
Chapter 62

While the others split off to handle the various wars they were asked to take part in, Jial made a journey back to Coruscant. Jial's ship flew toward a giant colosseum and parked nearby in the Yautja's private section. 

As soon as his mighty figure walked down the ramp, he was greeted by several of the workers with their heads bowed.

"We pay respects to the Emperor!" they all greeted at the same time

"At ease," Jial held up his hand. Even though he did not like the title given to him, he had to stick with it. He had accidentally become an emperor after all. The group of workers gave one more bow before walking around and getting back to work. The Colosseum was incredibly busy after all. 

The Great Colosseum was finished with its creation 30 years prior and was one of the largest attractions on the planet. It brought in millions of credits every day with some days even netting the place billions if they put on their premium shows. 

Jial walked into the building before heading through a series of paths. He ended up outside of a door where he pressed his hand on the scanner by the door. A green line appeared on the scanner that moved up and down to scan not only his fingerprints but also his DNA. Once it confirmed his identity, Jial walked in to see the two in charge of the Great Colosseum. 

One was Kroq who was still wearing the same golden armor as he had been wearing before. The other was a red Twi'lek with black, runic tattoos wearing a very revealing black outfit. The woman also had two lightsabers strapped to her waist. 

Darth Talon was a powerful Sith Lord whose skills with the Force were only outperformed by her skills with the blade. When in battle, it seemed like she was dancing as she moved around the battlefield and beheaded countless foes. 

Both Kroq and Talon were not only in charge of overseeing the arena but also their most famous combatants. With their skills in battle, many would flock from all over to see them in the battle or fight them themselves for a chance for glory. And the chance to make them each a slave was also a desirable reason to try and beat them in combat. One was a giant lizard that had beaten down 5 wookies with his bare hands while the other was a sexy Twi'lek that could work as a bodyguard, assassin, and nighttime companion. Whenever either of them entered the arena, the Great Colosseum earned hundreds of billions from bets made against them, everyone hoping to strike it big as the duo lost against those that came against them. 

The pair turned as they heard the door open. As soon as the pair saw him, they both bowed to show their respect.

"Master," the dup greeted in perfect synchronicity 

"Enough of that," Jial told them, tired of always being knelt towards

"We can't show you disrespect in front of such guests," Talon told him, hinting that there were others in the room but Jial already knew that. The Gene-Seed Implants increased his senses to levels where it was nearly impossible to sneak up on him. In fact, he had to numb himself in such situations due to the large number of noise, smells, and sights

Jial turned to see several important figures from various worlds gathered in the booth as well as Ashri, the daughter of Shri and the new leader of The Pride. Jial nodded to all of them before walking to the top of the booth where his seat was with Kroq, Talon, and Ashri right on his tail. The 4 sat down on the second level seating with Talon and Ashri on each side of Jial. The former was slowly moving her fingers up and down Jial's arm, causing a part of him to stir. He had to grab her hand and do the best glare that he could behind the mask

"Not now, Talon," Jial told her with rugged breaths

"Later. Understood," Talon teased him with which he could only sigh

He turned his attention to the arena floor to try and help calm himself down but that did not help. It was a pleasure match.

They would gather teams of scantily clad women and have them battle it out in the arena. The losers would be auctioned off at the end of the fight for the highest bidder to spend a night with them while the winners would be free of such burden unless they accepted the offers. The two teams competing were a team of Togruta and a team of Twi'leks.

The match had apparently been going on for a while because of the 10 that started on each side, only 3 remained for each. And all of them had been stripped down to only their panties or nothing at all. 

"Take off her panties!"

"Let's see those cheeks shake!"

"Bring em down! I want me a Togruta warrior tonight!"

The men and women in the crowd shouted obscenities, cheering for one side to strip or beat the other so they could start the auction sooner. Besides the matches with Kroq and Talon, these brought in the most money to the Colosseum. 

