
Stop Coming On to Me

作者: Skylume11
Historical Romance
連載中 · 5.6K ビュー
  • 16 章
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  • NO.200+

What is Stop Coming On to Me

WebNovel で公開されている、Skylume11 の作者が書いた Stop Coming On to Me の小説を読んでください。*Content Introduction*Would you kindly leave?In the fierce competition for the crown prince’s favor, the princess’s maid Lorisha harshly rejects the persistent advances of Prince Rocar, the powerful s...


*Content Introduction* Would you kindly leave? In the fierce competition for the crown prince’s favor, the princess’s maid Lorisha harshly rejects the persistent advances of Prince Rocar, the powerful supporter of the second prince. Surely, his unhealthy temptation is a plot to make the princess doubt her loyalty. But her refusal only fuels the obsession of the empire’s most eligible heir… Rocar suddenly takes her hand and kisses it. His lips whispering secrets, lightly brushing her hand like a feather. “Once the competition ends, your fate will be in my hands, just so you know.” She fluttered her fan like a butterfly’s wings, smiling coyly. “Try if you dare.” -------------------------------------------- *Brief Summary* In a world where nobility, honor, and bloodlines dictate everything, Lorisha, the illegitimate daughter of Count Roar, struggles to find her place across the delicate line between nobility and the common folk. A fateful encounter with Duke Rocard Kaidel, a young, charming, and mysterious nobleman, marks a turning point in her life. Amidst grand balls and hidden family secrets, Lorisha faces challenges from her past and societal pressures, while discovering her true self and the real value of kinship. As the opportunity to enter the Royal Academy - her dream to escape her unwanted reputation and start anew - slips through her fingers, a trip to Zevron Beach with her father, Count Roar, opens up hope and opportunities for a fresh beginning. The story is an emotional journey of Lorisha - from darkness to light, from solitude to finding acceptance and love. Join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emmi99

10 タグ


Why do we exist? It seems like such a simple question but if that were the case then why can't anyone give us a definite answer? Maybe the answer is something we can only find out ourselves maybe the purpose of our existence is to find out why we exist. I am not sure what it is and if I am being honest I don't give a shit! I couldn't care less about life or more specifically my life. I lost my ability to feel any form of satisfaction or pleasure a long time ago. My will to live shriveled up and died long and you know what's sad I am only 19! My life has been an unending stream of mind-numbing monotony so tedious that every time I step outside I pray I am struck by lightning or hit by a goddamn car! Don't get me wrong my life isn't bad per se. I have two loving parents and a nice home and I have even made plans to enter college but it is just...how can I put it. Have you ever just felt tired and didn't know why like there was this growing sense of lethargy consuming your mind making you feel like complete shit and nothing you do matters and it leaves you wondering why the fuck do I keep on going? Why do I feel so terrible inside even though nothing is wrong? Maybe I Should Just Kill Myself!? But I digress...you don't want to hear me ramble on and on about philosophical bullshit, you just want to know what this novel is about. If you must know it's about a young man being reborn in a fantasy world and just trying to find a purpose to live in a world of violence and power where only strength matters.

Preston_Shaw · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Tales From 40k

Leo is driven by a singular goal in his research - to discover the unknown in Warhammer 40k. He is passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the universe and gaining a deeper understanding of the forces at play. His research focuses on the various alien species that threaten the Imperium, such as the Tyranids, Orks, and Necrons. Leo believes that by studying the biology and behavior of these species, he can develop new technologies and tactics that can be used to defeat them. He spends countless hours poring over data, running simulations, and analyzing samples from the field in order to gain a deeper understanding of these species. However, Leo is not just interested in defeating these alien threats - he is also fascinated by the warp and the entities that reside within it. He wants to learn everything he can about the nature of the warp and its relationship with the physical universe. He seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the various entities that reside within the warp, including the Chaos Gods and daemons. Despite the dangers involved, Leo is committed to his research. He knows that every day, he risks his life in the pursuit of knowledge. But he believes that the potential benefits of his research are too great to ignore. He is determined to protect humanity and the Imperium from the threats that lurk in the unknown corners of the universe, and to do so he must continue to push the boundaries of what is known and uncover the mysteries that lie ahead.

