
Chapter 92

Jial led Plo Koon and Sha Koon to the Kel Dor district. It was a district that was placed in a dome near the center of Wyne.

At the entrance, Jial put on special goggles and a breather before heading into an air lock.

Once inside the dome, the two Kel Dor removed their goggles and masks, revealing their true appearances.

Both had silver irises which showed that they were Force Sensitives, a special trait of their race.

Their noses could be described as falling short of becoming a beak, with a gaping opening that descended to the mouth, a toothless chasm with drooping fleshy strands. In place of teeth, Kel Dor had an upper and lower hard-palate, visible only when they pulled their lips back.

The duo took in deep breaths of the air. It was rare that they could return home. Real Dorin Gas tasted so different compared to the artificial version that their masks provided.

At least according to them.

The trio went to the Kel Dor embassy where they were given a room to have the meeting in.

As soon as they sat down, Plo Koon started with a declaration.

"I know you have Gunray."

"But knowing and having evidence of something are two very different things," Jial countered, not denying his claims

"You need to release him so he can face trial," Sha Koon told him

"You are both Kel Dor. You know that the Senate will put him on trial and nothing will happen when they do. Would that be just for the people of Naboo?"

The two Jedi went silent about that. They had strong personal beliefs that didn't align with the current ideals of the Jedi Order but they were some of the truest Jedi around, ranking just below Master Fay.

While Master Fay followed the Will of the Force and exuded justice through it, Kel Dor Jedi usually followed rough justice, seeing the galaxy in black and white.

They knew just how corrupt the Trade Federation was and how the blockade was nothing more than a way for them to force their objectives and unfavorable terms in Naboo.

"Would you just keep him in your cells forever?"

"I'm sure that the Viceroy will be found wondering around on Coruscant in a few years, drugged up like a junkie. Then maybe the Senate can play their game with him."

The two Jedi shared a look before nodding toward Jial.

"You can keep him for another 2 years and some months. 3 years total for what he did, though we know that will not bring back all the lives lost due to his attack."

Plo Koon wanted to punsih Gunray more severely but unfortunately, that would be a total violation of galactic law.

So he settled for a more minor version of breaking galactic law.

"Then we have an agreement. You both want to 'investigate' for a few more days so you can stay here?"

Jial knew that they rarely got to go back home so be wanted to let them take a small vacation. The pair agreed and thanked him.

Jial left the district and returned back to Cleopatra who was in charge of Gunray's imprisonment. He wanted her to torture him but leave him with no marks indicating that it was them that captured him.

'I hate being a politician,' Jial complained to himself mentally

The next 8 days with the Jedi present were very peaceful. Since they came to an understanding on the first day, neither side had any animosity to the other.

The two had also visited Anakin as well. Jial could only complain about Plo Koon once more.

He was indeed, the best and worst Jedi Jial had ever met.

Plo Koon managed to show off all the best aspects of the Jedi while diminishing their monk lifestyles.

Telling a former slave that he was richer as a slave than most powerful Jedi was not really a great recruitment booster.

On the day that they were leaving, Jial had even confronted him jokingly on it.

"Jedi don't believe that omission is lying?"

"I just left out the boring details," Plo Koon joked

"You two ever think about leaving the Jedi Order? We would love to have you."

"Of course, we have thought about it," Sha Koon agreed. "But we believe that we can do kore good as Jedi than in othe positions."

"Shame," Jial shook his head

The Jedi took off from the planet and returned to Coruscant where they met with the Jedi Council. They reported the situation to them in full detail.

"So you just agreed to let him keep a prisoner he has no right to keep," Windu asked in frustration

"We have no proof. Knowing something and having evidence of something are two very different things," Plo Koon defended his choice by quoting Jial

"This is the best solution we could come to without directly accusing them and offending the Yautja, Masters," Sha Koon also gave her input

Even if they were personally on good terms with Jial, the Jedi and Republic had a tense relationship with him. They couldn't just push him as much as they wanted.

"He has kidnapped a member of the Republic. No matter what, he must face trials fairly and not be judged by outsiders," Windu condemned their way of thinking

"We do not serve the Republic, Grand Master," Plo Koon argued

"We are the Knights of the Republic. ;) Our duty is to uphold it on their behalf when they are unable to enforce their policies."

Windu was not going to compromise. He was ready to take a group of Jedi and fight it out with Jial directly if he didn't hand over Gunray.

Many in the Council frowned. Windu was the Grand Master and had the final say but his views were considered radical by most.

This was the biggest complaint that many Jedi had with Windu. He was too loyal to the Republic and had the Jedi act on their behalf several times when they normally would not.

In the end, the meeting ended with Windu deciding to send a different group of Jedi to 'question' the Yautja once more. This time with Jedi that were more in like with Windu's way of thinking
