

Ila enters his personal lab and looks at the surprisingly pristine nature of the room. He doesn't see a single particle of dust anywhere. 'Hmm, strange.' Ila thinks to himself. He looks around to see if all of his belongings were still there.

His bed was off to the side, still perfectly made even after 10,000 years. His main console in the middle of the room, other secondary consoles lining the walls all covered by the white covers that they used when covering consoles that weren't in use for sometime and a stasis chamber in between two of the secondary consoles. A table and chairs in a corner. There was a secondary room that was dedicated as his bathroom/laundry/wardrobe room that was right across the entrance of the lab. The floor was still the same color as the rest of the floors of Atlantis but the surprising difference between the walls inside the lab and the rest of Atlantis was something to gasp at. The walls when not covered by the secondary consoles was full of Ila's art. He had painted them himself over the somewhat bland teal color of the walls in other rooms of Atlantis. Beautiful paintings showing what appears to be a young boy with his mother, another showing the same boy with another young boy. Some were of the Atlantis itself, with different scenarios. One where she was just resting atop the waters, another where she was in space, and another where she was fighting off multiple Wraith Hive ships.

Ila headed towards the secondary room while peeling off his sweaty and battle worn captain's uniform, leaving them on the floor in a line. He got into the shower and saw that his shampoo/conditioner was still somehow there and in a usable condition. 'This is quite strange. It must be mother again. Knowing her, she must be laughing at the preposterous situation that I am in.' Ila thought to himself as he showered.

Dr. Weir glanced down at her tablet to confirm that the room she was standing in front of was where the living, breathing Lantean was. She hesitated for a few seconds before ringing the doorbell.

Ila heard the chimes coming from the speakers around the lab, alerting him that someone was outside of his lab. He leans out of the shower to press an octagonal button and said, "Hello, I am currently taking a shower. If you would like to speak about something please come in and wait for me. I'll be right out."

Dr. Weir was startled by the abrupt sound of Captain Ila telling her that he was taking a shower and that she should come in. She hesitates again for a few seconds and enters his lab. She looks around and is immediately enraptured by the beautiful works of art on the walls and the amount of consoles in the room. She sees his neat bed and a pile of dirty clothes heading towards a room. She can hear the sounds of water hitting his body.

She calls out to him. "Captain Ultum? I was wondering if we would be able to talk after you finished with your shower? I am sure we have a lot to discuss!"

She could hear him turning off the shower. Then a bit of rustling of fabric against flesh and then the silvery voice of the Captain saying, "Of course Dr. Weir, it would be my pleasure in talking to the leader of the people who have taken on my people's legacy and protected it from the Wraith. I would like to personally thank you and your people for the wonderful job you have done in preserving the city as best as you can. I had scanned Atlantis with my ship, the Invictus when I had exited hyperspace in orbit. She seems to have been in a battle recently and a bit of water damage in the lower levels of the city but what else could you expect when the city was submerged for 10,000 years."

Ila walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower half. His lean upper body looking like an Olympian gods body. Dr. Weir stared at the Adonis in appreciation. She cleared her throat and said, "Thank you for your praise! I wanted to talk with you one-on-one before the IOA back on Earth send one of their members to discuss how to deal with this situation. I wanted to talk about the possibility of sharing knowledge of both our cultures and our technologies, though I know our technology level is way beneath your people's, I would like to believe that you would be willing to help us in our struggles against the Wraith."

"Of course. I would be more than willing to help you and your people. I can use your peoples assistance anyway. I am the only one left of my people as it seems and I don't have the manpower required to take the fight to the Wraith by myself. I am willing to teach a select number of your scientists about how things work. I may be able to provide locations of our shipyards if they haven't been destroyed by the Wraith. There is a lot that we can both benefit from and so I would like to offer a token of friendship by teaching you about this city and it's many secrets!" Ila said to a very ecstatic Dr. Weir.

