
Strange Golden List: From One Piece To Naruto

Warning: This fanfic is absolute chaos, logic is not found, prepare to lost some brain cells after reading this fanfic. I'm testing the water if people here interested with this kind of fanfic or not. Synopsis: A consciousness named Shenwu, born from the cracks in time and space, transforms into a magical big screen descending on the Ninja World and the Grand Line. The oddities recap begins to play in both worlds! Recapping deeply hidden awesome identities: Is the demon fox Naruto actually the son of the Fourth Hokage? Ace is actually the son of Pirate King Roger! Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?.. Recapping brother-obsessed brothers! Uchiha Madara & Senju Hashirama: I established Konohagakure village for my brother! Ace: I blocked Red Dog’s heavy punch for my brother! Sabo: No matter where my brother is, as long as he needs it, I will rush over! Uchiha Itachi:…I killed the entire clan to give my brother a boost! Why is your style so terrifying when you fight seven alone?.. When Konohagakure ninjas appear in the Summit War, when all the Straw Hats cross the Fourth Ninja War, both worlds collapse!

Gustina_Kamiya · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Chapter 58 High energy ahead, the best jade hand box in the audience is about to appear!

[Vinsmoke Ichiji: Task priority, those who drag down the task are waste, a very simple truth.]

[Hatake Kakashi: In the world of ninjas, those who do not obey the rules are waste, but those who do not cherish their companions are even worse than waste. This is the truth my friend taught me with his lives.]

Kakashi's only mouth release jutsu was also used in the different world. This tireless spirit was shocking. It was worthy of being able to live to the non-flammable biography and do ideological work against the younger generation.

However, his preaching object could not understand what he said. After all, Germa was a modified person without feelings. Only Reiju, holding coffee, concealed the smile at the corner of her lips.

[Uzumaki Naruto: Kakashi-sensei is so handsome!]

[Vito: NO! Am I the only one who thinks Germa is so cool! I can't do it anymore, I'm going to faint, I actually saw Germa transform! I really died without regret!]

[Trafalgar Law: That battle suit, the device on the foot can float in the air, the cloak behind it is as hard as steel, it can resist most bullets! And...]

Germa fan Luo gave a detailed explanation of their battle suits. It was not obvious that he was a righteous reader and hated the evil villain Germa.

[X Drake: Germa! It's really cool!]

[Basil Hawkins: I thought Germa was just a legend that only existed in comics, but I didn't expect it to be true. I don't know if there will be a chance to see them transform in person in the future.]

[Sakazuki: Actually helping the evil pirates, it's too hateful! It's really evil Germa! I have bought Germa's comics.]

[Borsalino: Wuwu~ Don't be so serious, Sakazuki, Germa is originally an evil corps, you can't expect them to help the navy. But, it's really cool, I also want to see the transformation on the spot, or else just catch Vinsmoke Sanji.]

In this way, you can see the transformation on the spot, but I don't know if Blackfoot Sanji has inherited the invisible black battle suit.

[Vinsmoke Sanji: Give up, I won't transform, and I will never use their damn battle suit for the rest of my life!] Sanji didn't know that he would be really fragrant in the future, and he made a flag decisively.


Red Haired Pirates.

Shanks looked at Germa's transformation with a full face of light, "Wow! It's really cool!"

Yasopp drank and teased: "How famous is Germa, even the admiral likes them?"

Ben Beckman from the North Sea said: "Germa comics are well-known in the North Sea. Those who admire and like Germa on the Screen are basically from the North Sea. But I didn't expect even that Admiral Akainu..."

Beckman, who prides himself on being calm, shook his head. He didn't have much interest in comics. He had only read a little bit of Germa comics and didn't love them that much.

He is probably the only man who escaped the Germa halo from the famous pirate in the North Sea! Beckman is very proud.


The video continues to play.

[In the castle, Luffy almost wanted to go out to help, but was stopped by Nami and others, even Sanji persuaded him, "Don't go out, Luffy." Although he was also worried and frowned.

After Reiju dodged the attacks of two long-necked people, she was targeted by BIG MOM.

"Start with you girl first!" Holding the thundercloud, the powerful thunder is brewing, but there is no chance.

Two figures burst out, one black and one firelight.

"Elephant Gun."

"Diable Jambe!"

Luffy and Sanji actually shot at the same time, no, Sanji shot with his foot.

"Weren't you saying you can't hurt woman?" Luffy asked sideways.

Sanji answered very confidently: "Ah, I can."

"So cunning!"]

[Brook: Sanji actually kicked a woman, it's really incredible yo hohoho.]

[Franky: Oh! That old woman is not a woman at all, but super monster, besides, the old monster is targeting his sister, as a man should take action when he should! Sanji is awesome!]

[Uzumaki Naruto: Awesome!]

[After a kick, Luffy was hugged by Sanji and ran away, but was left behind by Big Mom with a provocative method, saying that he would leave after only one punch.

As a result, he directly opened the fourth gear, and the bouncing man banged at Big Mom with a punch.

But Big Mom took it very easily.

Here, Germa is all against Charlotte's brothers and sisters.]

"Invisible." Niji's figure disappeared for a moment, and the next second his feet kicked hard on the enemy, the blue current flashed four times, and the enemy was resolved in a few seconds.

Winch Green strengthened his arm, hit with brute force, and also solved three people. The last one to play was Spark Red. The battle was gorgeous and fast. The red special effects were cool. Vito, who had a long tongue, had his eyes straight. Shine.]

[Vito: Too, too powerful!]

[Sengoku: Although, it's a bit of a joke to want to escape like this, the generals of the Charlotte family are not so easy to deal with, Germa is not their opponent at all.]

[Tsuru: That's right, it should not be able to escape, even if Luffy's straw hat battle is of no avail, the gap between him and the Four Emperors BIG MOM is too big.]

[Vito: Shut up! This is Germa!! They are the most powerful!] Vito, a brain-dead fan, scolded two big guys without noticing, and he was still immersed in Germa's handsome, Bege was almost angry to death.

The facts proved that what these old navies said made sense.

[The Minister of Caramel suppressed Winch Green Yonji, the smoky Daifuku suppressed Niji, and Smoothie blocked Spark Red Ichiji.

Finally, Katakuri and Big Mom shot, Judge was seriously injured, Yonji and Niji who went to rescue their father were also knocked out by Big Mom, and even Ichiji was caught by Katakuri's throat.

But at this moment.

Katakuri's observation color suddenly foresaw some terrifying picture, and he shouted anxiously: "Mom."]

(High energy ahead, the strongest auxiliary is online)

(God assists online!!)

[Caesar Clown: What did Katakuri see? I'm So nervous.]

[Morgans: What does high energy mean? Looking forward to it! Is there strong assistance?]

[Hatake Kakashi: Foreseeing the future? Not a bad ability. But what will it be?]

[Sengoku: Seeing that the Straw Hat group is about to be wiped out, will there be any changes, will anyone come to help them at this time?]

[Ben Beckman: I finally understand what high energy means, it's probably a very remarkable scene, I'm a little looking forward to it.]

[Charlotte Linlin: mamamama~ No matter what, they have already escaped from my palm, waiting to be executed!]


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