on me at all but..." she wiped a tear off her face. "I've been a fool. I saw all the signs Trevor was giving me but I ignored them all. Even Mr. Jack told me that my boyfriend might be gay but I thought he was kidding. You said it too, so many times but how come I never saw him just the way you guys did. How could I be so stupid? And on top of it all, I have a baby in my stomach, the father...I can't tell. Aren't I a bitch?"

"You're being too hard on yourself Charlotte."

"I wish I'm any harder than this." she replied and got out of bed. "I don't want anything that will tie me down to any of those men ever again. So first thing, I'm taking these baby out of my stomach."

Brother Mark knew he can't stop her anymore. Her mind was so made up. All he need to do now is to support her, a call came into his phone. Work calls. "Charlotte I'm sorry, but I need to be at work now."

"Sure. Thanks for being here for now."

He nodded. "If you need help, you can always call me. There's a lot of food in the refrigerator. Make sure to eat something before you head out."

"Sure. Thank you for letting me miss work for as much as I wanted."

"You gonna pay for all that, just get yourself together first. Text me the address of the hospital later, so I can pick you up after work."

"I'm not gonna be there all day."she smirked.

"You're smirking?" He pointed at her lips while she frowned immediately. "You don't have to hide that. Okay? Call me when you're done." he said and left for work.

When he reached his work place, rumours were flying everywhere, Mr. Jack was in town and this wasn't good. He first heard the news when he entered the elevator with a number of his workers. And when he got out, he heard his staffs talking about it, and then his teammates until he asked his secretary who confirmed it. He tried calling Charlotte to warn her about Mr. Jack but she wasn't taking any of his calls neither will she return them. He touched his forehead and rubbed it, feeling really frustrated after phoning for several times. "Oh gosh! this is not good." he mumbled.

As Charlotte's phone rang, she was in the bathroom bathing and by the time she came out and was dressing up to go out. She didn't bother to check the phone. She didn't even wanna check her phone at all, it might be Trevor calling again. Tsk! That gay bastard. She will soon block his line. She is still talking to him because she has a little bit of ties to him__her room, she can't let him take it and he is going to leave that place for her and after that, she will let him go, severe every ties with him and live her life for good. She grabbed Brother Mark's ex's dress which he left for her in the closet and put it on. She grabbed her phone and left for the hospital, the nearest one to Brother's Mark's house.