Jestra · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Fifty shades of Blood

It's been thirty years since it happened but it feels like yesterday....... maybe that's what happens when you've just found out that you can live “FOREVER". I can't tell you my name or where am from,I can't disclose where I live......or at least used to live. I am monster yet the disgrace of my clan,I don't drink what they drink. I don't want to be like them,......I want to "die". Isn't that what human beings do? That will never happen,I know for sure. I AM NEVER GOING TO DIE. Maybe I will but this monster in me never will. Vampires are strong,scary and practically invincible but not this vampire! She does not like the taste of blood,mirrors, garlic,loves being in the sun and is the disgrace of her entire clan. What will happen to the young vampire who doesn't want to be a vampire..... She stood by a wall,her shadow resting against the floor. She was about seventeen years old....or was she? She stood six feet tall,red hair, blue eyes and and lush red lips. She was wearing a black net blouse and black tights with black boots. Her whole demeanor was intimidating yet she was harmless. Most of her clan drank what she would never drink and do what she would never do. How much she hates the sight of red....used to be her favorite color but now...? How far can she run away from red or the sight and memory of it? She is red headed and her name means red and even her zodiac sign signifies red. This can't be a coincidence or can it? Is this where she really belongs? Is this the life she is made for. Can she really go back to her past life? How much she hates being stuck in two worlds? She is a rebel in both her worlds,she will hunt you down if need be. But now she can't be so sure,she is weak and starving. She hasn't fed in years and it's wearing her out. She knows she can't stay long without blood but she is determined to starve herself to death. Too bad Vampires can't die....or don't die. How did things go wrong for the red haired Aodh Scarlett Flynn? ____________ She was born on the 21st of March,an Aries. She is Irish and American. She was born a twin. Her sister Ambrosia Tuesday Flynn was killed by an occult group during Halloween. Strange things aren't strange anymore as even the word is engraved in her story. All this... being a vampire and all. It all started thirty years ago. Flashback,thirty years ago. .........This can't be happening to me-no,not at all. I had my whole life planned out in front of me,I was a rebel-yes but that didn't mean I didn't want a life. A life with Ian,I hadn't gotten my revenge with Arianna. I haven't avenged my sister's death. Too bad am about to join her. Too bad am getting crushed between two walls. The bricks fell and made a wall with a small crevice. I walked through the wall in an attempt to be with the others but it was too late, useless. The wall closed. I was trapped. Forever. _______________ This book is written to contest in the Webnovel spirity awards 2020. Pls vote and leave a review. Gift and send power stones too. Love you all. WhatsApp:08090241648 if you want to support me, pay for my stories or publish my book. © Copyright is owned by me and no one but me. No plagiarism!

Bojuwoye_Ayoola · ファンタジー
13 Chs

MMORPG: Der Aufstieg des Ur-Gottesschmieds

"Hätten wir doch nur früher gemerkt, was da passiert..." "Wenn wir nur stärker wären..." "Dann wäre das alles nicht passiert." Bedauern. Valyr empfand großes Bedauern, als er sah, wie die Welt vor ihm ins Nichts zerfiel... Nur weil sie die letzte Schlacht verloren hatten. Obwohl er das Ergebnis bereits akzeptiert hatte, fühlte er, dass es falsch war. Er klammerte sich an seinen letzten Hoffnungsschimmer und beschloss, in seinem letzten Moment dem Himmel zu wünschen, dass er eine zweite Chance bekommen würde. Eine zweite Chance, bei der er dafür sorgen würde, dass ihre Seite gewinnen würde, wenn alles so ausgehen würde wie bisher. Zum Glück für ihn... Der Himmel hat zugehört. Wiedergeboren in dem Spiel, in dem alles begann und alles endete, wurde Valyr schnell klar, dass er nicht als Spieler wiedergeboren worden war. Stattdessen war er nun ein NSC. Ein NSC des Spiels namens Greater Beyond. Zunächst verwirrt, begann Valyr sich allmählich an seine neuen Umstände zu gewöhnen und beschloss, den Weg des Schmiedens, den er in seinem vorherigen Leben gewählt hatte, weiterzuverfolgen und ihn zu nutzen, um größere Höhen zu erreichen. Dabei würde er dafür sorgen, dass sie alle für die letzte Schlacht gerüstet waren. Werden Sie Zeuge von Valyrs Reise zum Gipfel, wo er schließlich zum... Der Ur-Gottesschmied des Größeren Jenseits. ---------- Zusätzliche Kapitelziele: Erreiche die Top 100 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der wöchentlichen PS-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 100 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 1 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 80 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 2 Bonuskapitel Erreichen der Top 50 in der monatlichen GT-Rangliste - 3 Bonuskapitel Schenke dem Roman ein Schloss - 2 Bonuskapitel ---------- Gewöhnliche Kapitelveröffentlichungsrate: 2/Tag (ohne Bonuskapitel) Du kannst gerne dem Discord beitreten: https://discord.gg/FU7fdYwaau

TrueDawn · ゲーム
153 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating