1 They Are Just Tribalists

"Is it him again," My mum asked sounding very angry. She had this aura of strictness that still scared me. I bet it is the reason she was chosen principal of the best girl school in the city.

"Mum, I ..." I started but did not have the words to really confront her.

" Dear, did you not understand your father when he clearly told you to end things between you and that boy... "

" More of ordered" I muttered.

" Do you want to anger him again yet things are still not okay between the two of you?"

" But mum! I love him. You two can not just tell me to break up with him, " I screamed, tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"No more of this nonsense. You are simply infatuated with him. If he is not a Kikuyu, then you can forget about having a relationship with him while you are still bearing the surname Maina!" She bellowed as she stormed out of the room.

How could she be so heartless towards her own daughter?

The tears flowed from my eyes uncontrollably.

My parents have really been trying to get me to break up with my Luo boyfriend, Felix, simply because he is Luo.

They even threatened to disown me if I continued seeing him, but I was not going to let them break us apart.

Why did I have to get Tribalists for parents?


"Lily Wanjiku Maina, how long do you think you can keep this 'am in love' act up."

" Just let me be Ivy. If you are not here to help then you can see yourself out please. You should not add to my problems.

Dad and mum cannot keep me from seeing Felix. If dad wants to disown me then so be it."

" That is where you are wrong liitle siz. You are well aware of dad's hatred for Luos but you still chose to fall in love with that guy. Let me remind you that it is not the first time you have tried to go against him. You always end up running back to his wealthy hands. So you can as well stop the drama and end things before it is too late"

" Mum and dad are just Tribalists! I expected you to understand but I guess you are just like them. I now understand it is the reason you broke Mwala's poor heart. Unlike you, I am going to fight for Felix. So you better leave me alone. "

"Me breaking up with Felix was not related to that, so please stay out of it. Believe me siz. I want to help you but the only help I can give you is advising you wisely. I do not mean any harm.."

I got up and banged the door shut behind me. I just needed to be alone. Nataka amani(I want peace)
