
Stay silent for me~

She was raised to be cold and expect nothing. Little did she know what was in store for her. While her job may not be the most conventional, it made ends meet, and with it she grew closer to her revenge.

lovely_trash · 都市
4 Chs

A chilling encounter

A small figure lay twitching like an electrical spark under a smooth blanket. A terrifying scream came from the girls mouth. Because of this she woke up. Sitting up, Lucid shook off the remaining sleep from her brain. Her deep brown eyes surveyed the scene around her. She was lying in a silk bed, so large it seemed to never end. She was alone in the large room. She reminded herself that she was safe.

Afraid that she would have the same dream again, she got out of bed, and started to get ready for the day. As she walked over to the enormous closet at the other end of the room, her mind wandered to the dream. Flames. Fire. So much heat. Her mother's screams as her father laughed coldly.

She shook her head. She wouldn't think of that. Never. She glanced at the assortment of luxury items scattered carelessly around the large space. Dressing herself in a black turtleneck and jeans, she looked at herself in the large ornate mirror. Long white hair flowed messily around her hips and upper thighs, and her cracked smile appeared. Lucid slipped on a pair of socks and walked deeper into the closet in search of a pair of suitable shoes. She stopped the raid when she happened across a pair of platform sneakers. Perfect.

After brushing her tangle of hair, washing her face, and brushing her teeth, she decided to go and get a cup of coffee. Grabbing a purse and her phone on the way out of the door, Lucid glanced at the time. It was 3 am. Oh well she thought. Might as well start the day early.

Sitting in a hanging chair by a window, she sipped her coffee. So sweet! Putting thoughts of coffee out of her mind, she grabbed her phone, and started to work.

Sighing, she looked over the schedule she had devised earlier. As she settled into a comfortable silence, she had a nagging feeling she was being watched.

Discretely, she looked around her. A few feet away, a man in his early 30's was staring at her, as if she was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. His amber eyes were cold, and as he looked at her, she felt a chill.

Lucid looked over the man a few times and dismissed him completely. He wasn't the type that she would benefit from. The man however, couldn't look away. Her small face and soft features drew him towards her. He felt that he knew her from somewhere, but he couldn't place it.

As sun filtered through the large window of the café, Lucid took a look at her surroundings. She had a bad habit of getting totally immersed in whatever she was doing. Glancing to her left, she saw the man was still there, watching her. It was uncomfortable, she wasn't used to getting attention from strangers. It scared her.

Pushing thoughts of the man away, she stood up and headed towards the exit. As she stood, the man did as well. Growing cautious, she headed the opposite direction of her apartment. The man followed. She turned a corner and as the man followed behind, he smiled when he realized she had turned to an alley.

Seeing the girl a few feet away, he closed the gap and pushed her against a brick wall. She smiled. "So this is your intention?" He was stunned for a moment, but a smile grew on his long face. Even though he wasn't tall, he towered over the small girl. She wouldn't be a problem to deal with.

" I'm sorry to tell you this, but you may need to rethink your tactics." She said sweetly, with little emotion in her voice. He frowned. " Please kindly release me, and I will let you go."

The man chuckled as he looked down at the little lady pushed against a wall.

Suddenly, the man was pushed to the other side of the narrow alleyway with a strong force. "Oh dear, are you alright?" She asked with a taunting voice. She stepped over to him and took the hand he had touched her with in hers. Although his hand was significantly larger that hers, she grabbed his wrist with her other hand and twisted.

The man screamed in pain. She looked up sweetly at him, kneed him in the thigh, and pushed the palm of her hand into his nose. She then released him and turned around to leave. He lunged for her, something she had been expecting. She grabbed his shirt and flipped him over her shoulder. She then proceeded to empty his pockets.

Lucid sighed unhappily. "This is why I like rich men better." Stepping on his hand and twisting it in the dirt, she clicked her tongue while counting the cash in her hands. "Oh my, only $500?" She gazed down at the now terrified guy. "Do you have any more?" She asked him innocently, while holding out her small palm. He quivered. She shook her head slightly, like a mother scolding her child. "What did I tell you?"

She left the man on the street and headed home. Little did she know, there was someone smiling in amusement at her retreating figure. A man who had intended to help her had been in for a surprise when it turned out his help wasn't needed.

"Interesting" he said quietly to himself. Walking towards the man, he plastered a pleasant smile on his face. "Who is she?" He asked forcefully. The man simply shook his head, terrified.

"How unfortunate you can't be of use to me." The mysterious man's smile turned cold. The beaten man curled into a ball and tried to scurry away from the cold man. " You shouldn't expect to be rewarded so easily" A step towards him. "Were you planning to simply rob her?" Another step. "Or Was it something else?"

A whimper escaped the curled up mans lips. "Your not worth my time." The cold man sneered and walked out of the alleyway. He knew he had more important matters. But he couldn't take his mind off of her eyes, so crazy, so cold and mocking as if the world owed her. He hadn't met anyone like her for a long time, and he wanted to meet her again soon.