"What brings you here, Lord Jial? Last I heard, you just agreed to partake in a few civil wars," Ashri asked, bringing his attention away from the fights

"That's what capable subordinates are for," Jial told her. "You've seen how powerful my people are. They are more than skilled for a few petty wars."

His armies had state-of-the-art droids, ships, and weapons as well as Astartes, Force Users, Mandalorians, and some of the deadliest creatures that had ever existed. It wasn't arrogant that Jial thought this. His army was simply something that the Galaxy had never seen before.

"True. That still doesn't answer why you are here, though," the Togruta pressed on

"Family matters," Jial said, not even wanting to discuss it

Ever since his family had found out he was the leader of Yautja, they had come to him and expected constant handouts. An aunt who had visited his parents once, a man who married into the family with one of his cousins that he had never met, someone who had once poisoned him by accident as a child. They all came asking for credits or favors from him. 

After so many favors, he bought them a compound on Coruscant as well as gave them a large amount of credits that could last normal families 50 years even if they spent it lavishly. After that, he cut ties with them. For his own sanity and their safety. He didn't want anyone to use them against him as a few had tried to do. None were successful since he didn't care about the people they took but it was still easier to just cast his family off than to receive several ransom notes and pieces of Feeorins at random. 

They had tried to ask for more credits and things over the years several times but Jial ignored them each time. This time though, it was his parents who had called for him. And they said that it was a true emergency. 

So Jial stopped himself from going off to battle with the others to deal with his family matters.

Ashri wisely stopped asking questions and continued to watch the match in silence. It was the Togruta who had won, with the last 3 still standing proudly, even though they were naked in front of thousands. The Togruta walked off in one direction while the Twi'leks in another, ready to be auctioned off after they got the chance to apply medicine to their wounds and get dressed. 

Just as the match ended, the door to the lower part of the booth opened and Jial had several sets of feet making their way up the stairs. 

He turned to see several Feeorin, all blue as he used to be before altering his genes. The oldest-looking of the group was a male that looked similar to Jial.

"Son," the older Feeorin said

"Father," Jial greeted back before turning to look at the arena once again. They had just brought out a Praetomorph that had been altered to have 4 scythe-like arms and stood over 5 meters tall. A group of men and women wearing only loincloths and chest wraps walked out of the other side of the arena. They each had a simple sword and shield in their hands but they numbered over 100. 

"That all you have to say after 20 years of leaving us here?" the man asked with anger in his voice. He was over 200 years old and none of his other children had ever spoken to him like this. 

"All you had to say after 20 years of not seeing me was that you needed a favor. This seems to be a repeat of that," Jial spoke coldly. He cared little for familial ties. Only those who showed him kindness had the opportunity to see his kindness. 

Jial's father was about to say something else but a female Feeorin stopped him. 

"Enough bickering, you two," Jial's mother said. "I truly called you here because we need your help."

"What now?" Jial asked impatiently while watching one of the Praetomorph's claws tear through 5 people in a single swing

"Your eldest brother, Tilk, went to Madalore on business. He should have been back a week ago but we haven't heard from him. At first, we thought it was just him playing around when we called you but it had been too long now. Can you try and investigate it for us?" the woman asked, knowing that she was putting her son in a difficult position. 

Not politically but personally. Tilk and Jial had never gotten along, even as children. Both were too stubborn for their own good. Even though he was nearly 60 years older than Jial, Tilk still bullied the boy constantly due to how arrogant Jial was. Their feuding was also the reason Jial had left home at such a young age and became a pirate/smuggler.

"I have some contacts. I'll have them check it out," Jial told her while shooting Ashri a look to which the woman nodded. Although they were known to be impressive assassins, The Pride also had a spy network that was nearly on par with the Bothans.

"Thank you. Please let us know if you find out anything," the woman said before dragging her husband and the other family members away, not wanting them to cause a fight. She couldn't afford losing her son because her family didn't know when to keep their mouths shut.
