
Story of the lost soul

Abiodun_Ezekiel · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 2

Previously.... On the story of the lost soul.

As Ewalo-kagami was in her room she met a spirit in dark cloak and an amulet on his hand....

"I can give you what you desire but it comes with a price"😵🔯🪬

Ewalo was shocked by what he said that she stood there lost in space😵‍💫. "My bad, let me properly introduce myself, I'm Justînërõ the prince of the underworld" 🪬. Said the dark figure.

" So you mean you are Death". Ewalo asked.

" No no no my dear, I'm not death, Death is my father. I'm just 1 out of the five tiers of judgement" ☠️😈. Justînërõ replied.

You see with the amulet you see before you holds the powers of a grim reaper. Well just 10% my father the ruler of The underworld created this amulet from the deceased queen of light who he conquered a many centuries ago. This amulet of azarr holds the ability to to travel through phantom worlds and other strong abilities

But on your own you will manage to unlock those hidden abilities.

"So how im I going to get my mom back". Ewalo asked. " You can get her only for a price of sacrifice 😈. Your mom's life for your soul completely owned by Death himself" 😈🪬.Justînërõ replies.

Ewalo didn't even bother but accepted Justînërõ 's offer. And the deal was sealed with just an handshake 🤝 with the devil's son And both of them vanished to the underworld. ☠️.... To be continued 🥲