
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · 映画
35 Chs

5. Dangerous body training method

While all this was happening, our MC, Robert entered the school. After placing his cycle in the stand he saw 3 boys walking towards them.

"Hi Robert, Mike," A boy with a trim physique said to them, this boy is Will Byers. Wearing clothes bigger than his size, he looks like a shy little kid who can be bullied by anyone.

"You guys are this close to being late" Suddenly a black-skinned boy showed a small distance between his fingers and said. This guy is Lucas Sinclair, an extrovert who wants to be popular.

But because of his black skin colour, he hasn't made any friends in school. After all, what do you accept from 12-year-old children who only follow their parent's rules?

"Chill out Lucas, it's Mr. Clarke's class. And we as his favourite students have some privileges" A chubby boy said, but the exciting thing about him was his teeth which hadn't come out.

His name is Dustin Henderson, With his chubby face and curly hair with his funny way of talking, he looks like a comedy guy.

"Shit!! Let's go" With this all five boys began to run into the classroom. "No running in the hall boys" A heavy voice sounded behind them making them stop running but they still walked fast.

"Sorry, Mr Ben" Robert apolozised and followed his friends. He entered the class only to see Mr Clarke entering with us "Good morning boys" He said with a smile.

"Good morning Mr Clarke" All of us greeted him and entered the class. Time passed by soon it was time to leave, "Hey Robert to those two dumb guys," Dustin asked.

Will, Lucas, and Mike also had their attention on Robert's answer. When they first entered middle school, two boys bullied them. Once they tried to do the same to Robert, but the result was different.

Robert just picked them up by their underwear and hung them on a rod near the school gate. That day all the boys and girls laughed at their miserable appearance.

But in just 15 minutes the news reached the teachers and they were rescued. Robert for his behaviour, his parents were called. May married and heard Robert's story and just nodded.

All thought she didn't care about his matter, but Robert who has powers about emotion noticed her growing anger. Even he was scared by the amount of anger she showed.

But after two days after this accident, the parents of those bullies moved out of the town. "You want to know," Robert asked with a mysterious smile, making the four boys nod.

"They were scared out of their wits by my mother," Robert said with a proud look. But all others had a speechless look on their face "Robert if you don't want to say it then don't say it.

But please don't use Aunt May for your excuses" Lucas said with an annoyed look. "Yess, Robert you shouldn't speak bad about your mother" Even the timid Will spoke to defend her.

Mike and Dustin nodded as they agreed with them. Robert had a helpless smile 'You don't know her that's why you are saying those words' His mother was always nice to his friends so they didn't believe him.

After May meets his teachers, what happens only his mother and two bully's family know. May asked him to give them constant nightmares with their greatest fear.

Robert soon found out both families have one trait in common, that is bully the weak fear the strong. So he gives them nightmares about being harassed at work by their superiors or other things.

One day May arrived at the house with a shotgun and threatened them, In just two days they mentally broke making them leave the town. Robert who felt a bit guilty gave them 1000 dollars each family.

"Let's go guys" Robert hooked his head and walked to his cycle. After cycling for about 5 minutes he said goodbye to his friends and cycled to the higher-level land behind his house.

This land was also bought by his mother, so he can do anything here. Soon he arrived in front of a wooden house, it wasn't big just 15 metres in length and width.

He has made this house with his own hand. Parking his cycle he walked inside, the inside was spacious with only one room and a small bathroom.

In the corner of the room, there was a king-size bed while in another corner a small counter with a kitchen was present. Robert put his bag on the bed and opened a secret door to the basement.

After entering the basement which was filled with 3 simple full-body armour made of different material with something written below them. With a bathtub and many plants preserved inside the basement.

This was training material used by Robert to train his body. The armour was blackish red, dark red and silver. All three were made up of different materials, the blackish red was made up of only rocks and each part weighed up to 10 kg making the armour weigh up to 100kg.

Dark red armour was made with a mixture of rock and iron making it weigh up to 200 kg. While the silver one weighs up to 400kg made out of only iron.

"Let's start the training" Robert used his powers to lift the first armour and bring it outside. Soon he wore the complete armour and his movement restriction increased.

He uses this method to train his muscles and bones making them sturdier and stronger. Robert started to use this method in the last two years and has increased his bones and muscle density by 2 times.

This means he has twice the power of a person of the same shape as him. Robert started doing push-ups, sit-ups, stomach exercises, running, and other full-body exercises.


"Huff... huff.. eerrgghh!!" Robert who just did his last push-up instantly lay on the ground exhausted. With his remaining telepathic power he removed the armour around his body.

He slowly walked to the bathroom, the bathtub was filled with hot water by him. A pair of leaves flew into the bathtub which was done by him, he opened a cabinet just beside the bathtub.

The cabinet was filled with small bottles with green liquid inside them. Robert took one and drank it after which he entered the bath. He had researched that this way he can repair his damaged muscles and bones faster.

While in the water he uses his powers to make the medicine in his body and the water to repair his muscles and bones making them stronger and sturdier.

"Haaa..." With a long sigh, Robert got up from the bathtub and took a towel "Oohh, looks like the Tatsumaki template went up by 1%" He said as if it was a normal thing.

After all, using his telepathic powers to move the molecules inside his body is a dangerous process. Although he can increase his body strength fast there are certain risks.

If the person doesn't have a certain level of skill, this can create many hidden wounds inside the body. Robert has to check his body every night to make sure there aren't any hidden wounds.


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