"Thank you for this. Many of this galaxy hoped for the return of your people from what I have heard and I believe that the actions we are taking and the decisions we will be making is the first step towards your people's, the Lantean's resurrection! I'll take my leave and discuss this with my expedition and the people back at Earth. Please, rest well." Dr. Weir enthusiastically said as she exited Ila's lab. She quickly boarded a transporter and went to the gate room.

At the gate room, Sheppard, McKay, and Caldwell could be seen talking to Teyla and Ronon, no doubt telling the two Pegasus natives the good news.

"This is wonderful news, is it not!" Teyla told the group, "My people have always said that the Ancestors would one day return, and it seems that today was that day!"

"Yeah, my people had also talked about how the Ancestors would return and destroy the Wraith, once and for all. I, personally, am glad to be able to see the return of the Ancestors and I am willing to help him in killing as many Wraith as I can!" Ronon added.

"Well, with him and his ship here to help, we definitely have a better chance of fighting the Wraith. With the things that Hermiod has told me about him, he seems to have a big reputation as a scientist, mainly in his genetics research for the Asgard but also for his other fields of study. Though, apparently he had even more restrictions put on him that Janus did. Hermiod contacted the Asgard High Council about him and they want to set up a meeting." Caldwell told the group. "I am waiting to see what Dr. Weir has to say about this."

Just as Caldwell finished telling the group, Weir comes up the stairs and makes her way towards the group. "Well, I spoke with Captain Ila, and he has agreed to help. He agreed to teach our scientists about his peoples technologies, and also possibly take us to Ancient shipyards if they are still there and not destroyed by the Wraith that is."

"Ancient shipyards would be really good, especially if we can find one intact. It would let us see how they built their ships and help us making more! " McKay said.

"Hermiod said that the Asgard High Council was requesting to meet with Captain Ila. I was waiting for you to hear what you had to say about this. If you give the go ahead, Hermiod will call an Asgard ship to escort the High Council to Atlantis." Caldwell informed Weir.

"The Asgard High Council are actually leaving the Ida galaxy to come here? Well, I guess it makes sense that they would want to personally talk with one of their oldest allies." McKay chimed in.

"Well, tell Hermiod that I will inform Captain Ila of the High Councils desire to meet. I am sure that he would accept. As Rodney said, they are old allies." Weir said as Ila, dressed in Lantean clothes, walked up the stairs. Weir turns towards Ila, "Captain, it seems that the Asgard High Council want to meet with you. Hermiod said that they would be sending an Asgard ship to come to Atlantis to meet with you. He just wanted to go ahead to tell the High Council to come here."

"Yes, I'd be more than willing to meet with my old allies. I wonder if they have fixed the problem with their genome degradation. If not, I would be willing to help with that. I have to speak with the council to see what they have tried and hopefully give input that would prove useful to them." Ila replied.

"Great, I'll tell Hermiod that you would be willing to meet." Caldwell said as he opened a channel to the Daedalus, "Hermiod, Captain Ila said that he would be willing to meet with the High Council and that he also wanted to help out with the cloning problem you guys have."

"Tell the Captain that I thank him for his assistance and that the High Council will be here in a little less than a day." Hermiod signed out as he took the necessary actions to inform the council of Ila's decision. Hopefully, this can benefit all parties, the Asgard, Tau'ri, and the Ancients.

Hey guys. I said that there wouldn't be a chapter until December but I felt bad and just got motivated to finish writing this chapter. I actually had to rewrite the chapter because it was pretty bad. I still don't think this is way better but it is an improvement. I also had to reread the older chapters and I made some decisions that I like and some that I don't. But I won't be rewriting them. At least not right now. This is just a sorry to those that were waiting for a new chapter. Even though that is kinda weird for me, someone being invested in my story that they couldn't wait for the next chapter. Anyway I digress. Thank you for enjoying my story, and until next time! Thanks!

FlashyAlicreators' thoughts