

Sitting down looking through the cracked and stained glass from the long-abandoned houses on the outside of the city in a small subdivision with woody by his side after connecting to his new 'friends'. For some reason, the little guy seemed to come out of his depressed state quite fast all things considered.

He lost all his tree and plant friends and the only home he knew of but Woody was made out of sterner stuff. Already he is setting his roots down so to speak. Now he is getting the nutrition that he has been missing for the last few days of our escape. Or that is what I am assuming by the now freshly shed half-dead leaves on the ground around the old moldy couch.

Huffing to himself the last human was going over all that had happened since he entered this world. Looking down at his last remaining hand he tried to steady it but every time he moved his nerves and muscles would spasm causing him to freeze up. "fuck" He whispered without his hands... He stared down at his shaking limb going deep into thought.

Thinking over different ways to ensure his survival, he started to think about his magic. Runes have the power to inscribe words or concepts down into most surfaces to get the desired reaction. Most of the runes he had been using were not from a specific language more like his body following the shortest and easiest route to making the desired effect. But thinking it over further than he had before is it inscribing or was it the intent being the fuel to change one inscription to become the desired effect?

Ideas started to flow as the sun still hung high into the sky without the day or night cycle he has only been sleeping when he became tired after A2 had left so did his clock. Leaning back into the musty couch in the broken apartment taking another glance at where Woody rests his roots. Looking away from the front yard he closed his eyes going deeper in thought on how to overcome his newest setback.

Grimacing as the pain kept shooting over his cooked skin at every movement no matter how soft rubbed the damaged skin was. After a couple of times of him trying to scratch an itch with his left hand. Every time his eyes closed it would flash back to the days before with the near-death experience.

After realizing he wouldn't get any sleep he went about to relieve himself no matter how many times he takes a piss it is still hard to pee with only one hand while using his damaged arm to hold up his leather pants. Not to mention taking a shit was now uncomfortable with the damaged skin rubbing on his pants and arms.

Now that he was done reliving himself he sat down in the only chair still somewhat being held together by hopes and dreams. Focusing on the table he brought his stump forward hovering above the table and going through the familiar motions with the warmth in his chest. As it spread out from his chest past the damaged skin and nerves he had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from trembling. As the warmth went past the damaged skin it reminded him of what caused his injuries.

Fighting back bile from the back of his throat he pressed down hard on his emotions attempting to keep a cool and calm head as his body fought him with vigor. As the mana flowed through his shoulder he started to shake slightly as his mind tried to show him flashes and his nose picked up the smell of burnt pork.

Feeling bile rising harder the more he pressed the mana down into his stump he watched the still-healing skin start to steam as the paste-coated appendage started to glow slightly. Hardly noticeable at first. But a closer look showed a faint reddish-black aura flowing off the stump before dissipating in the air.

Slumping back into the rickety chair which groaned in protest while he was swallowing down his bile a pain-filled grimace flashed across his face at the taste of blood coming from the hole he put in his cheek. Slumping forward onto the table as sweat pooled underneath him as the effort it took for him to utilize his mana outside his body... but it was a success controlling the mana outside his body took a toll. It was possible maybe not now but maybe in the future.

A wide almost crazed smile spread across his face as another crazy idea came to mind one that if work would be a boon. Sitting up straight closing his eyes bringing forth the same warm energy this time instead of flowing it through his arms he brought it into his lungs. After thoroughly coating his lungs he mentally pulled it into his esophagus toward his mouth. Accompanying the pins and needles was the mana flowing upward. It almost felt as if he was sitting on the toilet for too long as his throat numbed.

After he gathered a mouthful of mana his eyes dilated as if he was experiencing a euphoric moment. After working his jaw a few times his blank mind came up with a word. "Crumble" the word didn't sound like any language he had ever heard before it was rough sounding as if an avalanche of stones ground together. It didn't sound human.

As the word left his mouth it was accompanied by the majority of the mana he had built up. The man shot out down toward where the table sat. A small flash of light appeared searing an unrecognizable pattern into the metal. As the symbol glowed the table from the legs up started to turn into sand. In the blink of an eye, the once-rusted table turned into a pile of rusty metal sand.

A grin worked its way to the last human's face as he threw his head back letting out a raspy laugh. Bringing his good hand up to his throat he rubbed away at the numb feeling crawling up from his chest. Something dropped onto his shoulder as he looked up at the house around him and started to turn to dust.

Not thinking any further he rushed out of the house as it started to collapse into itself. A grin split on his face as Woody popped his head out of the ground turning from the house to the human narrowing his eyes. "Well, bud time to move no telling who heard that." Rubbing his throat wishing for some honey as his throat was dry and irritating to use right now. Thoughts for later. Woody gave one last glare at him before letting out a resigned sigh extracting itself from the comfy and food-filled ground. The grumbling that came out sounded like wind flowing through the leaves of a tree.

A/N: So I was planning another A2 chapter but it would have read out like a hunter tracking her prey so I decided to get some ability development going. Thanks for the thoughts!
