
The Girl And The River

The river will never

Stops when you're there

Or not there.

Like when you cry

The river cries to...

It cares that you are

Sad or not. But when the river

Shines like a bright blue diamond

In the sunlight, you will shine

You're smile as well to

To see the rivers beauty, and see

You're reflection that you are pretty like

a bright blue diamond.

But the river is actually magical

Like it respond to you

Water spirit said; "Please don't cry

Because you are pretty to


And guess what

The girl smile's more bright as the river

Shines bright as you


I have wrote this poem in English 1 in grade 9 since 2017 this poem is my first one I have ever written by my own imagination, if you cry please imagine yourself happy, use your reflection and think of yourself happy and be proud of yourself, and plus I will be giving you all some of my updated in the future I will keep you all updated ?

CassieFostercreators' thoughts