

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Have you ever ...... (Tour ll)

Kyro turned again and started the music after a few seconds he stopped and turned back to see.It was in Zen's hand all the girls screamed wow.

"Well okay"

"who wanna ask the first question?",Kyro asked.

"Do you have a crush on someone?",Rose asked,her question made Jennifer curious she took a glance at her and then at Zen.His face expressions were straight and cold as usual.

"No I don't",he replied effortlessly, meanwhile he was thinking about Jennifer."Can't tell them right now because the one who's my crush didn't even know about my feelings yet".

"No crush??????",Jennifer in her mind her smile face expressions turned into straight expressions.

"Will you date me?",Molly asked and blew a flying kiss to him.

Jennifer have a death stare to her Zen noticed and was trying to control his laugh but manage to not change his expressions

"No",he replied coldly.

"That's my boy",Roby said and patted his shoulder.

*last question*

"Well I wanna ask him if I'm allowed",Ashley turned back towards him.

"Ofcourse you're allowed",Kyro replied.

"so have you ever kissed someone?",she asked.

"ohhh",few of them made noises like this.

Him in his thoughts,"many times in my imaginary world but in real life never found such a great chance to do something like this with her ahh my luck,I wish I can but....,come on Zen don't be stupid what are you thinking",came back to reality while mentally slapping himself.

Jennifer was staring at him seems like she was the most curious person in the whole bus to know the answer of this question.

"Oh god,please say no,say no",Jennifer in her mind.

"Yes",he replied and after hearing yes from his mouth Jennifer turned Pale and her heart skipped a beat due to shock.

"Actually I pecked that one person's forehead twice but never kissed that person",he told and a smile appeared on his face due to blush.

After hearing his words she got a flashback when lift broke down when she hugged him and he pecked her forehead and then the park scene when she was crying he hugged her and pecked her forehead.

"Is he talking about me?",she asked herself.

She felt a mental relief after hearing his words.She glared at him passed a smile he was looking at the back of the seat but he noticed her smiling.

"I see she's in relief now"

All of the students started teasing him by making sound's like,"wow"...."This cutie is in love".

"You never told me about that special one huh???",Roby asked Zen in a teasing tone.

"Bro",he replied while maintaining the straight face expressions.

"Okay so enjoy the music we'll play more games after reaching there",Kyro said and sat back to his seat.

Soft music was being played in the bus all of the couple's were enjoying the environment it was still dark outside so the Dim lights and soft music it was a perfect vibe.

Roby was staring at Ana and she was looking outside the window he was thinking of a strategy to talk to her Finally he got the courage,took a deep breath moved a little closer to her and said,

"Miss Ana"

"Huh??",as she heard his voice instantly she turned her face towards him there faces were about collapse her nose touched his and at that moment her heart fluttered and his heart beat also fastened.

He was staring at her at first her eye's then her pretty pink lips.

"Why she's looking special than before?",Roby in his thoughts while staring at her lips.

"I swear I'll bite him,his cheeks awww and his sharp jaw line, if he didn't moved backward in a minute,I'll kiss him for sure",Ana in her thoughts.

She moved backward and he cleared his throat to not to feel awkward.

"I-I'm sorry for hurting you",he said,there was guilt in his eyes for being rude and mean at the time when he had to be gentle.

"No,it was my fault I should be more careful about the things",She replied to him nervously.

"You're perfect just be the way you're",his words made her eyes watery.

"Am I so handsome so it brings you tears?",he asked in a low tone making her a blushing mess.

"uh_w-what,yeah i-i mean no",

"you wanna say that I'm not handsome"

"no it's not like that you're very handsome I mean uh I don't know what to say you're confusing me",she replied and he smiled at her condition.

She took a deep breath and smiled,"but you said that stop your clumsiness,you don't like clingy people",asked him.

"Be clingy with me I love that sh*t",he replied and looked straight into her eye's she looked at him his stare was enough to make her body shiver down her spine.She was having a rush of butterflies in her tummy.

"Stop looking at me with those eye's",she said while maintaining the eye contact.

"with what eyes",he replied and moved his face closer to her,"hmm?",asked.

She broke the eye contact and smiled while blushing hard.His mission became successful now he was happy so he sat on his seat properly closed his eyes meanwhile Ana who was still having butterflies in her tummy she was trying to control her expressions.

Zen was finding a topic to talk to Jennifer.After alot of efforts he didn't find itany topic so he started reading his book.

Jennifer took a glance at him and then his book."I also have this book but I've not started reading it yet",she said politely.He looked at her,"really?"he asked.

She passed a smile and nodded,"Your taste is similar to mine",she said.

"Ah almost",he replied.

They started discussing the book the discussion was so deep that they didn't realise how fast the time was passing almost an hour passed.A boy from the back stood up and stepped forward to have his bag which was placed in the rack's on front seats.

When he came near Zen the bus crossed the ramp his feet lost the stability and his back hit Zen as Zen was talking to Jennifer the distance between them was small The boy hit Zen's back which made him lean over her due to sudden move (a jerk)his lips touched her cheeks just right above her upper lip and pressed her skin.

When his lips touched her cheeks her face turned red and heart beat fastened.They both were trying to process that what is happening meanwhile they were in the same position his lips were resting on her cheek.

Jennifer got a rush of butterflies in her stomach due to this sudden move.Zen moved backward and putted his palm on his lips.

"I-I'm so sorry",he removed his palm from his lips and after saying this again placed it on them.

She was so confused and nervous she just nodded and without saying a single word moved her sight towards the window to avoid the eye contact with him.

"Sorry for disturbance",the boy said and left.

"sorry my foot",Zen whispered.

The situation was a little awkward because of the incident which just happened both of them didn't talked to eachother until the journey ended.

"He just kissed me!!!!!!",Jennifer in her thoughts with mixed feelings.

"I just pecked her cheeks",Zen his mind while touching his lips with his finger tips.

Jennifer fell asleep while resting her head on the seat's back,when she changed her head position she placed her head on his shoulder he was awake and enjoying the music the moment she placed her head on his shoulder his heart fluttered.

"This girl want me to do something really inappropriate",he said in his mind while staring at her.

"Still you're looking like a cute kitten having a nap peacefully, my cute scared little kitten",he whispered.

She was sleeping and he was staring at her all the time.

grateful thanks for showing this much love

A_jennie_creators' thoughts