

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · ファンタジー
75 Chs


Ana and Jennifer greeted him he asked them to come inside with a straight face and they did what he said.Jennifer was holding her bag in which there was her laptop and a few notes and book's and Ana was holding a pack of Brownies which she bought from the bakery while coming here.

Roby was in the kitchen as he heard that footsteps he came out and found Ana and Jennifer.Ana moved towards him and handed him the pack of Brownies."Well there was no need of it",Roby said with a cute little smile and Ana's heart started fluttering.

Jennifer was aware of the situation so she just tried to divert the topic and said,"we have came here for the first time so according to the book of manners it was quite necessary to bring these,so it's okay".

Roby told them to take seats on the dinning table he went to the kitchen and Zen followed him.Ana and Jennifer were sitting there on the table Jennifer took out her laptop and started checking out the work on which she was working last night.Robby and Zen came back there was a tray of juice in Roby's hands and tray of snacks in Zen's hands.

They placed there tray's on the table and took their seats.They sat in the manner by which Roby was sitting just in front of Ana and Zen was sitting in front Jennifer."I've made fresh juice I don't know what you would like to have so I made my favorites,",Roby said and asked them to have it with cookies.

All of them took their juices.Ana was feeling like she was in heaven,she was barely trying to put some serious expressions on her face.After a few minutes of silence Jennifer asked,"So have you completed your work?",Roby looked at her and said,"yeah I've done some work,wait let me show you",after saying this he went to his bedroom and brought his laptop.

He opened his laptop and showed them the slides which he had prepared for the project.Jennifer wasn't surprised at all because she knew that he always have brilliant idea's so she was just concerned about the final plans.Soon they completed watching the slides and all of them admired Roby's work as well.

Roby asked Zen to show his work so Zen brought his laptop and showed them his work.Jennifer never thought that Zen will have such brilliant ideas,actually he proposed excellent ideas they were amazing and unique ,more than both of Jennifer's herself and Roby's work.

Roby and Jennifer both were surprised but the thing was they both were happy also because they found a unique idea for the project.After knowing the details Zen shut down his laptop and looked at Roby.Roby was already looking at him with a bright shine in his eye's,seems like he was very proud of him.

All of them started discussing the topics and than decided to shortlist some ideas, GDR (Growth Development and Reproduction) was Jennifer's best idea they took it,Environmental causes and effect in causing abnormalities was Roby's best idea it was also shortlisted,and Zen's idea was Human psychology and it's changes.

After a lot of discussion they found out that they will get a lot of stuff related to psychology and they can present a lot of visual examples for their project so the final idea selected was of Zen's "Human psychology",they all started clapping at the end of the discussion.

"So now it is decided that what would be our topic for presentation we will divide the topics and will start the research work",Jennifer said took a little break and than continued,"You have done a great job,its amazing",she said while looking at Zen.He glanced at her and replied,"thank you",with a straight face.

"Why he can't smile"....."cold",Ana whispered.

"She seems arrogant but may be I felt wrong before",Zen in his mind.

Time flew away,discussion was that deep they didn't knew that how quickly time passed.6hours were passed it was now 2o'clock and all of the were tired.Jennifer stood up asked for leave Ana gave her a death glare as she wanted to stay there for few more hours.

She was about to say something but Roby interrupted and said,"if you don't mind can we have lunch together- like it's already late so we'll have lunch together than after lunch we will distribute the topics for research".Jennifer looked at him with a confused face.

Ana pinched her hand that made Jennifer look at her,she made a cute face with puppy eyes to insist her to stay."Ahh not again",Jennifer whispered.Zen looked at her and insisted a little to have lunch with them.Jennifer surrendered and agreed to stay.

Roby went to the kitchen for preparation of lunch,both girls asked him that if he need any help so he just denied and told them to rest and take it easy.Jennifer asked something about project,Zen started telling her the details.Ana was getting bored so she went to the kitchen.

Roby was there cutting vegetables on the shelf,Ana coughed a little and caught his attention.He looked back and revealed Ana,"Ah,do you need anything",he asked and smiled a little.Ana's heart beat fastened and she tried to control herself.

"Na-no,I don't need anything,I-I'm just here to help you,I thought may be you need some help so",she replied and tucked her hair with her hand.Roby looked straight into her eyes and she maintained the eye contact,she was having butterflies in her stomach.A beautiful cold breeze hit the window and made a huge voice.

They hurriedly looked in opposite directions in confusion after coming back to their senses.Ana moved towards the window and looked outside it was a pretty view from the window,she was looking outsides view and someone was looking at her.It was a dramatic change because in morning the weather was hot and this time it was beautiful and a little rainy.

Again the cold breeze hit the window and it started lightning,Ana tried to shut the window but her hand didn't reached it,she was struggling Roby just passed a smile and came near her.Her back was facing Roby.She was still trying to make efforts for shutting the window.

She felt someone's body attached with hers and than hands right there on hers,he held her hands and helped her in locking the window.Ana's heart skipped a beat Roby took a back step and she turned her face towards him and bumped into his hard chest which made him chuckle than she took a back step.There was a few inches difference between them.

She was turning red because of shyness and Roby was staring at her and a cute smile appeared on his face.She didn't uttered a single word and left the kitchen immediately.As she came out she didn't find anyone there so she just tried to calm herself and sat on the couch quietly.

On the other hand Jennifer was sitting on the chair peacefully she heard a hard sound of thunderstorm.She started feeling unconscious and started sweating when she again heard that sound,it was scary for her she closed her eyes tightly. Zen looked at her and asked her that if she was feeling okay or not.She didn't said a single word and asked him for bathroom.He told her the way.

She stood up as she was about to go Zen also stood up to grab some water from kitchen,the window opened and she saw the lightning thunderstorm,She turned back and hugged Zen because she was panicked ,he got confused that what just happened than he felt her hands shivering which was at his back.So without asking a single question he just hugged her back gently and rubbed it a little to make her comfortable.

*She felt a comfort in his embrace*

As it was there first time to hug an opposite gender.They never did such things before because they don't like touchy people.After a few minutes Jennifer felt a little calm and asked Zen to free her.He did as she said,"Are-are you okay now?",he asked gently in a soft voice.She looked at him and just hummed softly in response and went to the bathroom.

"Damn she looks so strong and brave but she's a little kiddo inside",Zen whispered and smiled than went to the TV launch as he forgot that he was about to go to grab some water before.

butterflies butterflies ... :)

A_jennie_creators' thoughts