
The Schematics

William walked into his quarters, the door closing behind him. He moved to where his bed would be, watching it as it raised from the floor. He fell on the soft cushion and groaned. That was an experience, and while he did like hunting rebels, he had enough for one day. He stared at the ceiling for a moment before turning his attention to where his desk would be. He recalled the disc he took from that girl and jumped up, the desk sliding out as he approached. William rotated the chair and sat down, looking at the picture of his sister and himself once more. For some disturbing reason, he saw that rebel's terrified expression where he should have seen his sister's beautiful smile. He shrugged it off and looked to the terminal.

The holographic screen activated, a rectangular projection coming from a small projector embedded in the desk. Another projector activated and created a hologram of a keyboard. Looking towards the hologram of a screen, William began typing. Maneuvering through his options, William selected the one labeled 'Unidentified Data Disc'. William accessed it and images began popping up all over his screen.

Lists of materials, weapons schematics, level layouts, designs, and finally, a shape, It looked like an old Star Destroyer used back in the Clone Wars, a Venator. William paused his train of thought, looking at the dimensions for this Venator duplicate. He gasped. Based on these numbers, this ship was supposed to be twice the size of the common Imperial Star Destroyer. William focused on the weapon schematics once more, and was startled to the core. Ten Octuple Turbolaser barettes, five on both the starboard and port side, with a plethera of Ion Cannons and Turbolaser batteries scattering the hull of the ship, a total of three hundred. William completely threw away the question of why the rebels would even have these schematics, how would they even be able to construct a vessel of this magnitude? The amount of material they would need for this would be astonishing, and the only people that had access to said material was the Empire, so if they raided that material, it would be easy to track.

Forget that, even if they got the material, constructing a vessel of that magnitude will draw attention, there's no way they would even be able to build it in any space port without any Imperial spies noticing-


They wouldn't be able to build a ship of that magnitude in Imperial space, but as William could recall, some of the sectors that had been a part of the Separatists back in the Clone Wars were still unconquered, and the Empire was still technically at war with the Separatists, albeit what remained of their forces since their leadership was decimated. However, there were still pockets of resistance within the systems they had controlled.

One being the planet of Gwori.

A planet that still, to his knowledge, had the capabilities to produced frigates.

A planet that would gladly aid the rebels fight the former Republic. After all, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

William knew his next destination, and before walking away from the desk, he looked at the screen and read the name of the design.

'Centurion-class Star Destroyer'

He grinned, getting up and storming out of his quarters.


I would like to offer my deepest apologies for this belated chapter.

Long story short, life just keeps geeting busier, and I somehow redeveloped an addiction for gaming, so if you'd like to blaim anything, blaim Apex and Overwatch.

Other than that, I hope you all like the direction this story is heading. Leave any comments you'd like.

Stay safe and healthy.


The_Arc1t3ctcreators' thoughts